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Kyra's FireRed Nuzlocke


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Hello all. As you can tell by the title (and if you can't you're a scrub >_>) I'm Nuzlocking FireRed. Since that's my favorite Pokemon game of all time, I thought it fitting to do my first Nuzlocke on it. And then I went crazy and decided to record my progress here. My cartridge is a fake as well, so I may or may not be able to do the post-game (if I'm lucky and it saves long enough for me to get back in after the E4, then I shall ^^)

Not doing anything super fancy, only rule beyond the normal two is that I can only have a single Pokemon from any evolution line. So if my Pidgey dies, I can't ever catch another

I've got this nifty little document where I'll be recording my Pokemon: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ahus3eqcaik2nuh/FireRed%20Nuzlocke.txt

I'll probs put the team and movesets I had for each leader after I defeat them as well

Anywhales, IDK how this is usually done, but Ima just go now before I get too nervous and chicken out >_<

Should be updating once every couple days, I'll probs say something in my status or some shit when I do

Update #1 Why must I wear shoes anyways?:

Started off normally, immediately went straight up so Oak would come get me. And ugh things are so slow, without running shoes. Acquired my Squirtle, whom I proceeded to name Squire Tup. Beat down my rival James real quick. Then went and retrieved Oak's package so I could hurry and get on with the Nuzlocking. This retrieval was made excruciating due to having no running shoes, but I managed and got myself those free Pokeballs. then went and stocked up on supplies at the PokeMart

Got lucky on Route 22 and Mankey appeared first. Even luckier on Route 2 by getting a Weedle, meaning I had a chance at getting Caterpie, or even Pikachu if my luck held, as well in Viridian Forest. But then I got even luckier and Richard crit it >_< Thankfully, I managed to get another one to appear in Viridian Forest and capture it

After this, I headed back to Route 2 to train. It was painfully slow, I seriously need those shoes >_< I spent a while training and have just reached levels at which I feel safe to challenge the trainers in the forest. Should be smashing Brock with Bubbles soon enough. then maybe I can finally get those friggin' shoes

Desperate to run,

Kyra >_<

P.S. How's that? Probs as dumb to you guys as me >_< No worries, I shall hopefully improve as time goes on

Update #2 Rockin' Brock

Took on Viridian Forest. It was largely uneventful. The last trainer almost killed Tup with Poison Sting. I have a new hatred for Weedle. Spent a little while training all my Pokemon to at least level ten (I.E. Dre, so she would be a Beedrill for Brock, not that I expected to need her)

Once that was complete, I grabbed some potions and headed for the gym. I took out the gym trainer with ease, also grabbing some extra experience for Dre by leaving her in the lead (Tup had nothing to fear from a Geodude :P) And decided the try my luck against Brock without healing, since Tup had a 4x effective move for both his Pokemon.

But i made a nearly fatal mistake. I forgot to put Tup in the lead, Dre was still there. Luckily, she poisoned the Geodude on the second hit and was able to tank all it's Tackles, thanks to Harden, while the Poison slowly ate its health.

Then it was time for Onix.

I had originally intended to Low Kick Onix with Richard, but due to my close scrape with Dre, I decided to just crush it real quick with Tup. It led off with a crit from Tackle. And then Tup got a crit with Bubble

Brock gave me his badge and Rock Tomb, the latter of which I immediately taught Richard so he could carry me through Mt. Moon, since fighting and Rock takes on Zubat and Geodude. Then saved and took a breather, because ow that was close >_<

Safe for now,


Update #2.1 I'm freeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Woot, running shoes! I literally spent ten minutes just running around Pewter in happiness



Update #3 Mt. Moon or bust!

