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John Doe

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Everything posted by John Doe

  1. The fact that no one but Hark got it was disappointing...
  2. I have no clue who you are. But I'm going to pretend I do. Welcome back dude!
  3. Did you ever become the very best? Like no one ever was?
  5. If you're trying to seduce me,you've succeeded... ♥
  6. So I used to live in West Philadelphia,right? Well,I usually spent most of my time just hanging out and playing sports at my local playground near my school. But get this,some ass-hats started showing up at the playground. They shoved my friends in the kid's sand-box,obviously I didn't want to put up with their crap. One thing lead to another and eventually got into a fight with them. The next day,my mom heard about,and oh boy...was I trouble. Turns out these guys were gangsters. My mother,who was disappointed,but worried about me decided to give me some money so I could move to a town in California called Bel-Air where my aunt and uncle lived. So I waited for a taxi to come pick me up. To this day I still don't understand why I didn't take a plane... Anyway,the taxi driver was a pretty cool guy,he had a nice pair of sunglasses and even some dice on his mirror,unfortunately he didn't smell to good. When we finally got to Bel-Air I told the taxi driver I'd talk to him later (I lied). I was soon greeted by my new family. The most remediable of my new family members were my uncle,who was dick to me all the time. Then there was my cousin,who I shoved into the school lockers daily...nerd. But the most astonishing thing about this whole experience is that I never new my uncle and aunt as well as my cousin were black. I'm one of the whitest people on the planet,as well as my mother. The fact that her brother was African was surprising. Anyway,I'm getting off track,and this is getting pretty long...so I'll just skip to the end. After a few years of staying in Bel-Air everyone got to know me. They seemed to like me a lot too...a bit too much...they started to ADORE me...they started acting as if I was a...what's the right word...a Prince. I moved soon after these events started to occur,it was making me feel unsettled. Before I left my uncle came to me and said one thing..."You know you're white,don't you?" I didn't respond to this answer,feeling that I would humor him in some way. Right when I was about to step into my taxi to leave,my cousin came up and gave me a golden crown...it had purple velvet too...he then winked at me,blew me a kiss and skipped off back to the house. I still don't know what the crown is supposed to mean...if it means anything at all...oh well. Thankfully,once I got home everything returned to normal. So,here I am. Telling you my story of how I became The Prince o-okay, this is bullshit. This never happened. Ever. I've lied to you. You've been dooped. I tricked you. Do you honestly think someone like me would go outside,nonetheless go to the playground and play sports? NO! As a matter of fact,if my friends WERE getting bullied by thugs I would probably just sit there and laugh. C'mon now,those thugs MUST have a sense of humor right? I mean they shoved them in a KID'S SAND BOX! That's pretty damn funny. Anyway,I hope you had fun wasting your time reading this. Next time I'll tell of you how I stopped a nuclear catastrophe. Pffft.
  7. As a ginger,I find this to be 100% true.
  8. My dreams have been crushed...I might as well quit my dream career as a chuckologist...
  9. Quick definition of "John Doe." A name given to someone who is dead or gone missing (or in this case,comatose) who's real name is unknown. And thanks for the welcome,I see myself avidly visiting these fourms.
  10. Your sacrifice will be in vein. I have an O blood-type.
  11. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  12. I thank you all for your warm welcome(s). B]
  13. Probably Gengar or Snorlax. Snorlax just doesn't care about anything,and not caring is cool. Gengar because I've been able to make people rage-quit matches with me while I use him. I was battling this one guy and I knew he was gonna go for the High-Jump Kick,so I switch into Gengar and he K.O.s his on Scrafty. Immediately after this he sends me a PM stating that I was cheating. (Mind you,this was on Pokemon Online.)
  14. So I called 9-1-1 and asked for you,but then whoever picked up hung up on me. The strange part is,that about 10 minutes later police were at my house and I don't know why...
  15. We hope to see you again in the future dude...
  16. Mashed taters.

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