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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Return (RP thread)


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Im going to start writing IC since I cant really describe it better


Alina picked up her great-grandfather's wonder badge, ready to shine it , as usual. Though it had been a hundred years since her great-grandfather returned from the pokemon world, her family's legend could have been nothing but a tale from a dream, if there wasn't the badge to prove its reality. But today, something peculiar happened. A flash of blinding light, and total darkness. A voice emanated from the darkness.

"descendant of the chosen guardians ...




A flash of light, and everything was as if nothing happened at all.


Merodi flopped onto her bed, bruising her day's injuries a second time. "oww," she moaned. "But I honestly.. cant.. believe.. Im actually.." She reached out to brush the gold trophy on her nightstand. "Girls' tai kwon do champion.." the girl whispered and darkness settled.

"Wh-where.. am I?" She seemed to be in a room with no walls, only endless darkness. As she explored her surroundings, another girl, followed by two boys, appeared as confused as she was.



That voice again, Alina thought. Lifting her head, she noticed the commanding prescence of Arceus filling the space before them.

"As you may know, a hundred years ago, your ancestors were sent to relieve the crisis where Darkrai tried to rip the world apart. He was temporarily stopped, but as he returns, the world requires a new set of heroes to take their place."

"Unfortunately, his plans were a bit better constructed this time around. He has been working covertly and alone for quite a while now, and I, and the other three guardians have just started to notice the effects. Presently, I am not fully aware of all the damage dealt so far, but I do know that the central pillars, along with the time gears of Temporal Tower have been tampered with yet again. The Temple of space has also been tampered with, however I need to confer with Palkia before I disclose additional details." Arceus paused for a moment. A treasure chest materialized in front of the six.


After a moment's hesitation, Merodi stepped forward and opened it. Inside were six wonder maps, six wonder badges, and six glass orbs. The items distributed themselves among the teens, and a treasure bag appeared around them.

"Take a peek in the orb. It will reflect who you really are."

The girl reached into her treasure bag, and the orb seemed to follow her hand out. It was crystal clear, yet inside, there was a cloudy image forming. ..A chimchar, it looked like. As she made that realization, she was engulfed in blinding light. Upon reopening her eyes, the girl had morphed into what appeared to be a ordinary chimchar. The other kids around her had followed suit as well.


Alina was the last to transform, taking the shape of a mudkip. But when she looked back into the orb, it seemed to have lost most of its luster.

"You can use the orb to shift back and forth between human and pokemon forms. It does have limited usages however. Once the orb becomes opaque, you will be stuck forever in the shape you are currently in, whether it be pokemon or human. But do keep in mind, that due to the fact that pokemon do not exist in your world, if you end up forever pokemon, you cannot return home.

Also, each of the wonder badges contains a power that you will either need, or be very useful in your quest. One contains telepathy and teleprotation, another contains tracking, the third has the dimensional scream, an ability to see things related to the object you touch at will, the fourth contains the power to shift types, number five holds the power to create illusions, and the last carries intireability - the power to never tire. I believe tracking would be the most useful, but the least needed, as it only allows you to map out the entire dungeon in your mind when you enter a dungeon."


"I will be dropping you all into separate areas, but I will be leaving you all in the care of the top castles; with castle leaders whom I trust. Good luck, and farewell."


Human characters start directly on the first floor of the dungeon theyre supposed to go to in their pokemon form.

Poke characters can start anywhere, provided that theyre either heading to the castle to sign up or they "just signed up" LMK which one.

Verdance >> Treeshroud Forest

Mystique >> crystal cave

Tempest >> Mt. travail Horn (I feel like being nice ;)

Seacrest >> Brine cave

Edited by grasssnake485
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Roy awoke from his not-so-dreamy dream, confused as to his whereabouts.