So after running about, I headed towards Mt. Moon. I did minimum fights on the way there, trying to save the trainers for the new Pokemon I would undoubtedly get. And indeed. I purchased Magikarp... And it gives you an annoying little message about how it was an absurd price. I was not amused. But nonetheless, I took it and immediately went back to train it. Captured another Pokemon, a Spearow. I was really hoping for a Nidoran :(

I took down the trainers I'd left, and decided to head back to Pewter for supplies. and ran into the second shorts boy and his level 14 Spearow. It took Tup down to 1HP, if it has been lucky and gotten a fifth hit with Fury Attack, he would be dead. Luckily five is super rare, whew

Shaken from that, I began my exploration of Mt. Moon

Mt. Moon has been super easy so far, Richard has been carrying me and leveling has been easy. I also managed to snag Zubat over Geodude, so woot. Hoping that I can get enough levels to take out that evil Hyper Fang Rattata the one Rocket Grunt has and make it to the other side. Where I will hopefully capture an Ekans

Wish me luck,


Update #4 Mooning Team Rocket

Woot, trained for a short time before tackling Mt. Moon. Richard murdered that Rattata I was worried about without a second thought. The Super Nerd worried me a moment, my team was starting to tire. But I easily snatched up my Dome fossil and moved onward. Pesty nabbed some training against Paras, since x4 effective Peck. He even managed to not get ruined by Effect Spore. 'Twas a nice run through the moon

Then I came out and immediately headed down Route 4 to catch Ekans. Could have gone better, but I can't complain. I trained Not amused there for a while. Didn't even bother to get Ekans out of the PC, my team was working okay without. Then I got bored of grinding and took a long break. If only I had known the horror to come... I mightn't have returned

Finally getting the hang of this,


Update #5 ...And getting mooned

I decided upon my return to take a break from grinding and explore Cerulean for a while. Whilst doing so, I was accosted by my rival, James, wanting to battle. He gave me no option to decline

It began horridly. I hadn't healed yet, and still had Not Amused out front. I couldn't risk switching in Richard, since he was weak to Gust and had low defenses. I had to sacrifice some to get him out there. It was a really easy choice, Pesty was clearly going to see the least usage so I threw him to the bird I mean, um, it was a really tough choice. But after a lot of pianful deliberation, I decided it would have to be Pesty. Regret filled my soul as I sent him to his death. But his sacrifice was made so that Richard could live. His sacrifice was made in vain.

Once Pesty went down I was able to get Richard out. He managed to tank a Gust (Yeesh that Pidgeotto is fast) and hit back with Rock Tomb, taking out just barely under half it's HP and slowing it down. Knowing that if I healed him he would just get taken right back down, I opted to Rock Tomb again. I hoped desperately that the first had been a low roll, that I would get a higher one this time and KO it

I held my breath and pressed for Rock Tomb, hoping James wouldn't opt for the Quick Attack. The rocks dropped, as did the demon bird's HP. Time seemed to slow, the HP gauge dropped to yellow, then red, and finally beyond where my eyes could detect it. I dared release my breath, glee rising in my heart. But then, as I returned my attention to the game, the entirety of my hope and glee came crashing down. The demon, no doubt by some manner of dark magic, was still alive. It didn't even allow my dear Richard the courtesy of facing death by super effective move. The creature had the audacity to kill it with the worst attacking move in the game. Richard, the very Mankey that carried my team past the menace of the Hyper Fang Rattata and Mt. Moon, was killed at the claws of a demonic Tackle

I almost quit right there. The bird's seemingly empty HP bar laughed at me with contempt. I could almost hear James cackling with glee at my friend's murder. Then I snapped out of it and realized it was just my mom laughing at a joke

I lamented a moment longer, going through the what ifs for a moment

"What if: I'd gotten a slightly higher roll"

"What if: I'd used a Potion, Richard could easily have survived a Tackle"

"what if: I'd brought Ekans along instead of Pesty. It could have gotten a hit in with Quick Attack and then Pidgeotto wouldn't have had that extra little bit of HP to survive on"

But I knew that these thoughts were not what Richard would have wanted. He would have wanted revenge

