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Top 10 of Everything


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Top 10 of Everything

Welcome all. Below is a growing compilation of the Top 10 of all things Pokemon related, from Top 10 Sweepers to Top 10 Items. Being such a huge project, I won't be able to complete it myself. Everyone is welcome to contribute. If you think of a Top 10 that currently isn't included, post it yourself and I'll add it to the front page. Likewise, if you disagree with a Top 10 already in place, feel free to post it. All opinions will be considered, and Top 10 lists will be modified accordingly. Due to their immense power, Uber pokemon will be excluded from these lists unless stated otherwise.

Please note that the Top 10 list only evaluates the merit of pokemon/abilities/items within a battle. As such, otherwise useful stuff like Master Balls and the Illuminate ability are not included.

Without further ado, here we go!

Top 10 Physical Walls

10: 213.gif

9: 472.gif

8: 195.gif

7: 208.gif

6: 377.gif

5: 205.gif

4: 386D.png

3: 598.gif

2: 114.gif

Best Physical Wall: 227.gif

Top 10 Special Sponges

10: 379.gif

9: 144.gif

8: 213.gif

7: 380.gif

6: 233.gif

5: 488.gif

4: 386D.png

3: 378.gif

2: 242.gif

Best Special Sponge: 113.gif

[Continued below...]

Edited by Valkyria
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Top 10 Physical Sweepers

10: 141.gif

9: 214.gif

8: 212.gif

7: 534.gif

6: 130.gif

5: 149.gif

4: 91.gif

3: 373.gif

2: 257.gif

Best Physical Sweeper: 530.gif

Top 10 Special Sweepers

10: 609.gif

9: 642.gif

8: 65.gif

7: 368.gif

6: 139.gif

5: 385.gif

4: 251.gif

3: 151.gif

2: 381.gif

Best Special Sweeper: 637.gif

[Continued below...]

Edited by Valkyria
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Top 10 Most Overused Pokemon

10: 485.gif

9: 609.gif

8: 286.gif

7: 94.gif

6: 472.gif

5: 248.gif

4: 598.gif

3: 186.gif

2: 212.gif

Most Overused Pokemon: 149.gif

Top 10 Annoying Pokemon

10: 248.gif

9: 186.gif

8: 196.gif

7: 178.gif

6: 468.gif

5: 132.gif

4: 385.gif

3: 547.gif

2: 286.gif

Most Annoying Pokemon: 472.gif

[Continued below...]

Edited by Valkyria
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Top 10 Abilities

10: Unaware

9: Moxie

8: Magic Bounce

7: Magic Guard

6: Prankster

5: Huge Power

4: Shadow Tag

3: Arena Trap

2: Moody

Best Ability: Wonder Guard

Top 10 Worst Abilities

10: Damp

9: Forewarn

8: Anticipation

7: Light Metal

6: Pickup

5: Illuminate

4: Honey Gather

3: Defeatist

2: Slow Start

Worst Ability: Truant

Top 10 Items

10: Light Clay

9: Expert Belt

8: Quick Claw

7: Choice Specs

6: Choice Band

5: Life Orb

4: Lum Berry

3: Choice Scarf

2: Focus Sash

Best Item: Leftovers

Top 10 Attacks

10: Extremespeed

9: Psystrike

8: Judgement

7: Fiery Dance

6: Bolt Strike

5: Blue Flare

4: Seed Flare

3: Aeroblast

2: Sacred Fire

Best Attack: V-Create

Top 10 Stat Boosting Moves

10: Power Split

9: Guard Swap

8: Power Swap

7: Psych Up

6: Swords Dance

5: Nasty Plot

4. Dragon Dance

3: Tail Glow

2: Quiver Dance

Best Stat Boosting Move: Shell Smash

Top 10 Non-Damaging Attacks

10: Toxic Spikes

9: Spikes

8: Protect/Detect

7: Substitute

6: Roar/Whirlwind

5: Will-O-Wisp

4: Recover/Roost

3: Thunder Wave

2: Stealth Rock

Best Non-Damaging Attack: Spore

[Continued below...]

Edited by Valkyria
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Reserves finished. Keep in mind that by its very nature, any Top 10 list will be opinionated to some extent. Therefore, you're welcome to leave any feedback as well as post your own Top 10 lists.

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Yeah but Mew can easily be overshined since it's best at nothing.

What lies. Mew can be a surprise factor given its moveset. By the time you figured out what it is built for, it is already too late.

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Excadrill is a far cry in terms of being a reliable powerhouse. While it can take a special hit or two, it cant stand other physical hitters. That, and it's rendered obsolete by at least 4 other things on the top ten Best Physical hitters. It's killed has that glaring weakness to Water, Ground, Fighting, Fire... Yea, 6 things trump it on typing on that list It. Lots of other things too. And It doesnt have a suitable response to Priority. Outside of sandstorm, Excadrill is nothing. Bring it down a few notches.

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  • 4 months later...

:rolleyes: Hmm i think

Excadrill530.gifis the best Physical Sweeper after all

but Excadrill is the super Physical Sweeper ever If there is sandstorm . :ph34r: Its kind a little hard to sent Excadrill if there is an water pokemon in the field but its good if you have a good strategy after all :rolleyes:

Edited by Glaciem
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It's nice, but I wouldn't agree with Gliscor being the most annoying :o.. A single Hydro Pump from Rotom, or a HP Ice from pretty much anything can Ohko it, however, Breloom is so annoying with spore and all that stuff :l

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