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Souta bug not bug


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Some days ago, i post a topic about me being stuck in route 9. One of the solution was fly, but at that point (i was starting zone zero mission) i hadn't the HM Fly (something i was supposed to have at this point according the videos), and Aelita ritual quest advanced without me doing anything.  Using previous save files, i was able to continue from zone zero, and when i enter to the stores in the college, the part of Aelita ritual quest that want me to go to the tournament registration continue, ignoring that i advanced on the story (after completing the pyramid). Searching in youtube, i found that, to do the ritual to Aelita, i would go to Hospital of Hope to see Lavender and continue the quest, something i did (before start the hospital assault), but the event didn't start. Long story short, i end the game without fighting Souta and his badge.


The point i was looking is that in some point in the chapter "City of Dreams?", something happend and the continuity of the Story and parallel events become a mess, found character through the main story that supposedly y already known, and found them later like the first time they see me, etc. It's Possible end the  game, but hard to follow the events of the story when it's chronological wrong. I can't find topics about this on the forum, that's why i write this for future inconvenients.

Edited by Vals
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