I tossed out Squire Tup, my strongest and most loyal partner. I had hoped to conserve him for as proper opponent, but seeing as the demon bird had killed Richard, I thought it deserved to face the full of my wrath. Tup was weak, so I let the demon hit him while he used Withdraw to ensure his survival. Then I healed him with a Potion, but the bird managed to land a crit with it's black magic and demonic Tackle. I Potioned again, then finished the beast with a Water Gun, guaranteeing the end of its torment upon the PokeWorld

I switched to Dre to fight off James's Bulbasaur, killing it easily with Focus Energy-backed Fury Attacks. Then I got lucky and Poisoned his Rattata with Poison Sting. Then realized that it might have Guts, luckily it appeared not to. It's attacks were nearly null against my Dre, but enough I had to heal while it's health slowly fell. Then my worst fears were realized. The vicious vermin landed a critical hit with Hyper Fang, Dre's health dropped like a cannonball on Jupiter. But I knew Dre wouldn't let me down, she wouldn't let a mere Rattata end her, especially not after such a dramatic sacrifice from Richard. Oh and a much less and somewhat vain sacrifice from Pesty, but mostly Richard. She tanked the crit at 1HP, showing James that revenge and hatred were far stronger than any black magic his bird could conjure. Then I healed her as quick as I could so the Rattata couldn't Quick Attack her to death. Then, with all the rage and anger in her little buzzing body, she murdered it with a single critical Fury Attack

Then she killed Abra with four quick Poison Stings

Mourning Richard,


Update #6 Bridge Bill Bored

Squire Tup evolved immediately after the battle, a small light in the darkness of Richard (oh, and Pesty's) death. Then I headed onward

Needing to quickly replenish my team's size. I grabbed Ekans from the PC and headed down Nugget Bridge to Route's 24 and 25. I nabbed a Pidgey, naming it Edna in honor of Pesty, who's sacrifice was pretty worthless and who's abilities as a Pokemon were slightly subpar. Then I grabbed an Oddish and quickly dropped through the trainers on the way to Bill's. Helped him, went back to Cerulean, was bored, took break

Sorta bored and hoping someone gets the joke in the title,


Update #7 Misty was Not Amused

So I was supposed to be grinding today so my team would all be ready for Misty. But I decided that Not Amused could easily take her Starmie, thanks to resisting Water Pulse and Intimidate weakening Swift

So I healed up and set off to challenge miss swimsuit tomboy herself

I led off with Dre, which seemed a fair choice to take on Staryu, she has pretty good special defense and her poison would shred it though Harden. It started off great. Staryu used Harden repeatedly whilst Dre got her Poison working. But then this started going downhill. Fury Attack missed five of the first five times I tried to use it. And when I was forced to Super Potion, Dre became confused. I had to Potion again soon after, and noticed that I only had three left. Horror crept into my eyes as I realized I had neglected to restock on supplies before my challenge

Thankfully, Dre finally began hitting Staryu. With every single Fury Attack only hitting twice, with no crits. Then Misty used her Super Potion, a small light since that meant she didn't have it for Starmie. But Dre slowly wore it down, until it was two Fury Attacks away from death. She used it...

...And got a crit on the last one

Then it was Not Amused's turn. I tossed her out and her Intimidate did its work to Starmie. Then Starmie hit her with a Water Pulse and confused her. I wasn't worried though, the next turn demonstrated that, despite Bitebeing a special attack and Gyarados being a physical attacker, Not Amused was perfectly suited to the task of taking more than a third of that Starmie's HP. She hurt herself the next turn, and I had to use a Potion, but then promptly snapped out and finished Starmie off while the doomed starfish tried desperately to kill it with Water Pulse

She seemed quite impressed, and I managed to procure her badge, TM, and phone number... Not wait, that's not a thing in this. Darn. Well, I got her badge and that Water Pulse TM. Which I will likely teach to Tup. Then I headed off to heal and hopefully not get myself killed on the way to Vermillion



