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The Awakened - First Pillar (IC Thread)


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Asking about the three deceased characters on the tables was obviously what Hades would want from Keaton. Fortunately, he was already packed and ready to go, so the tense would be broken soon.
"No questions. I'm ready to go," Keaton said, checking his person. He carried his high-round capacity pistol and new laser gun slung across his body. Earlier, he tested the gun out, getting a feel for it. It felt great, leaning on the light side, yet heavy enough to be comfortable in his hands. He scanned the room a last time, taking notice of the cabinets, bodies, and door lock before turning without seeming suspicious. Keaton walked out, turning to wait for Hades.

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"Stop doing that!" Ace yelled at the man as he phases through him yet again. Dammit! This mission was supposed to be an walk in a park, but instead i've to deal with another awakened individual. Man, this guy is persistent, obviously i can't hit this guy even if i try, might as well be punching the air while i'm at it. He then turns his eyes at the entrance and notice that some of the newcomers started disappearing. 1..2..3..4.. wait? aren't there 5 of them? that can't be good. Ace counted in his mind and sighed. never send a boy to do a mans job, welp time to fetch the kid. Ace turns his attention to the rugged man once again.

"welp, this going nowhere.." Ace release small chuckle. "as much as i love to keep you busy, i'm afraid time is running out.. like i said, that girl is coming with us..." Ace grins as he adjust his coat jacket. "The name's Ace by the way...might consider your offer tho, but lets face it, there is no such thing as a 'Haven' for us, none of us is safe as long government continues to exist and hunts us down like animals." Ace sheepishly smile as the ground begins to tremble once more. with that, without waiting for a response. Ace dashes off at incredible speed,as he surpass the swordsman and went straight through the door, the speedster is now in search of his partner Kenny through the corridor downstairs.

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"I don't know who you are, but just get out of my way before I do something unforgivable."

The man let out a laugh.

"You? Do something unforgivable?" His grin broadened. "Please. As if you could even do anything to me before I broke you. But I'll tell you who I am. I'm the big boss around here, you see. The guy in charge of making sure these prisoners don't leave. And besides that, I'm the last guy you'll ever meet."



"No questions. I'm ready to go."

Hades smiled. "Excellent."


The car stopped. Hades stepped out, followed by Keaton. He gave a signal to the driver, who sped away. The two of them were left alone on an empty road. It was a backroad of some sort, and appeared to be rarely used anymore. The sun had set, leaving them in darkness. Hades pointed to their right, at a small building a short distance away. It resembled a shack, likely only having one small room, probably for storage.

"That's where we're going. We've been gathering information about a gang around these parts. From what we can tell, their "base" is underneath that shack." He looked at Keaton, a blank expression on his face. "Normally the police would handle this sort of thing, but apparently their leader is known to be one of the Awakened. That makes this my kind of job." He grinned. "They're likely to be armed, and I doubt they'll come peacefully, given their history. Hope you've got your guns ready, and try not to die. Not that it really matters if you do. It wouldn't be a huge setback."

With that, he began walking towards the shack, leaving Keaton to question why he had been brought along. He found that the door was padlocked, but brought out a small device from his pocket. A laser came from the end, cutting straight through the metal as the lock hit the pavement. The door swung as he pushed, and he stepped through. A small door was on the floor, revealing a staircase when pulled open. The pair walked down, reaching a narrow passageway. It took a sharp turn a few feet in front of them, and they could hear voices around it.

"...stinking guard duty again. I'm getting sick of this."

There was a mumbling in a different voice in reply. Hades looked at Keaton.

"At least two in this corridor," he whispered, edging closer to the corner. "I'll try to talk to them, and you back me up if it goes wrong. Consider it a test of sorts."

With that, he strode casually around the corner, hands in his coat pockets. There was a yelp of surprise from one of them men. Hades' voice could be heard first.

"Hello, gentlemen. Quite the place you have here. However, I'm afraid that it's being shut down. Government policy and all that. Please come along peacefully, and you won't have to die."

One of the men laughed.

"Hehe. Sure, doc. You'll kill us. I've got news for ya. You're outnumbered and outgunned. You haven't even met the boss yet. How 'bout you head on home before things get crazy."

Hades spoke the next words simply and loudly.

"All right Keaton. Shoot them."

