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Is Novae's reward eevee shinylocked?(resolved)


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It isn't.  When resetting in a recent play through for better IV's for the eevee in question one of the eevees was shiny.  I didn't keep it because I cared more about the IVs than the color but it can definitely be a shiny.

And if it's a sylveon you want, you get one for free later in the game, and it even has pefect IVs across the board.  That one is also capable of being shiny, can confirm since i'm rocking one in my current team.

There is also a guaranteed shiny eevee later in the game involving the Kimono girls.

Edited by Calentz
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Sorry, reread and I answered the question asked in the title instead of the post.  Was saying how it isn't shiny locked so It IS capable of being shiny I should say.

As I mentioned though there are better alternatives if you are willing to wait if the goal is a shiny sylveon.

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