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  1. ♫Happy happy birthday happy happy birth happy happy birthday ♫
  2. Huzzah, Welcome I say first to be the one ^.^ fun and luck you must have. (Ninja'd so this statement if partially false T.T) [ Flaaffy Welcomes you! ]
  3. Youre Avatar makes me lol Welcome fellow friend ^.^
  4. Back in my day we did a little thing called talking to people in person instead over thid here interwebs ma bobber...
  5. FluffyFox


    Banned because your first wasn't a Flaaffy!
  6. Flaaffy puts on a head band and uses BRICK BREAK! *Bows to fallen opponent*
  7. Trubbish unloved by the masses, except for those with good taste 8/10 Flaaffy approves
  8. I'm so tough I never returned a redbox movie ... and got away with it Mwhahahaha.
  9. 7/10 Would have been a 10/10 but the shark ate a point, the face on her shest ate one and she ate one (could be one on her neck but I guess it wasn't hungry 0 o.o
  10. Fluffeh's Sad Lil' Gallery Welp ok here I am setting up shop once more... well not shop par say more like a gallery where you all can bask in the glory that is my awesomness and sheer stupendous ability to sprite. Ok now that my ego level is through the roof, here are some of my Sprites I have made in the past, and hopefully will be making some more whenever I feel like it. It’d be wonderful if you could reply with a 1/10 rating of each one and why you thought so with your responses so I can get valid feedback. By the way if you just post “Good work bro” I’ll make sure a certain Flaaffy visits you at night. Only got these four for now, due to a previous computer crashings making me lose ALOT of my work *Sadface* NOW ON TO ART!!!!!!!!!
  11. Hello all, as you can tell by the title of this topic this is MY intro thread. *Holds up a fancy glass of apple juice* "Cheers I say!" A couple things to know about me, I'm pretty easy going and fun loving. I am a guy, so let's get that out of the way call me whatever your heart’s desire because sticks and stones and all that jazz. I am Also a retro video gamer, as such has completed every MegaMan games buster only (when allowed, blasted Wily Stages) But without a doubt my all-time favorite game would be a little game called Legend of Zelda Majora's mask. (Looking forward to the "end of the world" so I can blast the final hours OST from the game while I wait) Hmm what else would you people of reborn like to know bout the Fluffy one... Favorite pokemon include and are not limited to... anything adorable... Eevee/lutions, and Flaaffy are a given. But on to more pressing stuffs people "care" about. I have been playing semi-competativly for about a year now, you may or may not know me as a PBCer or Mafia Beta Ninny. I also sprite, roleplay, and other fun stuffs of the like. In real life since you all MUST know this part, I am a college student studying to be a social worker. So yeah not too much info but I shall part you all with this message So with these parting words that you should always remember The Flaaffy is watching you... plotting Ciao~ [Ps I am the king of typos]
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