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Ace runs off at high speed as he saw Kenny and a muscular man dead ahead, down the corridor. who is that guy? it doesn't matter, anyone who is not Kenny or the girl is a liability to our mission. Ace picks up the pace as he runs faster towards them, shifting his momentum rapidly as he tackles the man at lightning fast speed.

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typhlosionrulez, K_H

Ace made contact with the man, but the man was not thrown backwards. Instead, it was Ace who would be in pain. The man was still in place, as if Ace had hit a steel wall. He didn't even flinch, simply turning to look at Ace, now sprawled on the floor in pain.

"Well. That was unexpected." He turned back to Kenny. "It seems you brought friends. No matter. I'll simply defeat the both of you, and take back my prisoner."

The man walked over to Ace, his right hand making a fist as he brought in back in a punch. He swung downward toward Ace, his muscled arms making incredible speed through the air.

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Ace rolls out of the way as the man bring down his fist towards him, The speedster quickly picks himself up and spits out a little blood due to that collision. what the hell was that? it looks like i'm dealing with a superman over here.well atleast i can hit this guy unlike that swordsman down the hall.

"you're tougher than i thought" Ace release a playful smile."Who are you?" Ace ask.

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Beverly stopped before she and Lux got to the group. "I am not actually that good at talking to groups, at least if I don't know much about them. So why don't you handle it for a bit tell i get the feel for this party?" She said with a little more cheery.

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Lux nodded, not expecting the psychic to be the introvert of the group. "You've got it. Let's head over." He led his 'date' over to the group, smiling broadly. "Hello, gentlemen. Lucius Jett, and this is my lovely date Beverly. This party is so marvelous and so fantastic that we both agreed we would like nothing more than to personally thank the host for inviting us. Might you know where we could find the master of the house?" he said, affecting a spot-on Essex accent and making sure to look down his nose at the people he was speaking to.

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Jory, rustytengo

"Hello, gentlemen. Lucius Jett, and this is my lovely date Beverly. This party is so marvelous and so fantastic that we both agreed we would like nothing more than to personally thank the host for inviting us. Might you know where we could find the master of the house?"

The group turned as Lux spoke, some of them at first looking surprised by the interruption before regaining their composure. One of them spoke, giving a smile that was obviously fake and used purely for politeness.

"Oh, well I do believe we were just speaking to him a short while ago, giving our own appreciations," he said, looking at the others, who all nodded. "Yes, he had said he was going to head inside for a bit to visit with the guests there. Perhaps you might ask around there if you cannot locate him?" He squinted as he looked at the pair. "You're both quite young, aren't you..." He let the matter drop as his voice trailed away and he returned to his previous conversation, leaving Lux and Beverly to themselves.


King Murdoc, Snap Crackle Pop, Chimchain

Beetle came through the portal, landing rather roughly on the ground below. He could see somebody disappearing up the stairs with a girl in their arms, though he couldn't tell if it was Rebecca with his body in the way. There were two other men in the room. One was very muscular, wearing a cut-off and boots, while the other looked like one of the men from upstairs.

"How did he get here so fast...?" Beetle wondered. He didn't take any more time to think about it. He sprinted past the two men back up the stairs, hoping that the others who hadn't come through the portal yet might slow him down up there. He wasn't sure if anyone had come through with him, but he didn't stop to check.


typhlosionrulez, K_H

"You're tougher than I thought. Who are you?"

The man smiled. "I'm just like you," he replied. "One of those who have found their full potential. One of the Awakened." He swept his arm across the room. "I was appointed to keep this place under control if anything... unexpected were to happen. Though I must say, I'd been getting a bit lazy before you two showed up." He looked around. "Speaking of which... It seems your friend thinks that I'll just let him waltz on out of here." With that, he sprinted towards the stairs after Kenny.

"This is your chance to leave," he called back. "Follow me and there will be no more warnings."

(((For clarification, he will not have noticed Beetle run behind him, or any others from that group who may have followed.)))

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Lux inclined his head toward the stranger in thanks before steering Beverly away from the group. He once again leaned in to speak in hushed tones. "Let's head inside and ask around for a bit more info. Now laugh like I've said something funny," he said quickly, a big fake smile on his face.

