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[SPOILERS ALERT] Describing my experience of the new story content for Vague Clarity in one word. Also my actual experience with the story.


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V13 is by far one of my favorite version of the game so far. So far, I have been enjoying the new story content from start to finish into.



The battles were very fun and I actually had a bit of a challenge on casual mode for some of the fights. I liked how boss pokemon now have a shield mechanic to make it feel like you are actually fighting a boss and not a suit-up normal pokemon with a different sprite, moves, and typing. Best boss I liked fighting was the BEEFED UP COFFEE GREGUS!


The story is the best part with all of the twists, turns, and reveals, that is why I said AHH for describing my experience in one very long word. Some of the twist were easy to make out due to the clues that were given out early on, but the other twists had me be theorizing what was going to happen next until the next moment. And the reveals were the best out of all the versions with knowing what the interceptor really is, the back story and identities of the two mysterious time travelers, and what the Xenpurgis is.



The new mechanics for the game were pretty fun to use, like the Interceptor's Wish and the branching story paths that you can go through. The Interceptor's Wish is the more interesting one since you can either use your own pokemon team or take the set team for the character you are going to be playing as and doing a nuzlocke on the game can be a lot more fun since you are able to use your own team in the story paths and not just the preset teams.



I don't really have all that many issues with the game except for a few bugs like the speed-up button not working right and a few grammatical errors in the dialogue. But that is mostly it.

As of writing this now I haven't gone and updated my game to the new patch that might fix some of these problems.


My only gripe with this game is that the story is getting very complex and it is hard to tell what is going on in the part of the main story, but I do know what is going on. Just that I need to think some of the stuff over for it to make sense to me.


I would rank Version 13 a 10/10 for the story content.


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V13 in general was information overload, but it was wrapped up quite nicely. They gave Kanon a lot of character development too, which I like. The Clear and Naganadel reveals were quite obvious but I didn't expect the Puppet Master to be THAT person. Haha! 


Gotta say though, that Puppet Master battle was atrocious. Aelita's Starmie carried me big time.


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