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Hi. I just defeated Radomus and would like some feedback on whether I’ll be able to get far in the campaign with my current lineup. I'm currently not at the computer I'm doing the playthrough on, so I don't remember the levels, but I do know the abilities, the movesets and the level range (roughly).

Best team I currently have:

Swampert (Torrent) - EQ, Hammer Arm, Sludge Wave, Rock Slide - 55-60

Magneton (Analytic) - Flash Cannon, Charge Beam, Discharge, Magnet Rise - 60 (actually defeated Arceus with a little hax - Focus Blast missing 4 times, triple Discharge paralysis)

Pangoro (Iron Fist) - Sky Uppercut, Crunch, Parting Shot, HM (whichever is needed in the situation) - 55-60

Meowstic F (Competitive) - Psychic, Charge Beam, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam - 50-55

Graveler (Sturdy) - Stealth Rock, EQ, Rock Blast, Self-Destruct - 50-55

Heatmor (Flash Fire) - Flamethrower, Bug Bite, Sucker Punch, Amnesia - 50-55


Simisear (Blaze) - Fire Blast, Flame Burst, Acrobatics, Amnesia - 50-55 (yes, I did waste probably my only Fire Stone on a Pansear without Crunch, well done me)

Banette (Frisk) - Will-O-Wisp, Hex, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch - 45-50

I used to train an Ampharos, a Vivillon, a Foongus, a Donphan and a Piloswine, but couldn't integrate them into the team for one reason or another.

Currently in training:

Gardevoir (Synchronize) - Moonblast, Psychic, Calm Mind, Magical Leaf (Shadow Ball when I get the TM) - 45-50 - to replace Meowstic

Roselia (Poison Point) - Toxic Spikes, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Toxic (Sludge Bomb when I get the TM) - 40-45 - to replece Graveler

I might train up a Darumaka I recently got to replace Heatmor for the time being.

Pokémon I want to get my hands on ASAP:

Ninetales (Drought) - Will-O-Wisp, Hex, Flamethrower, Extrasensory (unlikely to happen because even if I do find a Vulpix I won't have a Fire Stone) - to replace Heatmor

Walrein - for necessary water HM's (even Surf if I get rid of Pangoro for some reason) and to spam Frost Breath until everything is gone (I hate when the AI uses that move)

Any suggestions on how I can improve my team (I have 2 Ability Capsules and I can farm Heart Scales if need be)? Can I find a Vulpix (and a Fire Stone) or a Spheal at this point in the game?

Thanks in advance.

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http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16315 This thread can lead you to your fire stone you re asking for~Pyrrous mountain(the one adjacent to Apophyll academy) has one~Frankly, i am more inclined to suggest Scrafty, Toxicroak or Medicham for replacement of Pangoro(Pangoro is too slow), and always prefer Drought Ninetales over Heatmor(GF screwed it over by giving it bad stats), Meowstic F will start to fall behind when you further your progess because of her mediocre special attack without boost, suggest you replace her with better psychic type like Reuniclus(if you are willing to go through the troubles to get Solosis that is, the event is rather a hassle to begin with),

Edit: i didnt see that you have Gardevoir, never mind or ignore the Reuniclus comment, anyway, i just wanna add that you should change Roselia's ability to Leaf Guard and when it evolves you will get Technician Roserade which is much better than Poison Point Roserade(too unreliable that requires physical contacts), Ability Capsules location also can be found in the thread~

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http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16315 This thread can lead you to your fire stone you re asking for~Pyrrous mountain(the one adjacent to Apophyll academy) has one~Frankly, i am more inclined to suggest Scrafty, Toxicroak or Medicham for replacement of Pangoro(Pangoro is too slow), and always prefer Drought Ninetales over Heatmor(GF screwed it over by giving it bad stats), Meowstic F will start to fall behind when you further your progess because of her mediocre special attack without boost, suggest you replace her with better psychic type like Reuniclus(if you are willing to go through the troubles to get Solosis that is, the event is rather a hassle to begin with)

I think he may have used the Fire Stone for Simisear. But fire stones are obtainable through mining, with luck.

Meowstic F can be replaced by Gardevoir too (as i see you're training one up already)

Roserade is great, with Giga Drain, Toxic (Spikes), 90BP Hidden Power. Very good overall, but doesn't learn many good poison moves (Sludge Bomb Tm isn't available).

Without Graveler/Golem though, you lack a good Rock Type move user (as the first Rock TM is obtainable at the end of E15), and Rock is good for Bennett's Bug/Flying teams, not to mention future Fire and Flying type gym leaders.

