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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ringabel

  1. That feel when everyone who plays this game admits the community is shit..... and then still post on this thread thus adding to the community instead of trying to fix the problems or let it die for the greater good of the multiverse. That feel when you go to Hearthstone thread because you relesie this game sucks and nothing's happens there but the threads for League, by far a much worse game, are still getting posted on everyday. That feel when you think it's best to an AVGN tribute where you review MOBAs as a more up to date and younger version of The Nerd would.
  2. I have yet to play this is game but I must say i prefer the Wario version.
  3. That feel when you have no idea what "projecting" means
  4. That feel when you're at home and wanna talk but NOTHINGS IS HAPPENING ON ANY SITE YOU USE OR EVEN SKYPE............
  5. That feel when you post on and follow a thread and then no one posts...
  6. I have just started playing this game on a whim and I love it. I would like people on the NA sever to teach in this game's ways. Also just to have fun. My name there's "ZNPDavid" because non of my normal names would fit. No really, I loved this game from the tutorial alone I've been playing solely it for all day and last night.
  7. That feel when not sure if honest or just an asshole.
  8. That feel when I find out I'm that "I need a boyfriend!" mode again...
  9. So I was like "Eh. Fuck it. I'll try Hearthstone". So I'm trying Hearthstone. am I doing it wrong? Because it feels like I'm doing it wrong.
  10. I've learned I won't really get into anymore MMORPGs other than Spiral Knights, which is more like a top-down Zelda MMO. And I tried the Smite tutorial. I ahted it. And now everyday of life seams the same. Ugh. Come on, guys, think outside the box! I'm okay with flash games. Please keep trying!
  11. I know what they are, and I think the fact they're based on Gods instead of the rules of a world is un-creative compared to League. I say what I will about League, but the lore , world, and characters in that game are amazing. Never the less, Smite is free, so I'm downloading it on Steam right now because it's free. If it stays on my pc come the end of next day, we have yet to see. I"m betting on it WON'T but I am hoping to be wrong on that.
  12. Thanks, Aqya. I liked the PMU game. A little clunky, but fun. Also... Really? Another MOBA? After I slammed LoL so hard? I don't really see how having less creative characters and a switched camera view is gonna help much. Anyone else got ideas?
  13. That feel when the signs are pointing to llamas and alpacas will raise above us all and replace us with them as the only ones to use all the powerful devices we've made unless we make a Pokemon out of them in a real Pokemon game made by Gamefreak. ONLY THEY CAN STOP THE COMEBO OF THE ALPACALYPSE AND THE LLAMAGEDDEON! PREY FOR US!
  14. I think I'll try Pokemon Mystery Universe. Wish me luck! EDIT:Really dumb thing. But I got stuck in my house because I don't how to start typing in chat instead of controlling the game. I tried enter and / but neither work and I feel like an idiot right now.
  15. Okay. So, I tried playing League of Legends. I give it a fair try. And I was right about it. I know I might get hate for this. However, I found the game to be dull, repetitive, fun draining, and a game with the worst and most inconsistent match making system and worst toxic player base I have ever seen. So, needless to say. I didn't like it. Maybe I'll try it again. But I'm going to try to avoid it as much as I can for a bit. So, without that game, I have nothing to play with friends. I could play Smash and Splatoon, but my Wii U is broke and I use a desktop and can't therefor can't skype at the same time as playing even if my Wii U it did work. I would play stuff on my 3DS, but Monster Hunter doesn't sound like my thing and I don't like online Pokemon battling. Plus it's missing in my room, but I'm moving very soon. So it wil lbe found before we leave. But now, I pretty much got nothing to play with friends. I have this one browser-based MMO called "Spiral Knights" that's backed/made by SEGA. But nobody I know plays that. I have Team Fortress 2, but I suck at that. So, I come you to ask if you have any cheep-to-free online games for me. I honestly don't know where to go for online games anymore. So, take it away, Reborn!
