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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Tringus

  1. http://i.imgur.com/ryHRCDE.jpg This is what always comes to my mind when I see Grotle.
  2. Poll: Cute boys, cute girls, neither, or both?

  3. In a perfect world, money would matter not.

  4. tfw you defeat a Lv 25 Arcanine with a Lv 5 Voltorb

  5. Has it ever been confirmed whether Kirby and Meta Knight are the same species?

  6. I bet none of you can even name 5 anime that aren't Shrek, King of the Hill or Cory in the House

  7. *create petition for a voiced run of Reborn*

  8. *create petition for a voiced run of Reborn*

  9. I bet none of you can even name 5 anime that aren't Shrek, King of the Hill or Cory in the House

  10. I bet none of you can even name 5 anime that aren't Shrek, King of the Hill or Cory in the House

  11. Well I'm late to the party, but I finally got windows 10...and it's alright.

  12. all my friends have girlfriends but i dont am i being "singled" out

  13. What's your username on Reborn forums? Mine is Ice Cream Sand Witch.

  14. anyone wanna donate like 1000 ruppes so i can get that awesome sprite shia made on showdown?

  15. No one's noticed that pokemon Z is pretty much confirmed? New anime is called XY and Z so...

  16. So a promotional calendar "hints" (confirms) that Ash is gonna evolve both his Noibat and Frogedeir. So unless he gets a 6th pokemon out of nowhere at the very end and it isn't already fully evolved and he doesn't evolve it in the remaining episodes, this will be the first generation where his entire team was fully evolved. Pikachu doesn't count.

  17. Dang it, why did nobody tell me that Techie Johnathan has a Rayquazza in Pokemon Reborn Hardcore?!

  18. Thanks mom for birthing me today. B)

  19. What the hell happened in the trainers journal?

  20. Introduced my parents to Rick & Morty. Not sure I was quite prepared for how much they liked it.

  21. my first time streaming... turned into an outstanding FAILURE... fuck obs

  22. my first time streaming... turned into an outstanding FAILURE... fuck obs

  23. Reborn au where everything is the same except all of the characters personalities are the exact opposite

  24. Shovel Knight amiibo revealed!

  25. Reborn au where everything is the same except all of the characters personalities are the exact opposite

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