Update #8 Dan Destroys Demons

Well, actually, he didn't do much, but shh

So I went ahead and made my way down to Vermillion and the SS. Anne. Needing to fill out my team's levels, I lead-swapped Dan a bunch against the Anne's trainers. I even let him fight a few Tentacool and a Goldeen. And damn he can't hit the broad side of a barn with those Supersonics. But hey, I guess I can't blame him for being blind

I was mostly through, about to enter the captains' cabin, when I realized something horrific. I had to face the demon again. I stopped abruptly, mere steps from encountering my snob rival and his vicious bird. But I was prepared this time. I went and purchased Potions, healed my team, and sent Not Amused to the front lines. The demon could do naught to her, it was far too Intimidated by her massive fangs. She quickly destroyed it, and James sent out his Raticate. I swapped to Dan, who somehow managed to hit with Supersonic, then the rat tossed a Hyper Fang at him. The damage was massive, and I was forced to switch once more to Not Amused. I healed Dan with a Super Potion, then killed the rat with ease. Kadabra want easily to Tup's Bites. Then it was time for Ivysaur. Dan Confused it, but his attacks did minimal damage and Leech seed was slowly sapping his health. I had him retreat and sent out D

re, who had Recently learned Twineedle. I had her Focus her Energy, then Twineedle that plant back to Arceus

After James's swift defeat, I moved on the the cun- Er, Cut master. Rubbed his back (O_O) and received his, um, HM

Now I'm gonna go drop someone in the PC and grab Roger to train. Because my team is in trouble against Electric types. Why'd I waste my time training Dan? He's a Flying type :(

Dan was a waste,


Update #9 Surging forward and getting Double Teamed

So I grabbed a Diglett and trained that and Roger up to prepare them to kill Surge. My plans was simple: Sleep Powder, Sweet Scent twice (on the ones with Double Team), then switch to Sex Joke and kill

I easily made my way past the gym trainers, though the puzzle gave me trouble due to my accidentally re-selecting the can I was on a few times

The battle with Surge started well. I put his Voltorb to sleep and swapped to Sex Joke. Easily OHKOing it with Dig. Then the Pikachu came out. It led with Quick Attack, a wondrous mercy since Sleep Powder was already inaccurate, but Sleep Powder missed. I ran through half my PP trying to hit it and bring its Evasion down. Finally, I relented, slept it, and switched. Sex Joke OHKOed it on the second try, though he took quite a bit of damage

Then it was time for the Raichu. and once again, Sleep Powder missed. I ran out of PP and had to use two Ethers on it, all my Ethers... Finally a I relented, slept it, and switched. Sex Joke manage to take out just under half its health, but my foe awoke on that turn and manage to take out half Sex's health with a single Quick Attack. With Roger largely incapacitated due to lack of PP and Sex couldn't take another hit. I had only one option. For the rest of my team was either weak to Electric or Ekans, who I only brought because of Cut

I sent out Dre

She easily tanked the Quick Attack, taking less then a quarter of her health. And was able to Focus her Energy while Raichu Shock waved her health down to below half. It hit her again with Shock Wave, bringing her down to 3HP. Then she retaliated with Twineedle

Miraculously, she scored the hit despite my opponent being at like +5 Evasion. And somehow by Alexus's great power, were both hits critical. The first took the foe down to near death, and the second only added injury to already massive injury by sending it to the depths of Helix's Abyss (And not the fossil, scrubs >:c )

Surge reluctantly handed over his badge and TM, then I quickly went to heal poor Dre. Her heroics shall forever be emblazoned within my mind. Or at least until next Tuesday

In truth though, Surge wasn't so much hard as annoying. As such...