"What the everloving F*ck is going on?" he murmured to himself. Sitting up he took a moment to look at his surroundings, putting the freaking Arceus that had appeared out of his mind for the time being. Roy appeared to be in a harsh mountainous area. There were various cries emanating from around him, After taking note of, and quickly forgetting, his surroundings Roys attention turned to himself. That this hadn't happened earlier was a miracle in and of itself. The first thing he noticed was the fact that he was indeed a Pokemon, and a Timburr no less. He could feel the power in the muscles of his tiny body. He also noticed that he had the items given by the Arceus, and a rockin' cowboy hat to boot. Despite all these, Roy felt as if something was missing, and looked around for a nearby tree. He spotted a broken trunk, seemingly toppled by something. Waltzing over, Roy decided to test his strength. With a grunt of effort, Roy heaved the trunk over his head, although some errant branches hit his face on the way. Feeling satisfied with the new "Accessory", he decided to test himself once more.

"I'm going to climb this mountain! " he announced spectacularly, despite his lack of an audience, and trotted off to find a way up the mountain.

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Jake stood upon the white sand staring stoutly into the ocean, His fur waving in the wind. He had been there for about an hour, wondering. "What should I do today?" His questions got more complex as he went along. "What do I do for the month as work? What do I do with my life?" His questions strayed to more strange topics. "Who would I like to spend time with? Why am I even here? Do I have reason to continue fighting on?" Suddenly. His thoughts were broken by two pokemon approaching him. A houndour and a sneasel.

(Jake) "what do you two want? Didn't I leave you alone?"

His eyes squinted deeply awaiting a reaction for the two.

(Delinquents) "you know why we're here. You were tough to track. But we found you. Your travels reached into our territory. You owe us a good deal of money friend. 3,000 Poke'. Hand it over or else things get ugly."

(Jake) "I was traveling just fine until you two came along, and now you expect me to give up cash?"

(Delinquents) "you're cornered. Give it up or pay the ultimate price, gettin' your a** handed to you."

(Jake) " is that so? Well then. I'll take that ultimate price thank you. That is... If you can live up to it!"

The 2 rushed Jake flailing claws, tearing Jake's fur and weakening him horribly.

(Delinquents) wanna fight now hot shot?"

(Jake) "yeah, and this time... There won't be mercy!"

Jake sat there allowing the sneasel to come closer while the houndour stood back and laughed. When the sneasel got close enough, jake used leer on it. The sneasel jumped back, caught off guard, and flung a slash at Jake. Jake tried to dodge, but with how weakened he was, he took the hit. Pretending to be very weak, Jake slid down. When the sneasel was preparing a new attack, Jake jumped up and used play rough while it's guard was down, knocking it out instantly.

"Gotcha... Fool." Jake smugly stated.

The houndour, enraged by it's fainted partner, ran up to Jake. Jake's blue swirl on his hair began to glow, and a hydro pump attack exploded from the sea behind him, throwing the houndour into the wall of rocks they emerged from. Jake, now extremely tired, trudged away.

As he made a trip across the lands, he reached a deep forest, after a few hours of quaint traveling, he reached the area where he's met the gang, but it seemed they had left. Jake relaxed and kept moving. He heard a rustle and sprinted as fast as he could behind cover. Only a weedle emerged, and crawled across. Jake continued for a while. Growing more tired. His stomach began to growl fiercely, and could not find much to eat, so he continued. He eventually came upon a large... Castle?

"Verdance castle, huh? Maybe they feed the hungry..."

He tried to find a place he could enter without being rude, so he merely knocked on the door, and sat there quietly.

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Otto woke up after a while, and got up. He was slightly dizzy for a short while, but it soon faded.

Ugh... Where am I? And what am I?

Otto then noticed that he was, in fact, an Oshawott, and a small smile crept across his face, but he stopped smiling after a short while. As he smiled, another thought ran through his mind.

It seems that I really am an Oshawott... This is going to be interesting.

He then looked around, eventually getting his bearings. what he saw around him was a bit of Coastline, a Cliff, and a Cave Entrance in the Cliff Face.