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Doesn't Scrafty have the same base speed as Pangoro? I'd also love to keep him because of the amazing HM support (I reteach him Cut, Rock Smash, Strength [or Surf, later] whenever I need to) so I don't have to waste a slot of Swampert's moveset. I could find a Link Stone, train up Graveler so he gets Stone Edge and evolve him, keep him in rotation.

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Looking good. Sludge Wave is definitely not ideal, but you'll get the HMs for Waterfall/Dive soon, so just wait for that. Also, Hammer Arm isn't really necessary, the most important things it hits are Rock and Steel types, which EQ hits anyways. Instead, breed for Yawn/Avalanche/Curse/Endeavor. There's a pinned guide for everything breeding-related in this section, it should answer any question you may have (if not, PM me).

Charge Beam and Magnet Rise can go. While Magnezone is bulky, it'll be worn down soon enough, you don't really have the time to set up. Magnet Rise would only be useful if you outsped the oposing Ground type, which, let's be real here, won't be happening. And you'll be able to buy Air Balloons soon, so just go with that. For moves to replace those 2, take your pick, you've got Thunder Wave, Mirror Coat or Hidden Power (depending on your type(try google, there's online hidden power calcs, so you can just check your IVs and use that)). For TW and MC, I'd actually recommend making your ability Sturdy. Sturdy+MirrorCoat Magneton/zone is actually a very popular choice against Arceus, takes it down in one turn. And TWave is for physical attackers you need slowed.

You can also just stick with Analytic for now and switch to Sturdy when needed. If you don't have the Ability Capsules to swap that all the time, don't worry, you'll get to a place where you can trade shards for Capsules before you fight the next gym. But either way, ^^those are the moves to run.

IIIIIIIIIII'd say replace it. It has a great attack stat, but it's really slow and can't take hits too well. As a replacement, Scrafty instantly comes to mind. Same speed, way bulkier, a little bit lower attack but with a much stronger STAB in High Jump Kick so it's even a little stronger. But most importantly, the moves. Not only does it have...actual coverage, unlike Pangoro, it also has Dragon Dance. Get a boost or two, have Moxie as your ability and it's game. The exact set would be Moxie with HJK, Crunch, Dragon Dance, Ice Punch/Zen Headbutt.

If you want, I can come up with other recommendations for Dark or Fighting types to replace it.

But if you reaaaaaaaally wanna keep Pangoro, ditch Parting Shot and the HM (you wont need a slot for it since E15 made HMs forgettable like TMs and Swampert is gonna be using Waterfall, so you can just have Swampert be your HM-er). Instead, check out that guide I mentioned and see about E12 breeding. Breed Dig and Rock Slide/Stone edge onto it.

Ditch it, it's way past the point where it's worth a team slot. There are WAAAAAY better Psychic types by now. You can get Reuniclus, Alakazam before you fight the next gym, Gothitelle, Sigilyph, Swoobat, Metagross before you fight the next gym and Malamar. And Delphox 4 gyms from where you are.

-Reuniclus should be obvious just by looking at it's stats. Hits hard, takes hits. Yes, it's really slow, but it gets Trick Room, which not only makes it almost impossible to "outspeed", but it can also help out your team's slower members. For a set, Regenerator/Magic Guard with Psychic, Shadow Ball, Trick Room, Calm Mind/Hidden Power/Energy Ball(E12).

-Alakazam is kind of a fast frail Reuniclus. Thus inferior because Reuniclus can patch up it's speed while Alakazam will always be frail. Run Psychic, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power, Energy Ball(E12).

-Gothitelle is best with Calm Mind, which it can set up well because of it's great bulk. Psychic, SB, Calm Mind, Energy Ball(E12)/Thunderbolt(E12).

-Sigilyph does things differently. It's got a nice set in Cosmic Power, Stored Power, Charge Beam, Air Slash. The idea is to get your bulk up with CP (which is rather easy with it's good speed), get up your Sp.Atk with Charge Beam and then spam 380 BP Stored Power (or Air Slash/Charge Beam if your foe resists it). Buuuuuut, if you don't mind a not-Psychic type replacing Meowstic, get a Clefable. It also uses CP, SP and Charge Beam, but gets Minimize. So you can be almost unhittable, on top of having max defenses and Sp.Atk. More buffs also mean a more powerful SP, which is 500 BP.