Update #10 Rock Tunnel, Lavender Town, and Team Rocket

Very original name, But I'm in a lazy mood

So Rock Tunnel was super easy, despite my worries going in that it would be tough. I ran into a Mankey inside, so couldn't capture that

Then I visited Lavender, listened to the lovely music, then challenged my rival in the Tower. And lost

His Pidgeotto took out half my team, and his Gyarados gave the rest a good Thrashing

I decided that, while I should surrender there, I'd take a cue from the E4 and pretend my loss had never happened. Because this is too fun and I don't want to quit yet <3

So I came back, and shredded his team easily

Hopped over to Celadon real quick, nabbed a Meowth on my way. Then grabbed an Eevee (will update the Notepad doc soonish)

Then I went to the game corner, grabbed a few jackpots to get me on my way to grabbing some TMs, though apparently 1400 coins isn't actually all that much. But hey, ten minutes, easy peasy, who cares? Also, the guy giving you his coin purse... "I'm going straight, you take this kid" Lol

Then I challenged Team Rocket's base. They were fairly easy, Giovanni couldn't handle Squire Tup and Roger one his Rock/Ground types. And Not Amused smashed his Kangaskhan (Lrn 2 mega bra)

Yeah, that was about it. Not much interesting happened

Wishing for stronger bosses,


Update #11 Erika and the knighting of Squire Tup

So after conquering the Rockets, I snuck past Edge the old pervert at the window of the Celadon Gym and challenged Erika. Oh, and a some of the gym trainers, but they kept inflicting me with status so I got annoyed with them

Dan easily took care of Erika, I didn't even really use anyone else. So yeah, then I took her TM and badge and headed off. Might teach it to Dan if his Special Attack ends up high enough

Then I headed back to Lavender Town and the Name Rater. For it was time to knight Squire Tup So while I was typing in his new name, I did this corny little speech:

"Squire Tup. For your bravery in battle and eternal loyalty to your friends, at least until your inevitable death, I hearby knight you. *Shoulder tappy stuff* Arise, Sir Tup, knight of- Okay, i'm done"

So yeah, that happened. Now it's time to take this Silph Scope and get all up in Pokemon Tower. Maybe nab a Ghastly even? Or worse, Cubone?

I'm a dork,


Update #12 To the Top of the Tower

So I began climbing the tower again. The channelers were annoying and the music wasn't creepy, but it was an okay climb. Largely boring though. The Ghastly kept Cursing to death orf easily dying to my Bites

Then I reached the top, and happiness ensued. For Marowak provided a true challenge

Roger was up first, he attempted to sleep it, but not before receiving a near OHKO from Bonemerang. Her got it to sleep and tried to absorb it, but his attacks did nothing. I waited a while until I could sleep it again, then swapped out to Sir Tup

While Tup's attacks did more, they weren't enough and Marowak nearly killed him with a crit from Bonemerang. I healed, but he immediately came down again with another crit. Not wanting to waste Potions or risk Tup's death, I switched over to Dan, hoping his Flying type would help save me

And indeed, Bonemerang failed, and Confuse Ray helped keep Marowak's attacks at bay. And Dan's Wing Attacks even did some damage. But a surprise crit from Headbutt (Okay, not a surprise, Focus Energy is really annoying when it's against you :/) Managed to shred his HP

But i still had Not Amused to handle things. She came out and shredded Marowak with dragon Rage, making me think I should have just started with her

Then I healed up my party with Potions and headed for Team Rocket

Rocket was easy, aside from the Poison and my lack of Antidotes. They Poisoned two of my Pokemon, and I only had one Pecha berry. Luckily I had a few Escape Ropes to get me out and across to the Pokemon Center. Barely. Dear god that was terrifying, I didn't want to lose Tup and Mealstorm. D: I need them to be my Special attackers

Then, after a long and really boring harrowing trek back up the tower, and the purchase of like thirty Antidotes, I took out the last couple Rockets and freed Mr. Fuji. Then he used his mystical teleporty powers to bring me back to his home where there was much celebration and drinking. Which I totally didn't take part in. Because I'm like ten. Then he gave me his flute to hold onto so I could get past the Snorlax (Because clearly Snorlax are horny)

Then I left this wondrous and totally not at all illegal operation and headed south for the place with the Poison guy that nobody cares about

And somewhere around Route 15 I realized I should probs go back and rename Sex Joke to PENIS like I was going to...