So, i'm near a Cave, huh? Well, i might as well start exploring it.

As Otto approached the Entrance to the Cave, he heard a bit of noise near it.

Huh? What in the world was that?!

He walked closer to the Cave Entrance, more cautious than before.

I'd best be careful. Who knows what might be in there...

As he got closer to the Cave, he saw what had made the noise: a few Geo Pebbles had fallen from the cliff up above, clattering as they fell.

OK, so the Cave seems to have quite the collection of loose Stones... I might want to take note of that.

Otto then picked up the five Geo Pebbles and entered the Cave.

Edited by K_H
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"Brine Cave, huh? No problem, Lady Mira. I will prove to you that accepting me is no mistake."


A small, fluffy bird can be seen flying around Seacrest City as she reconsiders what she needs to do. Based on what she has gathered from its kind residents, Brine Cave is known for its territorial and fierce water-type Pokemon. And where there is water-type Pokemon, Artemis the Swablu knows that there will most likely be Ice and, maybe, Rock type moves, both of which she cannot quite counter yet. It also didn't help that Mira, the Castle King of Seacrest Exploration, decided not to give her any money, or items, to help her get started.

"Come now, think of it as a challenge to test your wits~" Artermis recalled Mira's words. The Swablu rolled her eyes and flew to a high tree branch in order to gather her thoughts.

"The good thing," Artemis thought to herself, "Is that Mira is all about money. So, in other words, all of the items that I will find are mine to keep and use." The blue and white bird looked down at the bustling city below her; merchants, residents, explorers, rescuers, and other Pokemon crowded around the many shops and services that Seacrest City has to offer. "Considering the amount of activity here, I should be able to get a decent sum of Pokedollars for my needs... even with that disability."

The disability that Artemis mentioned is the low payout for her missions, which did irk her to some extent. However, in return, the castle did offer many, many jobs that take place in many, many locations. The many, many opportunities for Artemis to explore are what drew her to join Seacrest Castle in the first place. She had gotten tired of flying around the same old, benign cities and having an occasional friendly match with her peers. Artemis needed something new and the Seacrest Exploration Castle just happened to catch her eye as she flew over its city a few days ago.

"Well, there is no turning back now," Artemis thought as she flapped her wings for takeoff. "Time for some fun."

With that, the Swablu flew towards Brine Cave.

Edited by DarkLight
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Draidon stalked through the woods with as much stealth as he could muster. He tore down bush after bush with his claws, trampling plant life underfoot where ever he went, pretty much ruining any digression he had been trying to attain... though in all honesty, it was already kinda hard to not be noticed when you go tramping through the forest, leaving a path of destroyed vegetation behind you.

"How long are you gonna keep this up?" he asked the prescence he had felt behind him this entire trek.

"It's not very hard, you know..." the individual replied. "Especially when you're as loud and blatant as you seem to be... for Arceus sake, it's almost like you're leaving this path to make it easy!"

He stopped in his tracks at that, as did the one following him. He turned around and looked, seeing a Raichu step out from behind a tree, starring at him.

"So I can't lose you..." said Draidon. "Maybe I'll knock you out then... electric scum..." He brought his claws to the ready, preparing to unleash Dragon Claw when he noticed that the other Pokemon was just standing there, completely unphased.

"Stop the macho act, fool," The Raichu ordered. "I'm here to talk, not to whip you. Listen, you came into our turf in that cave and started sh*t, going around tearing up folks with that Dragon attack you seem to be fond of, beating them down... a lot of good friends of mine have been seriously hurt by you just now... I mean, really bad. I wanted to come out here after you and shock your punk self into oblivion, but they all said for me to try to control myself... so I'll honor their wishes..."

