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8 Fledgling

About MightySceptile

  • Birthday 04/22/1998

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  • Interests
    Pokemon, Editing/Making Videos

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. I feel like I can't blame them too much for getting bodied like this since they got so many crits, the biggest reason why nappy and mo lost was because of crits
  3. I feel like Shade is going to get an over-exaggerated demon voice or the complete opposite
  4. Oh right, uh if you look at the cover you'll see another pokemon there. Well you see another reason why I was taking awhile was because I had another character in mind and wasn't sure if I should add them or not. Because of the recent events in Episode 17 I think this character could fit into the story nicely. This character will appear in chapter 2 or 3 depending on the length on chapter 2. I really want to put a brief description of them now, but I wanna keep them a secret for now.
  5. Ok I re-did the first chapter, sorry it took so long. Trying to find time between summer classes, free time, and this was kinda hard. Luckily I only have six more classes to go to. Thanks for all the helpful suggestions, hopefully I managed to make the story a little better, now I can start on chapter 2. https://www.wattpad.com/586567817-pokemon-reborn-grand-quest-chapter-1-all-aboard
  6. Actually you know what after thinking it over I'm just gonna re-do the first chapter and fix it the issues. Since I'm only on Chapter 2 and there's no real rush anyway. Plus I plan on making it a bit longer too while I'm at it.
  7. Ok that's for the advice. Also do you, or anyone, think this chapter was too short, after reading it again it felt a little too short, but I was afraid of making it too long. The originally plan was to have the first chapter be the train crash, walking to the Grand Hall, getting a quick look at Reborn, getting their starters, meeting and battling Victoria and Cain
  8. Okay thank you I'll definitely try that in my next chapter. Oh and when you mean description do you mean describing the scenery or the characters or both?
  9. Not gonna lie Nappy and Twit are doing a lot better than I thought. Twit hasn't whited out yet and he beat Julia on his first try and Nappy still has starter.
  10. Ugh, I really want to use a Noibat in this story, but I really don't want to train one up, I remember the torment I went through using one in my first run of Reborn and I don't want to go through that ever again.
  11. Okay I finally finished the first chapter of my fanfic, I posted it on Wattpad, I wasn't sure if I should post there, here, or both. But you tell me your thoughts on it though https://www.wattpad.com/586567817-pokemon-reborn-journey-of-miles-melody-willow Edit: Oh yeah, I'm still working on a better title of the story, so it might be different than what the link says
  12. Thanks that's what I was going for and for their teams, I'm actually playing through Reborn again as these characters to make their teams as accurate and realistic as possible. But for their starters Miles would get Chimchar, Melody would get Snivy, and Willow gets Froakie. Thanks I'll take that into consideration
  13. Oh I didn't know about that, where's the creative writing section? My thought process was that they met up at a summer camp in Undella Town and kept in touch ever since, but yeah I'm starting to think it'd be easier to say that Melody was born in Unova, but moved to Sinnoh when she was younger. Well actually I originally was gonna make him 21, but I thought it was too old. Also I didn't know if people would buy a 21 year old as a rookie trainer.
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