Totally not breaking the law or anything,


Update #13 Bad Luck in Fuschia

Ohey, it's update #13, no wonder...

Anywhales, I made my way to Fuschia city, and immediately went to all the Pokemon catching places. I failed to catch Goldeen in the one pond. Encountered a Spearow near the bike place. And only managed a Doduo in the Safari Zone. then I headed up the Bicycle path, managing to avoid all bu one fight and thus it wasn't too slow. Then I went and nabbed Fly, not that I needed it, and headed back down.

I decided to check out how tough the gym was, and almost got my team shredded by that level 38 Hypno and it's Headbutts. But then I got Not amused out and, amusingly, Flinched it right off the bat with Bite. A pair of Dragon Rages and it was no more.

I went back and healed, then moved onto the next trainer to get a better feel of the actual levels. And lo and behold, he had more Psychic types. God I hate this gym. His Drowzee were annoying, but Not Amused managed to take them all with a couple of Dragon Rages. The real trouble has his Kadabra. It was capable of taking any one of my Pokemon down to 1/3 health with a single Psybeam. I tossed out Mealstorm and waited for it to use a separate move whilst Potioning, then Sand Attacked it once and hopped back out. Then Sir Tup was up. He was capable of wearing the foe down, but the real trouble came when it used Future Sight

I was certain he was doomed, even if I healed him up, the Psybeam would take him within plenty of range for Future Sight to end him. I couldn't switch, as that would be a death sentence for any of my other members. Tup was done for. The fateful turn came quickly, as did the Kadabra's Psybeam. Then a miracle happened, Future Sight "failed", which I take to mean that it missed. That Sand Attack Mealstorm put in saved Sir Tup's life. Tup was able to kill the Kadabra the next turn (he'd been sitting on like one HP for a while) And I won the fight. Then I decided it best to go grind for a while before challenging Koga

Not quite that unlucky,


Update #14 An Unamusing Death

I'm shore some of you can guess what happened here, but you'll have to wait until later for confirmation

So I've been doign a bit of grinding, not much, like half and hour a day, but some. And I found the tea so I could get into Saffron. I have some harrowing adventures at the Fighting Dojo, but managed to defeat their leader and acquire a Hitmonlee. Afterwards, I headed into Celadon to... Do something. Then decided to challenge the trainers on Cycling Road.

I was on one of the last of the trainers near the top. Not Amused was in the lead, she'd been handling half the fights anywhales. She was up against a single Weezing. She led off with Dragon Rage, taking just under half its health, and taking a Smokescreen in return. Then she tackled it, bringing it down to a about a third health, well within Dragon Rage's range. She took a Sludge to the face in return. She wasn't Poisoned, everything was fine. Then she used Dragon Rage...

She missed. The Weezing used Sludge. She tanked it with 11 HP, I sighed in relief. Then the Poison set it. Her total health was 108. I couldn't remember the percentage Poison took, but knew that unless it was below %10, she was dead. And indeed, she died

After all the work I had put into her, I wanted desperately to use the Max Revive I had sitting in my pouch, for I'd heard the stories of Nuzlockers using Max Revives as a way of bringing back dead companions. But I knew it would be cheating. And besides, I'd been having trouble determining who to swap out so I could put Tao on my team. So I went to the PC, swapped her out for Tao. And released her. Then I spent some time bringing Tao closer to the rest of my teams level

I knew that my next challenge was a Poison gym, and that the troubles I would face there would be enormous. But I also knew that I had to go on. To conquer the Poison. If only to honor my Amusing little friend's memory.