Draidon's mind drifted back to the events of the past hour as he listened. He had embarked from Castle Tempest, where he had just signed up yesterday, to find somewhere to train and get stronger... after a while, he had stumbled upon a cave filled with a few typical things, Geodudes, rogenrola, zubat, that kinds of things... but after he had gotten a little further in, he had started running into more and more electric types... and him and Electric types did not mix at all; like oil and water. But, in his defense, he was not the one to draw first blood, they had been. after that, things spiraled a bit and he had pretty much gone into a frenzy, beating down anything that moved or manipulated electricity... one thing had led to another, and he had eventually found himself standing in the middle of a monster house, surrounded by mons that were quite miffed at him for his... behavior. He had gotten a bit worried when that happened, especially when he had seen them combine their force to launch team attack at him... thank the lord Arceus that they had had terrible aim, because he probably would've been dead if they hadn't... and with them drained from that little stunt, he had made his way up to the exit... and this guy had started following him.

"So what's your point then?" he retorted. The Raichu's face took on a dark expression upon hearing that.

"My point is this, A** hole," he said. "You ever come back to our cave, and mess with our people again, and I will follow you out and KILL you. Got meh?"

"Oh...big words..." Said Draidon. "why don't you try it now then, buddy?"

"Because I specifically promised everyone that I wouldn't this time..." said the Raichu

"I think your scared..." Draidon smirked. "scared that I'ma whip you just like I did your friends. You should be used to it by now though, that cave being a mystery dungeon and all... though I don't know how you all aren't on the map..."

"Are you simple, or just d*mn stupid?" The Electric mouse was becoming more and more agitated. his tail flicked to and fro as sparks began to bristle his fur and crackle in the air. his voice became more of a snarl as he spoke next. "We aren't on the map because that's not a f*cking mystery dungeon! That's just a regular cave, you were simply to stupid to recognize that fact!"

"Coulda fooled me..." Draidon kept smirking. "What with you having staircases and all that jazz..."

"Those were put there by all us for the convenience of visitors, you moron!" A spark arced through the air and scorched a nearby tree trunk as the Raichu's anger rose higher and higher... Draidon saw an opportunity and took it, dashing forward and letting lose a duel set of Dragon Claw, closing in fast on the other Pokemon and slashing viciously, sending the Raichu flying backwards into the very tree he had scorched in his anger. He brought his hands back down to his side and walked over to the foe, standing above him as the electric type got up from the ground at the trees base and glared up at him with pure contempt.

"That's it..." the mouse stated simply. "GET WRECKED, FOOL!" with that, he unleashed a fearsome thunder attack, hitting Draidon spot on at such close range and in turn now sending him flying through the air, landing hard on the ground and breaking the earth upon impact. The dragon looked up weakly as the Electric wielder walked up and towered above him, their roles completely reversed from just a few moments before. The Raichu was panting in anger, like an enraged tauros might.

"And remember..." he said. "I ever...EVER, EVER see you in or any where near OUR CAVE again... and I will freaking KILL you!" he put an very noticeable emphasis on the word "Kill". He had apparently finished here, because after that, the Raichu walked off back towards the cave. Draidon's entire body was racked in pain as he lay in the small crater in the ground, paralyzed from the attack. Things were getting fuzzy... he was gonna faint soon, he could tell.

"Attonbitus..." he whispered to himself as he lay there helpless. "God...how I hate that name...but at the rate I'm going... I'll have earned it before long." he laughed at the bitter irony. his nick-name, Attonbitus, meant literally "thunder-struck" and here he was now... on the ground, alone and disabled... and he had been literally struck with thunder... again. It was while reveling in said irony, however, that he noticed a branch with Sitrus berries had broken off a tree and fallen nearby. If he could just move a little and get one to his mouth... well, he could get out of this...predicament.

"Come on..." he urged as he tried to break free of the status condition, feeling his whole body recoiling at his commands as a result. the pain was exquisite. But he didn't give up... he needed dem sitrus berries. "Come on!!!"


Several minutes had passed... and still nothing.