  16. You can be reported for "Negative Attitude". "Negative. Attitude." Even those you almost never win. Also get paired with the dumbest possible teammates, and the most god level foes. Even though you WANT to have fun but you're still vainly trying to get that spark back... And you can. Get reported. For. "Negative. Attitude".
  17. Why is it every time I try to ask one of my noob questions does everyone get sidetracked on a fully unrelated topic about x champion? It's not just for my sake, I know other noobs are gonna come to this thread too. Further more, it seams we fight on this thread over every time someone says they use a champion who normally stays in one role, and they use them for some other role. It really grind my gears on how defensive, angry, and full of kvetching(kvetch is yadish for what translates to a verb for "pointless complaining"). Like, really. It's a video game. Calm down, team. I don't wanna sound like a jerk. But I kinda want us to remember that some of us do this for fun, and wild cards like using someone never thought viable or re-inventing how a character works is a big thing in mutliplayers games. SO yelling at people for using odd battle plans and get some fun and/or results out of it seams pointless. In fact, trying those things they're doing that you find unusable before claiming they are as such might help a lot too. Just saying.
  18. Oh. There are new skins. Wow. I really don't give a rat's ass.
  19. I already have Sivir as a top laner and Ashe. Except (I know this really stupid, but) I never figured out to how to get the slow on her attacks I see whenever I face her. As for Thresh's lore, it's because he's worthless, bottom-feeding excuse for a cell-based lifeform. The following spoiler tag is a rant I got where I unleash a lot of my hate on things in the game and the champs you told me about me, to be nice and fair and get past mod watch I thought I should warn everyone that this get pretty damn mad. Read at your own risk. Sorry for being that.... much of an AVGN rant. I just have a lot of bad records with champs who's items are for ability power and I needed to get some stuff off my chest. I will look at and maybe try Alistar though. I'll get back to you on him.
  20. So. I've never done bot lane and won. We need to fix that. So my question too you is: "Do you know of any cheap on IP bot laners for beginners at the role?". I know it's a little on the nose. But still wanna know what champs ya got for me. And remember, lore is kinda a big thing for me. So no Thresh.
  21. That feel when you're about isolate yourself to the best of your power for at least three days and it feels like what you think Christmas feels like but wouldn't know as you've never had one.
  22. Saying to get over a game being not fun is very close to, if not just flat out saying to get over the fact that it sucks. Also, I know I can counter Yi but defense items are always my last thing to buy, if I even buy them at all. Which I really don't like %90 of the time. Also, Garen is just... Ugh. I don't really play Teemo as much as I used to. I might do it again but I haven't in like a 2 weeks to a month. So Garen's still a pain in my bum and Master Yi being everywhere weather or not he's op isn't helping much either. I play Volibear and Warwick in jungle, and top lane Sivir as mains right now. I bought Warwick and Sivir when I started out and had to wait to use Warwick until I got smite and I just never used Sivir until now. Which I'm glad I now do cause Sivir is a beast and Warwick is too, at least when you get you're ult. Volibear my new husbando though. I like furry dudes and OH. GOD! DAT VOICE! Also helps that he's fun pretty good as well and his lore's cool. Just as long as I never play a champ with ability power as the main thing you buy items for them with. I just can't wrap my brain around them. Those horror stories of when I tried Fizz (again [sarcasm]Thank[/sarcasm] you, Foozy). Eesh, those were fails of disgusting levels in every way possible. I do want to try jungling with Poppy again after that one time I tried when Poppy was one of my mains. I think it's okay to be iffy with mains, at least when you're at Level 11 like me. Anyways. See ya later, I guess.
  23. Guys, I'm done with this game. I quit. I see the same cheap champs of Master Yi and Garen every time i play, I always lose, and it's just not fun anymore. I don't want to hate this game. Please try to get me back in. But for now I quit. I'm just done, okay?
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