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13.5.1 Errors When Compiling Data


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 Ok, now that I've got my savefiles converted and can actually start the game, I'm trying to compile data (yes Debug is turned on) to implement the montext.rb/movetext.rb changes I made, but Compile All Data is immediately throwing up an "uncaught throw "#<NameError: uninitialized constant SHARPNESS>"" error, which I can't figure out how to fix.


In the interest of thoroughness I tried Compile Text (Failed to compile text: Can't find intl.txt) and Compile Trainers (undefined method `trainers=') as well.


When Compile Trainers fails I can still continue from there and interact with the game, but Compile All Data freezes everything after it fails and I have to hard quit.


Compile Trainers Full error:


[Pokemon Rejuvenation 13.5.1]
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `trainers=' for #<Cache_Game:0x000000011d39dd98 @pkmn={:BULBASAUR=>#<MonData:0x000000011d39da28 @flags={}, @mon=:BULBASAUR, @name="Bulbasaur", @dexnum=1, @Type1=:GRASS, @Type2=:POISON, @BaseStats=[45, 49, 49, 65, 65, 45], @EVs=[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], @Abilities=[:OVERGROW, :CHLOROPHYLL], @GrowthRate=:MediumSlow, @GenderRatio=:FemEighth, @BaseEXP=64, @CatchRate=45, @Happiness=70, @EggSteps=5355, @EggMoves=[:AMNESIA, :CHARM, :CURSE, :ENDURE, :GIGADRAIN, :GRASSWHISTLE, :GRASSYTERRAIN,
Debug:706:in `block in pbDebugMenu'
Debug:292:in `loop'
Debug:292:in `pbDebugMenu'
PauseMenu:244:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:924:in `pbFadeOutIn'
PauseMenu:243:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
PauseMenu:146:in `loop'
PauseMenu:146:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:229:in `call_menu'
Time:189:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:201:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:41:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:23:in `block in mainFunction'
Compiler:66:in `pbCriticalCode'
Main:23:in `mainFunction'
Main:73:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'
Main:72:in `loop'
Main:72:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
(eval):8:in `eval'
(eval):8:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
(eval):4:in `each'
(eval):4:in `block in <main>'


Compile All Data full error:


[Pokemon Rejuvenation 13.5.1]
Exception: UncaughtThrowError
Message: uncaught throw "#<NameError: uninitialized constant SHARPNESS>"
DataObjects - Compilers:27:in `throw'
DataObjects - Compilers:27:in `rescue in compileMons'
DataObjects - Compilers:21:in `compileMons'
DataObjects - Compilers:2:in `compileAll'
Debug:712:in `block in pbDebugMenu'
Debug:292:in `loop'
Debug:292:in `pbDebugMenu'
PauseMenu:244:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:924:in `pbFadeOutIn'
PauseMenu:243:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
PauseMenu:146:in `loop'
PauseMenu:146:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:229:in `call_menu'
Time:189:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:201:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:41:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:23:in `block in mainFunction'
Compiler:66:in `pbCriticalCode'
Main:23:in `mainFunction'
Main:73:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'
Main:72:in `loop'
Main:72:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'


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Well I figured out the Compile All Data issue, after a couple hours of searching around, it was a stupid goddamn spelling error, it was just being very unclear about that apparently. Still getting the same error with Compile Trainers, but we'll see if I can suss out the issue there.

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