"COME OOOOON!!!!" he roared in frustration as he finally gave up on the task. this was just great... only a day after joining castle tempest, and he was in a situation that would probably prove detrimental... he just prayed that no one else from the castle happened to come nearby... He honestly didn't feel like losing this gig he had found just the other night. the world was getting hazy. he couldn't hang on anymore, he could feel it. His limit had been reached and them some.

((If anyone also affiliated with Castle Tempest wants to help out here, he'll be your best friend... if you don't say anything about this, that is...))

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Jory awoke with a splitting headache. The last thing he remembered was suddenly becoming much smaller, seeing a few other teens get transformed into Pokemon. As he shook his head and stood up, the first thing he noticed was how much clearer everything seemed to sound. He could hear things that he had never paid attention to, like the rustling of the branches. He raised his hand to wipe his eyes, hoping to clear his vision a bit more. He paused as his hand approached his face. That's odd. It looks kind of like a paw. He then tried to walk and looked down. His legs were much shorter than he remembered them being. He also didn't remember being covered in soft gray fur. As he turned his head to inspect himself, he noticed a long, brushlike tail. Hmm... From the looks of it, I'm a Minccino. I should try to figure out where I am. His stomach grumbled. And get something to eat, too! The Minccino began to turn about, taking in his surroundings. He seemed to be in the middle of a thickly forested area. I bet I can climb a tree to get my bearings. The intrepid Pokemon ran to the nearest tree and began to scurry up it, beginning his journey.

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A sound similar to that of earth breaking from a strong thunder caught Sparks' attention as his ears twitched from the abrupt sound, "What in the name of Arceus is going on?" He muttered to himself as he sprinted towards the source of the sound, wondering what had occured only to find Draidon laying on the ground, "Looks like the tough guy got his brain scramble, right?" Sparks claimed, glancing down at the Druddigon with a slight frown forming across his muzzle. Sparks had been another new recruit of Castle Tempest, but the sight of seeing a fellow member on the ground was sickening, "I'll help you out, but this will be between us only, alright?" He questioned, before opening his mouth once more, "Now what seems to be the problem?" He added.

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"Gee...thanks, buddy..." Draidon managed from the ground. He couldn't see who it was, and he didn't recognize the voice that well. He hadn't really taken the time to get acquainted with any other new Tempest recruits yet, Ergo, he had no idea who was there, only that someone was there.

"I came out...out here to train..." he began. "I found a cave... went through and wrecked everyone in it... Like a...a boss! But then some raichu followed me out... he got miffed and wrecked me...Electric types..." he let out a low, guttural growl as he spoke the word Electric.

"I'm at my limit here..." he continued. "Can't move...got paralyzed by his attack... need... Sitrus berries...by...my...right arm..."

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What the... Alistair opened his eyes and sat up, surveying his surroundings, at a loss as to what was going on. That dream a few minutes ago felt so real, impossibly so for the quality of his usual dreams, but that wasn't a usual dream, was it? He had just woken up in a cave, a heavily shaded, cold, damp and overall miserable looking cave. Note to self... lay off the energy drinks and caffeine at night...

Alistair stood up, feeling a vaguely familiar weight on his shoulder and he didn't need to look before it registered in his mind. A hand flew to his face and he soon outstretched it in front of him, examining it curiously, and then the rest of his new body. So then, that was not a dream. I really am... I see... Alistair reached into the bag with what felt like his normal hand, though it was green and a lot shorter- certainly not human. Feeling around for the contents he found, as suspected, the crystal orb that turned him into an Axew, what felt like a badge and a roll of paper that he recalled to be a 'wonder map'.

He took a few steps back and sat against the wall of the cave, paying more attention to the specifics of where he was, noting that the room was relatively square in shape, with two paths, each on opposite ends of the room. After this, however, Alistair closed his eyes, trying to draw back every detail of information from when he was taken out of his bedroom and dropped into a room of endless darkness, along with several other kids vaguely his age.

