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How do saves work when transferring by flashdrive?


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I'm getting new computer parts for my desktop PC and on top of upgrading, I'm going to do my first drive wipe since I've made the computer almost 7 years ago to help speed up the drives and get rid of a lot of innate junk. I don't have any experience with this with games that aren't saved to the cloud, which of course reborn and rejuvenation are not. If I put the folders for the games on a flash drive and put it on the drive after it's wiped clean, will it still work? I would assume so but just want to check in and make sure there isn't anything else I need to do.. Thanks.

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55 minutes ago, Lavamites said:

I'm getting new computer parts for my desktop PC and on top of upgrading, I'm going to do my first drive wipe since I've made the computer almost 7 years ago to help speed up the drives and get rid of a lot of innate junk. I don't have any experience with this with games that aren't saved to the cloud, which of course reborn and rejuvenation are not. If I put the folders for the games on a flash drive and put it on the drive after it's wiped clean, will it still work? I would assume so but just want to check in and make sure there isn't anything else I need to do.. Thanks.

Just copy and paste the saved game folder onto your flash drive
Or copy the game data you want make sure to keep reborn and Rejuv seperate though
When you want to play then put them back into the proper saved game directory

You'll likely have to run the app and create a new game for each so that it makes the save directory

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