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Whispy tower is all glitchy with the new patch


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I just installed the patch for 13.0.02 and then the game ended up lookling like this




This only applies to the whispy tower, the rest of the game seems fine, but the performence is also lagging here and i also had an issue saving here. I downloaded this directly from the website and i also had a version of v13.01 with the patch of v13.02 and then the same result happend

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Unfortunately it did not help and i have found a way to sort of temporarily solution. I have a version of v13 of my laptop that does not have any of the patches, on that version are no glitched sprites, Look at these few instances this is with the v13.02 patch   


This is in my regular old version of v13.00



The tower also runs perfectly in v13.00


but unfortunately in V13.02 it's still all glitchy like all above

I guess some files in the patch seem to be corrupted , since it would be weird if my laptop could run desolation 5.1 and rejuvenatio  v13.00 and 13.01  flawlessly but these 2 area's with similair sprites/aesthethic not in V13.02. For the time being i'll switch between v13.00 and v13.02 when any glitched occur,

hope someone can do something with this info

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