Not funny,


Update #15 Ditto to Koga is Like 3HP to Sludge

So I decided to return to Ruote 14 with a Cun... CUT Pokemon and try to catch something. And lo and behold, my first encunter was a Ditto

So I leveled that a bit, and headed off to Koga

His first Koffing fell to Tao's Rolling Kick's and their flinches

Then his Weezing fell to Tup's Watery Pulses

Then Muk was up. Ellie came out, and took a sludge to the face before xe could Transform taking xem down to very low HP. Then Poison set in and took xem down to 3HP

So yeah, I swapped and let Dan take care of it

Dan was epic. He didn't miss a single Confuse ray until Muk was at +6 Evasion. Or any Steel wings until +5. Then I PP stalled it by healing every once in a while, while Steel Winging where I could. No defense boosts, sadly, but damn that Muk got crits left and right. Eventually it was out of Sludges and Dan only had Wing Attacks. So then it was just a matter of getting lucky and critting so as to avoid the Acid Armors. Then Dan ended the last Koffing with a pair of Wing attacks.

Yeah, that was time consuming, but not hard. Onto Seafoam~

Need Imposter pl0x,

Kyra :P

Edited by MasterWeavile898
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You made the same topic twice Kyra. It's over, you're bound to failure. Sorry.

Oh well, since i'm bored 99% of the time, sure i'll keep an eye on this thread, so i can laugh everytime something (Or someone) dies.

So yeah, i'll look at this. Keep doing it, on the road to failure~ o/

(And this isn't as dumb as 99% of my posts, so whatever)

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Well, thanks Mikzal. I'm shore it could be plenty better though. I have a feeling I'm focusing too much on details that aren't really too important

I'm thinking Ima try drawing some of my major obstacles, like that Rattata. Not now, but maybe soon... Might be fun ^^

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Well, thanks Mikzal. I'm shore it could be plenty better though. I have a feeling I'm focusing too much on details that aren't really too important

I'm thinking Ima try drawing some of my major obstacles, like that Rattata. Not now, but maybe soon... Might be fun ^^

I might be the only person that thinks the "not really important details" makes things more interesting.

But oh well, you better keep doing this. And nuzlockes are awesome until you decide to try one in Reborn...

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I'm not even trying Reborn. The only reason I'm alive is because I can overlevel >_>

I like not really important details, it just seems other people don't most of the time :( Glad you enjoy it though ^^

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> finished my Fire Red Nuzlocke yesterday

>> Kyra started a Fire Red Nuzlocke yesterday

Oh well. I wish good luck to you, brave Nuzlocker. And uh.

I'm not even trying Reborn. The only reason I'm alive is because I can overlevel >_>

I like not really important details, it just seems other people don't most of the time :( Glad you enjoy it though ^^

Unimportant details make it interesting. Like. Really interesting. So I'll prolly be following this, since I'm a big Nuzlocke fanboy.

Edit: Squirtle. Omg. Imo the worst starter you could pick, but it also makes the Champion battle easier than it should be, because the Rival sucks at building Venusaur.

Edited by Bibarel
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Technically I started Friday :P

I think Charmander is worst. It has a tough time against the first two gyms. And by the time you're done with those you're not so reliant on your starter anymore

It gets Metal Claw, but Brock's Pokemon are physically defensive...

I would say that Venusaur is probs best tho

Gonna try to update now, but I'm on my 3DS so it may go horribubbly wrong

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I always thoought the starters as the difficulty level you choose, based on the strengths and weaknesses against the Gym-Leaders and Elite 4, espacially back in Gen 1, when Charmander didn't learn Metal Claw to use against Brock...

Bulbasaur = Easy (because of earlier advantage)

+ strong against Brock

+ strong against Misty

+ strong against Giovanni

+ partially strong against Lorelei (3 water/ice types)

+ partially strong against Bruno (despite being fighting-Guy he has to Onix)

- weak against Pyro

- weak against Sabrina

Squirtle = Medium

+ strong against to Brock

+ strong against Pyro

+ strong against Giovanni

+ partially strong against Bruno

(+ strong against Lance's Dragons if taught Ice Beam)

- weak against Sgt. Surge

- weak against Erika

Charmander = Hard

- weak against Brock

- weak against Misty

(- potentially weak against Sgt. Surge... if you have a Chrizard by that time...)

