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Please fix Buizel Event!


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Ok, I have quit my current shiny run for this game until the next update cause the Buizel event has worn my last nerve. Can you PLEASE make it where you can shiny hunt Buziel like in v11 AFTER the battle instead of making the player constantly rebattle the dude over and over.  Wasted over 2 hours (and a day before cause it eats so much time with the battle and got nothing but near zero iv shinies) battling this guy just to accidentally reset after getting finally getting a shiny (most likely 20 in most stats knowing my luck). I'm not saying take the battle out but at least make it possible to save and shiny hunt it WITHOUT triggering another battle.

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2 hours ago, Edo said:

You can quick save after the fight when the trainer leaves if you press the button fast repeatedly. No need to rebattle him

THX I didn't know that! Was so mad at myself for resetting over the shiny.


It does work, last time I tried using quicksave the game I was playing kept crashing so I got used to using hard save points instead.

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