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  1. hiya, I'm interested in Eevee and Starly~ id: bluemoon
  2. @Wolfox Glace alright fren; hopefully soon™ •̀.̫•́✧ no problem though, just PM whenever you're ready~
  3. I'd like a seasoned female magic carp, please. ( ˘▽˘)っ I can offer a Axew (31/31/31/31/27/31).
  4. alright~ my id is bluemoon, just tell me whenever you're ready
  5. Unfortunately I do not have any female with 5x31 IVs. I just started breeding and stuff so I don't have any~ ((´д`)) and these are all my shinies: imgur.com/a/vrvtn; they all have terrible IVs ᵟຶᴖ ᵟຶ
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