~ Partially strong and weak against Bruno

+ Strong against Erika

Squirtle is actually the best pick... there is a reason EVERYONE who is speedrunning Red/Blue is picking him...

but theese are speedrunning-strats not Nuzlocke strats...^^

There is a reason why I never do Nuzlockes... I don't have the patience and Im really unlucky (enemy crits/Confuse/Poison hax etc.^^)...

I guess I would loose all my Pokemon before facing the first Gym xD

Anyway: Good Luck with your Nuzlocke...

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*Reads last update*

Yep, this is going to be awesome. That's the joy of Nuzlockes, when things go horribly wrong. But you breathe and keep going.

10/10 would read that last update again

Just wait until you reach that uncacthable first pokemon on a random route...

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Dome Fossil? DOME FOSSIL????

you dare to pick the prophet of democracy!?!?!?

bring us anarchy or start9!



Oh, the first thing you do when you reach a new town -> go into the pokecenter and heal your team!

I never seem to remember when the rival strikes... thats why I always go into the Pokecenter first.

You need to do a lot of grinding if you want to beat Misty, if I see it correctly in your Text-File (at the current time).

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Rivals must die. I do remember that in mine, that demonic Pidgeotto was no prob, because I had my own higher-leveled Pidgeotto :D

The bastard still managed to kill my Spearow with damn Ember though. RIP Rogue lv 3-15: you were a real bro.

Oh right, um, your Nuzlocke.

RIP Pesty the Spearow lv 6-9: you died to save another.

RIP Richard the Mankey lv 3-15: you were great, now take a nice, long rest...

And uh.

> Rattata named Ekans

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Thanks Notus!

Yeah, but I named another after you ^^

Lol, yeah, Dome fossil. I've always loved Kabutops. And I would likely have picked it just to spite TPP anywhales

And that's what I did. I just went back to grind and didn't heal after >_<

And you forgot part of Pesty's thingamajig. It should be: You died to save another, who died anyway :P

Yeah... I really wanted an Ekans >_<

Just beat Misty, updating in a moment

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You shouldn't forget to train your other pokes as well. I see that Wartortle, Beedrill and Gyarados are getting a lot of love, but train other Pokemon as well. Take Rattata for example. That thing literally dominates early in-game with Hyper Fang, not to mention that it can dominate late-game as well. My Raticate was Bold, meaning -Att, yet she completely obliterated Agatha thanks to her great Speed. Well, she had Shadow Ball as well, but that's off-topic. The thing I mean is that a Nuzlocke is made so you can play with Pokemon you didn't have or want. It's all explained by the founder of the challenge himself: http://nuzlocke.com/challenge-comic.html

Now go, child, and remember: this is all happening for a reason.

What am I a Nuzlocke prophet?

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Well, I would have five higher level Pokemon, if I hadn't lost two of the ones I was going to have up there to my Rival

And I've read that, I've been trying to not get all my normal stuff even. Though I did get Squirtle, Zubat, and Weedle, and was hoping for Ekans. But I don't intend to use Dan later on, just wanted to have Zubat about in case Dre died and I didn't get Ekans. Because Poison types are very important

I used up all the trainers in this area on Not Amused. And wild Pokemon make things really slow. So Ima move onward and try to level up Dan some more, then hopefully get something to drop Ekans for. Edna may or may not tag along. I always seem to have a Pidgey in my Kanto games, so I may try to use something different this time

Never used Gyarados, ever. So that's why I have Not Amused

I would use Roger, but Vileplume is so ugly I just can't manage that, and I can't get Bellossom until post-E4

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