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Oscarus last won the day on October 27 2022

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  • Birthday 01/15/2002

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    I have an theory... an insane theory, which doesn't have as many proofs as I'd like, but it makes sense, to some extent. 

    If it wasn't obvious, this theory WILL involve spoilers to V19. 



    What if... But what if... 

    The thief that murdered Taube and his wife, only to be killed by Solaris afterwards... was Sirius' father? 


    I don't know if you noticed, but ALL important characters in the story have some kind of sad story, event or such, that either happened before our arrival, or after it; even if it isn't as obvious as it might seem. All, but one. And that one... is Sirius. 

    All we know about his past is that he had murdered at least 3 high-ranked League Representatives, and destroyed lives' of at least three families (Molinar, Vanhanen, Belrose). And that he's a psychopath. 

    But that is still weird... everyone had something that caused them to commit sins like that; with motivations being almost as tragic as the done acts. But Sirius has none. Absolutely none... which didn't have me sleep for a few days. 


    But we have, except aforementioned murders and crimes, no insight on his past. 

    However, all events of Pokemon Reborn, from present, past and future, are connected to our set of characters; and also characters themselves also are bonded with each other. But there's one but... 

    We know nothing about person who at least 25 years before events of Reborn invaded the headquarters of the Order, killed their leader, leader's wife, and possibly more, and was ready to steal the keys, just to be killed by Solaris/Phoenix (Taube's son), and thrashed around for hours and hours after dying. 

    While I don't think it was explicitly said that it was a male, I doubt Phoenix would massacre female's dead body; he has some standards. 


    Now, one would say... but how does that connect Sirius and the thief? 

    Well, while there is no direct connection in-game (or I did ommit some details), we know something - Sirius despises Phoenix. And this is shown several times; when cyclop was offending and laughing at his leader, usually behind his back because he knew he would stand no chance in frontal battle. A few of the examples are: calling him "old fool" without hesitation, or taunting him or his son (Taka) after "Duel of the Fates" during Battle of Agate. 

    And it's not like Sirius simply thinks that Phoenix's goals are stupid, he outright thinks and claims that his actions and himself are foolish and old-dated, or something like that. Heck, he even enjoyed picking up his (or Taka's) eye... But this might be just some weird fetish born after he lost an eye to Corey 12 years prior. 


    But why would Sirius despise Solaris? Well... If my theory is true, he might want to avenge his father (or whoever that was, but must've been in close relationship; maybe uncle or grandpa). In age-time relationship, that would make sense, Sirius is 30+, and that 'tragedy' happened at least 25 years ago. So he might had heard the news (possibly even in details), and decided to avenge. 

    Also, the possible relationship between thief and Sirius would explain how he knew about the keys, their purpose and power. If they were just a piece of jewelry, I believe no one in their right mind would be stupid enough to break into Order's headquarters (which used to rule over Reborn Region) and steal them, even if they worth much; risk would have been too big, in my opinion. 

    And how would he get his hands on them? Well, by joining forces with the one that had them - the one who killed the killer. Therefore, Sirius could kill two birds with one stone - avenge the family member, and gain access to unlimited power. 


    Still, there are some holes. First, and most important one... What would he do with the said power? Even when Solaris dies, and Taka is punished/dead too, Sirius continues to push on, indicating that he wasn't driven by a singular purpose (which can mean that either my theory is wrong, or - unlike Saphira - he didn't plan to have spent his entire life on just trying to unleash anger on the mortal enemy). However, I don't think Sirius has EVER said anything about his motivation, or reasons, except being overall general, like "achieving New World". But I haven't played V19 version of pre-V19 events yet, so I may be wrong. 


    Also, a worthy thing to note: even though Sirius keeps babbling about loyalty, commitment and respect toward superiors, in fact, he's loyal to only one person: himself. He doesn't give a single fuck about his enemies, victims, allies, or even superiors; in fact, the only reason he was listening to Lin and Solaris, is because they were stronger than him, and he knew disobeying could bring him a one-way ticket to afterlife, especially in Lin's case (from what I've seen, Sirius is VERY salty about Lin going through the rankings at a speed of light, going from mere Grunt/Private to Leader in mere days {eventually weeks}, while he must have spent years to become a Commander/Admin).

    But! Maybe... Maybe Sirius either agrees with Lin's goal and found a common laungage with her, or has some other ulterior motives that's equally bad for others as the New World one. I guess we'll never know, as the only one who would is dead. 


    Another hole, which I wouldn't exactly call hole - as that is more of an subtheory - is how long exactly Sirius was waiting for the opportunity? 

    Team Meteor, according to Radomus, had existed for at least 13 years (that is for the versions before 19.0.8, which changes the ages of characters and screws many things up, complicating well-known pieces of lore). And, most likely, Sirius and Radomus knew each other WHILE being in Solaris' fraction. So Sirius must had been a Meteor for 12 years, which, honestly, makes sense - he was third-in-command, before Lin skyrocketed through the ranks, making him officially fourth, but actually second (as for Lin, Phoenix and Elias, who were against her, didn't count). But... Didn't Sirius have any other chances of getting rid of Solaris in those years? Because I think there could be some. Or Solaris was actually THAT good. 

    Nevertheless, that could mean that Sirius was very persistent in his goals. 


    Like I said, I don't have many reasons and proofs to confirm my theory, but there is absolutely NONE which would contradict it. And since the ones I gave are actually logical, I think that - even if it isn't true - the theory of thief Phoenix murdered was Sirius' close relative is actually solid. 

    If some of the story/character designers are reading this, they may confirm/negate the theory and say the truth. 


    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal


      This is a very solid and nice theory you done here. I mean Sirius has some of the least lore compared to the others. I mean E19 managed to show some more character of him, even if he remains so despised as ever.


      Also one question from me: What was your interpretation of Zina's death, prior to the indotrucion of Dreamsickness? Because I recall that you wrote before that Sirius killed Zina as well. I'm just curious to know


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