Well then, I suppose I should get going, best not to sit here and turn into a skeleton before starting on this 'quest' that was mentioned. This ought to be fun. He stood up and took a deep breath of the humid and somewhat musky air, before walking though the tunnel on his left.

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Crystal Cave, Crystal Cave. Lots of ground types, she'd read in the scrolls; typical for caves. Pulse walked out of the library towards the town. The reason she'd gone to the library in the first place was to acquire data on this dungeon, as Lady Llumi had delegated her to it. There was a rumor that a Time Gear lay slumbering deep within its depths, guarded by an ancient being. Unveiling mysteries, gaining knowledge and passing it on to the generations to come; they were two of the tenets of Castle Mystique, the other being loyalty. The young Espurr had no qualms about that or staying with the guild for years and years to come (which was how she understood it), as after all, she was certain, no other place would welcome her. It was as if having such huge eyes that appeared to stare into one's soul made her too intimidating to be around with-- especially with the slightly different color of her eyes.

But, that mattered not. What was bothering her now was gathering supplies was that she had to walk up and interact with other Pokemon... Well, a job's a job, and nothing's going to stop her in her pursuit of knowledge!

"Two apples, three oran berries, and an escape orb just in case," murmured Pulse. That was all she could afford to buy for now. Without further ado, she set off for Crystal Cave, taking the path to the cave of legends.

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"Figures, your tough guy Facade can only last so long." Sparks claimed, before picking up the branch that garnered the Sitrus berries that Draidon needed, carefully picking one off of the branch and steadily placing it into his mouth, "That should do the trick." He remarked, awaiting to see the results as he sat on his haunches, keeping guard to prevent a similar ordeal from occurring twice, "You should be more conscious about your surroundings." He added with a slight smirk on his face.

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The Sitrus berries did their job. Atton felt his energy return full force in an instant.

"thanks..." he said. He began to struggle against the paralyzis, finding the endeavor much easier (And less painful) thanks to the berries. He managed to move his arm, soon regaining full control of his limbs. he got up from the crater, shaking off the layer of dust and dirt that had fallen on him. He glanced over in the direction he had heard the voice from... and leapt back by about a meter. He began snarling as he glared at the jolteon sitting there... another one.... this fool must've done something to the guy that had just helped him out a few moments ago... that had to be what had happened... an Electro-freak like this jolteon wasn't capble of kindness, only misery... he knew that from experience... a very bad experience.

"Another electric type..." he snarled. "And a JOLTEON... of all the ones I could've run into!" He reached up and dragged his claws on both his hands across the rough skin of the opposite arm, sharpening them to a deadly edge. his hands took on a light teal glow...

"Alright, Sparky!" he continued "What did you do to the whoever helped me just now!? Talk!"

((Sparky was meant as a mocking term... he doesn't know it's actually his name. it's just coincidence.))

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Otto walked into one of the Rooms in the Cave after traveling through a Thin Corridor, leaving behind a set of Footprints, Immediately noting that the Room was Rectangular in shape.

Is this Cave what i think it is? if it is a Mystery Dungeon like one of the ones my Ancestor traversed, i REALLY need to be careful...

then, as his eyes further adjusted to the darkness, he noticed a set of fresh tracks on the ground.

Are these...? no, they couldn't be... could they?

he inspected them a little closer, and realized that they were, in fact, the tracks of an Axew.

They are! Mother of Arceus...

Otto then followed the Tracks across the room into the next Corridor, only to find that it branched. Otto took the right Fork in the Corridor, which took him further away from the source of the Prints he found earlier. Eventually, he reached another Rectangular Room. this time, however, he saw that there was a Seel in the room, sleeping.

OK... if this is the Mystery Dungeon i think it is, then that guy is one heckuva lot stronger than me... Aha!

Otto then noticed another Corridor on the opposite side of the Room from the slumbering Pokemon.

another Corridor! what luck!

