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So, you'll probably notice the old poll disappeared- It got a little too confusing for everyone to keep up with, and actually, there were some things that hadn't been discussed, so we just nix'd it.

Nix'd? I don't even know if that's like, a phrase, or if I'm making up... anyway!

So not everyone is totally comfortable with resetting the ladder- understandably so. You fight hard to get to the top and when it gets erased, it feels like your work goes down the toilet.. no me gusta. :c

We actually had something to this tune that we neglected to mention before. Namely- we were looking at offering prizes to the top 3-5 placeholders after a certain period of time. This would make laddering into a more direct, shorter term, goal-oriented sort of thing rather than this omniscient beast of ranking.

If we worked it out, we _could_ also possibly do some special competitions on laddering, but those details might not come until later.

Anyway, there would prizes to commemorate and reward the top-ranked players. These would be distributed before a reset, and then the cycle can continue so there can be more prizes, more winners, more competition- and we keep things clean without everyone feeling like it's all for nothing.

(Note were we to do this, we would have to reset the ladder once without prizes just so that everyone can start this competition on fair ground- blank slate if you will).

The time frame is also definitely negotiable too. I had said seasonally (i.e, every three months) in the other topic,but if people prefer it could just as easily be done annually or every six months.

So, let us know what you would be comfortable with! With prizes included, do those who felt like their work would be going to waste feel any better about this?

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Not that I'm someone who's ever felt like being at the top of the ladder since the ladder is useless to me, adding an incentive would definitely make me want to do start ladder. A+ idea to me.

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Nix'd is in fact a word (or at the very least one I use, not sure how much of an indicator that is). As for the new ladder, yo me gusto mucho Senorita Ame. The whole prize thing gives laddering a bit more of a point and clearing the ladder allows us to see where we actually stand against others rather than where we stand against a crap ton of alternate names and people who haven't been on in forever.

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All righty, it seems like everyone's pretty okay with this, so I'm gonna say this'll be done seasonally, and we'll do the first reset on 9/21~

I guess we'll announce what sort of prizes we're in for then, too...

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