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Jude had finally caught up, just in time to notice another man calling himself an Awakened. "So you are one of God's Chosen people?" Jude began slowly allowing himself to be seen. "Then perhaps you will listen to reason. My group, Utopia, intends to create a world where the Awakened are no longer persecuted, but rather are rewarded for their gifts." Jude stopped and stared around, looking at the other members in the room, yet not noticing the people emerging from the portal. "So, if you grow tired of hiding from people less gifted than yourself Utopia is the place for you. However, if you do not intend to join me then you may continue to live your life. I am only truly here for the girl."

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Kenny and the Girl used the Distraction provided by Jude to get to the First Floor, and then the two of them ran towards the exit, speeding towards the group who was going onto the Second Floor via a portal, and yelled to them as he ran through them.


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Beverly did as Lux asked though her laugh was a bit more genuine because of Lux's fake smile.

"Your actually quite good at dealing with people aren't you? If it was me I probably wouldn't be able to resit out right insulting people like that. Though it probably would go over there head." She said with a laugh.

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Lux smiled, continuing to walk toward the door to the estate with Beverly on his arm. "Well, I'm a leader now. I have to be able to deal with people. Especially in situations like this where keeping a low profile is absolutely key." Lux couldn't help but notice that as they approached the estate, the concentration of guards seemed to increase. "He's definitely inside. Let's get this done. Ace and Kenny have probably already completed their mission, but we don't even know where our guy is yet." Eventually, the pair reached the door to the estate and walked in.

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Oh no he's not. Alice had caught a glimpse of a person after she came out of the portal, who was trying to get away with who she presumed to be Rebecca, though she didn't get a good look at her. She glanced briefly at the others in the room before pursuing the guy. Alice could see that it was a girl and likely the pyromancer mentioned, so it probably was Rebecca- who else could it be? She was running after him on the second floor and up to the first when she realized that she didn't even need to do so. Not long after they arrived on ground level, Alice stopped and made a solid invisible wall right in between the portal and the person she was pursuing, making it so that he wouldn't have a way of getting past and leaving.

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Kenny collided with the Wall, his Barrier reflexively forming around him with a Blue Glow, and he dropped the Girl as he collided with the Wall.


Kenny then tried to go forwards, but found the way blocked by the Invisible Wall, so he tried to bust through it with an Aura Beam, his Quartz Crystal Pendant flashing Blue as he released the Beam at Point-Blank Range.

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[OOC: This pistol has a suppressor.]

As a God, Keaton understood why Hades would waltz over to the enemy. But dragging him into it would be risky for them both, even if Hades couldn't be killed.

He said monotonously "All right Keaton. Shoot them."

Keaton looked up from his pistol's sights, dumbstruck. He had to make a choice. Under any other circumstances, he would not. Keaton was not incredibly familiar with this new gun, nor was he an expert marksman. But he knew that, since The Pillar rose, things changed. He did, his acquaintances did, his father was taken as a result, and this new life was the result. In an unexplainable way, he calmed down, seeing the world slow before his eyes. Before, this had happened when agents broke into his house and stole his past away. That was irrelevant now.

First, he would shoot the guard on the right in both shoulders, incapacitating him. His fall would interrupt the guard behind him, giving Keaton the chance to shoot for the testes. From there, he could shoot both forearms. With hard, rubber bullets, the two would not be killed, only in incredible pain that would leave them on the floor for a long time. The first guard would still need to be silenced as not to attract attention, but Keaton felt his time slipping away

As time began to flow again, he brought the gun parallel to his eyes, shooting the first guard, squaring both shots between heartbeats. The guard fell, hitting the one behind him, knocking his gun away. On a knee, Keaton squinted and shot the guard's groin, hearing his voice both heighten and soften as he threw his arms down to protect them. This would merit the shot to take down the guard. Both bullets flew true to their targets. And both were down.
Keaton ran over, pointing to the guard shot twice, and made a gagging motion by putting his fist in his mouth. Sure, it was unprofessional, but so was being caught. He only hoped Hades would understand in time.

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Hades moved quickly as the men were taken down. He quickly knelt by the man Keaton had pointed to, placing his right hand on the man's throat. Hades' hand began to glow a deep purple color, and within a fraction of a second the man lay still. He repeated the process on the other man.

Hades stood slowly.

