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Ahh.. I am one yet many. What sort of world am I in? Where will this new fate take us?

It doesn't matter, as long as we have each other!

Will I be blessed in this new world? We'll find out....

"Dramatic acting aside, I am Sia, a new forum member, I am a huge fan of the visual novel series, Umineko, & it's predecessor, Higurashi. I also love Pokemon, thanks Captain Obvious, eating ice cream, sleeping, pretending I don't exist, & cute animals. I look forward to spending time here in the forums! Oh, & also, feel free to talk to me from time to time, especially when you ask for a bit of help. I'll do my best to talk to you & help you, finally, Sia isn't my real name. Well, that's all. Thank yoooouuuuuu ~ !"

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You'll be glad to know that we don't judge so harshly. In fact most people will respond back with equal enthusiasm and sometimes hug you back in response.

Welcome to Reborn. Don't drink the chocolate lake.

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Welcome to reborn. We're a pretty good bunch.

Remember that when sanity is concerned, less is more.

Give Vinny and Tempest all of the questions.

Have a nice day.

Oh, and you won't get hugs from me. I'm not a hugs kind of guy.

Edit: Damn it! I mean, give Mudkipz and Tempest all of the questions. When everyone's talking about Vinny they mean Mudkipz. He was Vinny up until recently.

Edited by Sheep93
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Don't drink the chocolate lake.

Cuz it's full of shit?

pretending I don't exist,

Hey look, my favorite activity irl. I do it with such perfection that sometimes i don't believe that i exist.

Anyway, hello and welcome to Reborn. Cowtao doesn't like to explain stuff so guess i'll have to do it.

If you like to chat with other people, if you like to battle, if you like to do both or neither, then you should join us in the "Reborn Server" in PO. And by us, i mean "everyone that isn't Vinny, a.k.a me". I'm pretty sure you're going to like it.

And if you're confused, feel free to send me questions. I'll do my best to answer them.

See you in Hell around! o/

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Ahh.. I am one yet many.
[...] Sia isn't my real name.

So you're ZEL in disguise?

Jokes aside, welcome to the madhouse Sia! I have a big chance of being ninjaed here, but you should download PO as it serves as our chat and battle place, and lots of fun stuff happen there. If you're into writing or reading stories, take a look in the RP section here, it's amazing as well. If you have any doubts about random things, just spam Vinny Mudkipz and Temspest XD .

Have a nice stay!

Edit 1: ... I knew it, ninjaed again.

Edit 2: Whait we have a Chocolate Lake?! *runs away to try and find it*

Edited by Notus
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I finally downloaded Higurashi the other day but I didn't realize Umineko was related to it. Perhaps I will have to look into that, if I like Higurashi.

I tend to like murderous girls, so I probably will.


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:o Kyra is welcoming a new person again, everybody run!

Anywhales, hello, I'm Snow. Or Kyra. Or Master. Or Weavile. Or MW. Or Fridge Thor (wow that's an old one) Or Thunder Kirby. Or Thatdorkoverhtereinthecornergigglinghystericallybecauseforsomereasonshefindsherabundanceofnicknamesamusing

I'm the best at pretending I don't exist, because I don't (Though I seriously can't prove it... No worries though, I'm not delusional, I'm just delusional about not being delusional ^^)

I'm shore you'll has plenty of fun here. Spam Pesty and Vinny with questions,whether you have them or not

Oh, and watch out for Allie, she's nearly as likely to kill you as I am

As always, have a nice day, get on the server, and be careful where you leave your soul. Vile ^^

EDIT: Oh, and none of the above are my real name either (Yet, I'm changing my name to Kyra ASAP)

Edited by MasterWeavile898
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Oh wow! Thank you so much for your positive output guys! I really didn't expect to be replied with nice things. I was actually a bit scared of posting an introduction here due to my social anxiety. Thank you so much guys! *hugs everyone*

btw, Ame, Umineko isn't technically related to Higurashi, It's a bit complicated, but they are in the same series. I hope you can prepare yourself for the emotions you'll feel. Have fun reading!

Also, I really love ZEL as a character because he/she/xe (idk..) reminds me so much of myself. Really good of Ame to put him in the game. I hope I can see more of him/her/nem? in the future.

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Mockingbird/Winter isn't my real name either :o

Erm, hello and welcome to the forums, Sia. I'm Winter, or Mockingbird or loser, ew it's Winter, whatever you prefer

I too like cute ice cream, eating animals and love Pokemon

wait.. no.. eating ice cream and cute animals.. umm.. oops?

If you see me, don't hesistate to say hi, I also return hugs. I don't bite at all. I'm all bark. why am i acting like a tree year old

excuse the bad puns too

But, yeah, without further fluff to the post, welcome to Reborn, enjoy your time here!


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Hi. Welcome.

Since everyone has mentioned Pokemon Online, the only thing I have to say is to destroy your sanity and don't be afraid to PM me any questions you have. I don't bite... crunch is better.

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  • 1 year later...

Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. Or don't. I'm not a cop, although I do have to arrest your sanity at the door. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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