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Epic Nuzlocke Quest In Sinnoh. (Sigh Up and Q&A)


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The Nuzlocke Quest in Sinnoh. rated T for teen


Yo mama wants yo to leave yo home and become champion of Sinnoh.

But when you get yo starter you are cursed.

And now all of yo pokemon who faint die.

But you have no choice. you must leave home.

Post starter here please.

★All Pokemon who faint die. And all pokemon must be named.

★ Obey the standard Reborn Roleplay rules.

★ Rating is T, since there is no gore in Pokemon and since descriptions of violence and romance should be kept on a decently tasteful level.
★ Do not godmod. It's no fun if a player is completely unbeatable or evolves all their pokémon early on.

★ Do NOT bunny. Bunny means playing another person's character - very obvious, but do not do it.
★ You can capture pokémon without the need for the GM's approval.
★ At all times, you are allowed to make up either in-game NPCs or other in-game players though!

★ You may battle with other players and NPC's - but Gym Leader battles shall be done with the GM.

★ Only 1 Egg move per starter allowed. This is to keep them from being overpowered so early on.

★ No DW ability Pokemon can be caught in the wild. This isn't Unova, so there are no Hidden Groves here.

★ In vein with the above, If you're going to give a Wild pokemon an egg move, it can only have 1, like your starter. And only 1 out of every 3 CAPTURES can have an egg move... Try to be reasonable about it as well. We don't want people running around with teams of Brave Bird Pidgey's or Super Fang Rattata's that were freshly caught

See ya soon with the main thread.

Edited by rotomfan63
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