Otto attempted to get into the Corridor silently, but failed, and the Seel woke up. Otto panicked, and ran into the Corridor, leaving behind more Footprints that he could be followed by.


The Seel looked in the direction of the Noise it had heard, only to not see anything. Thinking it was just hearing things, it went back to sleep. in the Corridor, Otto calmed down.

Phew... that was close.

Otto then continued on to the next Room, leaving behind even more Footprints as he continued. The next Room he encountered contained a Stairway that led down a Floor.

There's the Exit!

Then, he noticed an Omanyte in the Room, and it was awake.

Oh boy, this is going to be fun...

Otto then headed into the Room, and the Omanyte noticed him. What ensued was a race to the Stairwell, and Otto got there just before the Omanyte got within striking distance. Otto managed to get to the next floor safely, and the Omanyte stayed on the First Floor of the Cavern. Otto was a little rattled by his close scrape.

that was a close call... jeez, this place is dangerous!

Otto then headed to the Corridor in front of him, missing the Reviver Seed in the Room he just left.

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"Well, that's a fair way to say thanks too someone that helped you out, or would you have wanted to be stuck in that crater?" He retorted with a slight snarl, "I didn't have to come and save you, ya know!" He added as his anger was more readable as his fur began to spike up in self-defense, "I may be the same type as the Raichu that knocked you down, but I wouldn't try and make a death threat if someone was on my turf." He hollered, hoping he got his point across to the Druddigon across from him.

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Jake was quite shocked when he merely opened the unlocked door to the giant castle. He walked in quite carefully, listening for voices. This could be his death, or his best meal. He was hoping for the latter. Searching around a bit more near the entrance, he couldn't find anybody. So he went deeper inside, hoping there wasn't an enemy just waiting around the corner for him.

"Uhh... Hello? Anybody there?"

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Pulse peered into the dungeon tentatively, seeing faint glowing orbs of light which she assumed to be coming off of the numerous crystals in the cave.

After a second of thought, she entered the dungeon and warped-- at least that's what if felt like-- into one of its many floors and rooms. Blue was the predominant color of the cavern, with crystals peeking out of its stony walls, the sides lined with, if not rock, water. There was nothing more here. The Espurr exited to her right... only to bump into a Seviper, which promptly reared to chomp down on her.

In surprise, Pulse leapt back-- one Bite could've sent her into a pickle after all!-- to dodge. With her turn to move, she fired a beam of psychic energy at the Seviper, making it reel in revulsion. Hissing angrily it wrapped itself around Pulse, squeezing tightly.

"Erk..." She couldn't move or concentrate another beam of energy towards the snake Pokemon. When its grip started to slacken, however, she retaliated with another beam, finishing off the Poison-type.

Breathing-- deeply, to recover from that encounter-- a sigh of relief, the Espurr made a mental note to be more cautious. She followed the trail into another room and sat down for a bit to recover faster.

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As the light enveloped Alina, she closed her eyes. Not long after though, she had the impression that she was.. falling. Squinting to open her eyes a crack, the girl realized she was hurtling towards the ground like a meteor. Instinctively, she let out a scream, "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!" until she hit the ground with a thump, slightly shocked but uninjured. I'd best find out where I am right now, right? But when she unrolled her map, it looked immensely different. INstead of the map looking like an ACTUAL map, all it had was a small, rectangular box with two openings and a white dot, and the words "Treeshroud Forest" and "Floor 1" in the corner. Alina took a step toward one of the corridors. The dot moved a bit closer to one of the openings. Upon closer inspection, she realized that the map was a exact replica of the dungeon she was in -- on paper of course. A step later, and a red dot appeared as well. Glancing up, the girl-turned-mudkip realized it was an enemy -- and a rather large exegguttor at that. Being in the rather slow form of a mudkip, Alina frantically searched for a way to escape, until she spotted one thing: water. She made a beeline for it and dove in, shrugging aside the fact that she had no clue how to swim.

