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For people with sensitive hearing.


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Hello Everyone!


I have created this post to help people - like me - who suffer from hearing sensitivity. 
Some of you may be wondering what I'm talking about? I'm talking about people -like me- who hear certain sounds and frequencies louder than average. And people whose high-pitched sounds can cause them discomfort or headaches. 
I love the game, but I soon realised (as you'd expect from a Pokemon game) that every time a dialogue came up, or something was selected, there was a constant "beep" sounding. At first I tried simply turning off the "SE" sound but for some strange reason that didn't work, and the sound just kept going. Until I finally found a solution.

Fortunately, the DEVS at Pokemom Rejuvenation are very organised people, and all the sound files have a name that corresponds to their sound. So I went to the "SE" and "BGS" folder and deleted the files that corresponded to those sounds.

My recommendation in case you have the same problem as me? 

You have to go to the "SE" folder and delete the following files:

And in the "BGS" folder:

After doing that, obviously you have to restart the game, and when you log in again, all the SE sounds will be there except those beeps. 

I hope this has helped some of you!


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