"Rubber bullets, eh? Clever of you, though perhaps not the wisest of decisions. You'd better be sure of yourself on this one. Your life could be at stake."

He turned to Keaton after he said the last part, flashing a wild grin.

"And that's why I love this."


The two of them had walked further down the corridor, their presence still unknown to the others that likely lurked within. The two men from before appeared to be dead after Hades had intervened. He walked along cooly and undisturbed, as if nothing unusual was happening. Hades stopped when the passageway came to a split section. The hall branched off to the left and right.

"What do you think, Keaton? Do we stick together for combined power, at the risk of being attacked from behind? Or do we split up to cover more ground, focusing only on what's ahead? You're supposed to have a superior brain, right?"

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As per usual, Keaton felt antagonized. Though, the situation did require an answer. He put a finger to his forehead, thinking.

"If we can find a control panel, I can link up to it with my phone, determine the energy use of lights in here, and make a rough outline of the building using the location of lights. From there, both of us can have an advantage in moving about safely and efficiently. To answer, we stick together until a control panel or commanding electrical component is found."

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Hades simply shrugged in response, showing no reaction to the decision.

"If you say so."

He began walking down the right-hand path. It was empty for a long time. Eventually, they came upon a door on the right side. Hades stopped, perring through the small window. It was hard to tell for sure, since the lights were off inside, but it appeared to be some kind of equipment room. Upon trying the handle, the door was locked. Hades pulled out the laser device once more, running it along the frame of the door. When he was finished, it swung open easily.

"Perhaps you can find what you're looking for in there," Hades said, motioning to the now- open room. "I'll watch out here and make sure you aren't interrupted. Perhaps I'll scan ahead a bit as well."


K_H, Snap Crackle Pop

Beetle stopped upon seeing the man he was chasing stop. He was indeed carrying Rebecca, who appeared unconscious. He could see Alice a bit further ahead.

"Let Rebecca go!" he shouted to the man. Shortly thereafter, the muscular man from the level below reached the hallway, stopping as he caught sight of the three.

"You guys just keep coming, huh?"

He gave a short laugh. "Return the girl and I'll let you leave. This is the only warning I'll give you."


Jory, rustytengo

The pair entered a large entrance hall. The were two flights of stairs the led to a balcony above, one flight on either side of the room. There were two doors on either side of the balcony that led to other areas of the house. The stairs were blocked off with ribbons, a clear mark that the area was unavailable for guests. Beneath the balcony was the entrance to another room, where guests milled about and the Bartender was visible serving drinks. A man stood near the doorway, similarly to a guard. He had long blonde hair that reached just past his shoulders and hung to the sides of his face, and it was easy to spot his muscular build beneath his white suit.

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The aura beam failed to break through, although keeping the barrier up against another form of energy required more concentration for Alice, and it was very interesting that she couldn't get a sense of it like she could with something like electricity. Must be a pretty similar power.

"Return the girl and I'll let you leave. This is the only warning I'll give you."

Deciding that the others ahead would be able to deal with the person who apparently also tried to take Rebecca out of this place, Alice released the barrier. She would deal with this guy later seeing at how the group over by the portal would be able to take care of him. Besides, it would be in the interest of both parties to take out the jailer, things could be sorted out later, perhaps an arrangement could be made; and if not that would work too.

"I'm sorry, but she is not yours to keep," Alice said, turning to the jailer, but keeping an eye on her other possible foe too. What is he going to do...? "May I ask why our friend is here?"

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Jude had had enough of this insolence. He had attempted to be peaceful, but apparently these people were too dull to realize their true calling. He could see now that words would not make them realize who had sent him, but action would.

Jude rushed after the man who was chasing the boy who was carrying the girl. By the time Jude arrived the group from earlier was blocking the boy's path and the larger man had finally caught up and was placing threats. The misguided fools.

Jude quickly drew his sword and lunged forward at the muscular man, aiming directly for his heart.

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Kenny turned to Beetle.

"I'm sorry, i was only trying to get Rebecca out of this place."

Kenny then heard Alice speak up.

"May I ask why our friend is here?"

Kenny then answered her question.

"Rebecca was taken by the government and put in this place for some unknown reason. Since you're not with the Government, i presume that you came here to rescue her as well. if so, then that means that we've got similar goals, and should team up temporarily."

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