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Ace was testing his wings in the area around Tempest Castle when he saw a bolt of lightning strike in the distance. He changed his bearing to fly in the direction of the disturbance. As he drew closer to them, his sharp eyes picked out two other recruits that he thought he recognized. The Taillow fluttered down and called out to the two. "What's going on over here?"

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After the encounter with a bratty Pikachu, Scorpio finally reached the Crystal Cave. It was his first dungeon after signing up in Mystique Castle and in a Cave with a name like that, there had to be some treasure around. He entered the dungeon and arrived in a cave with lots of blue colored crystals. At first the floor seemed empty, until Scorpio heard a weird rotating sound. He looked behind him and saw something flying in his direction. The Beldum’s attack barely missed, scraping Scorpio’s tail.

“A sneak attack? You messed with the wrong Pokémon!”

Scorpio ran straight for his opponent when it initiated another attack. He raised his speed, jumped on the Beldum and started biting it with dark glowing fangs.
Beldum started shaking wildly and managed to throw Scorpio off his back before fleeing.

“That’s what you get, wimp!” Scorpio yelled. He aggressively looked to his left and right before continuing to the next room. But before he could reach it, he ran into something else. It was a small, pale grey Pokémon with weird eyes; an Espurr.

Scorpio was immediately on guard. He raised his tail and took an aggressive stance. “Who are you?”

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A... Skorupi? That one wasn't in the scrolls, as far as Pulse remembered. Pulse slowly stood up, her gaze fixated on the hostile-looking Pokemon. Was this one a client? She wasn't in the rescue division, and nor was she assigned to deliver any items or anything similar. Ah, well, it was common courtesy to speak when spoken to, though she didn't really feel like it. Either way, if she recalled, this was a Poison-type as well-- if it would attack her, then she would just strike back if she had to. Otherwise, she preferred to conserve her energy, as she didn't have a Max Elixir on her.

"My name is Pulse. Are you from this dungeon, or perhaps are you lost?"

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Sparks quickly glanced at the Taillow that had called out to him and Draidon, "Well, it's about time you showed up, Ace. Got tired of practicing?" He remarked with a slight grin on his face, before shifting his gaze back to Draidon, "Ace, you can keep secrets, right?" He questioned, not expecting another recruit of Castle Tempest to have shown up.

Edited by Sparky
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After running around, challenging everything in sight, he got generally the same reaction.

"Are you lost little one?" "Awwww, look a the cute lost little baby!" "Get out of here shrimp". Dejected and enraged, he wandered some more, coming across a pair of black glasses. "Oooooooh, I like these!" Equipped with some new stylin' shades, he pressed forward. Suddenly stopped by a mysterious deep voice.

"If you desired a challenge, I am the one you should have sought out!"

Shocked, and eager for a fight, Roy spun around, searching for the voice of the challenger.

"Now, prepare to face my WRATH!" A figure launched up high into the sky, and came crashing down, sending dust flying every which way. As the dust cleared, the ominous silhouette gave way to reaveal...

A F*cking Bonsly.

"Are you kidding m-" before he could finsih, a Rock was Thrown smack dab into his mouth. After spitting the small chunks of rock out of his mouth, Roy collected himself, enraged by the sneaky little f*ck. "that's it, you Sly Bonsly!" He announced, but there was something wrong with his sentence. After thinking about it for a second he dismissed it with a simple "Ah, fuck it" and charged, gathering his strength. "ULTIMATE SUPER HULK SMASH OF AWESOMENESS!" He bellowed , the words travelling for miles in the surrounding area. Despite the impressive yell, Roy actually used his Superpower move on the Bonsly, knocking it flat. Panting, but proud of his small victory, even if it was a Bonsly, he taunted "Never mess with Roy the Timburr!"

And with that he trotted off, trying not to show the limp n his walk.

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