-Swoobat is...iffy, but it can REALLY pay off. Yes, it's frail and not too strong, but it's ability Simple doubles all stat changes and it's fast as hell, so you can easily use Calm Mind to double your Sp.Def and Sp.Atk, making you really bulky and strong really quickly. Simple with Calm Mind, Psychic/Stored Power, Air Slash and Hidden Power/Charge Beam/Endeavor. Note that Simple doubles effectiveness of buffs, not number, so +3 Sp.Atk with Simple is the same as regular +6, so setting up more than 3 CMs is pointless, but Stored Power still calculates it as just +3, so SP after 3 CMs will still be 140 BP, not 260 (which is why Charge Beam can be handy, the buffs don't change your Sp.Atk past 3, but can power up SP).

-Metagross is pretty simple, Agility, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break/Hammer Arm.

-Contrary Malamar with Superpower, Knock Off, Psycho Cut, Light Screen/Rock Slide(E12)/Destiny Bond. This one is the most unreliable, as it can't really deal with special attackers at all (unless you use Light Screen) and is rather weak before getting some Contrary Superpoewr boosts.

Stealth Rocks are useless. They're great in competitive, but in-game, no one ever switches around, except for the player. Why waste a turn to do 12% to all foes if you can kill one instead. Get Heavy Slam instead. Also, since you have Sturdy+Explosion, go back to the Obsidia Department Store and stack up on some Normal Gems.

Unless you want a replacement? Cause there's definitely better. Archeops, Tyrantrum, Aurorus, Krookodile, Nidoking and Mamoswine all hit way harder, Gigalith has no STAB on EQ (which it gets via E12) but is better in all other regards, Rhyperior is just a better Golem in every way, Torterra has actually exsitent Sp.Def. Want me to go into detail on any of them?

Mmmmmm, nah. Heatmor can be really good if you have a Trick Room thing AND you give it some of it's best tutor moves, but we just don't have the second. For replacements, there's Ninetales, Arcanine, Darmanitan, Delphox and Chandelure.

-Ninetales main draw is really strong Fire moves thanks to Drought. Just give it a STAB, Energy Ball (E12), Hidden Power (ideally Rock or Ground), Nasty Plot/Extrasensory. Also, if you're using Ninetales, I'd strongly recommend replacing Magnezone with Heliolisk, Solar Power Heliolisk is insanely good.

-Agility, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Outrage.

-Now here's some power! The rule with Darmanitan is if you can outspeed, you can kill. 140 base Attack, Sheer Force, Flare Blitz. For other moves, Superpower, Dig(E12), Rock Slide(E12) it is.

-Psychic, some Fire STAB, Grass Knot (TM sometime before Delphox itself), Shadow Ball.

-Chadnelure is really good if you have a Trick Room setter such as Reuniclus. Just look at that Sp.Atk stat. For moves, some Fire STAB (Flamethrower TM soon), Shadow Ball, Energy Ball(E12), Psychic(E12)/Hidden Power/Minimize.

For your rotation, no Simisear, it'd be terrible even if it had Crunch. And for your Banette, it's pointless to have both Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak, they have almost the same power cause of STAB and have exactly the same Super-effective coverage. Also, non-Mega Banette is pretty bad and the Mega is at it's best when it can spam Shadow Claw in Trick Room. Luckily for you, you can get Banettite soon-ish. Unluckily, no signs of the Mega Ring yet.

Don't bother with Gardevoir IMO. It's like Gothitelle +Fairy STAB, -a LOT of bulk.

Roserade is really good. Run Technician instead of Poison Point. That way, any Hidden Power you get will be 90 BP and, since it's defenses really aren't that great (well, Sp.Def is, but it's HP is bad, so you're back to neutral), run Magical Leaf instead, it's great for doubles and has 90 BP cause of Technician. Also, E12 nets you Sludge Bomb and Extrasensory.

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Doesn't Scrafty have the same base speed as Pangoro? I'd also love to keep him because of the amazing HM support (I reteach him Cut, Rock Smash, Strength [or Surf, later] whenever I need to) so I don't have to waste a slot of Swampert's moveset. I could find a Link Stone, train up Graveler so he gets Stone Edge and evolve him, keep him in rotation.

Run Scrafty with Dragon Dance(breed if you didnt get the Scraggy with that egg move in Obsidia Slums, or soft reset for easier appraoch), only one boost and it is killing machine, but whatevs, your call, playstyle is prerogative to each individual, as long as you can make it work~HMs are forgettable and replacaeble by leveling up moves in reborn even without move forgetter, just a reminder, so HM slaves are actually not so needed for occupying the precious slot~

Edited by TimTim
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just get a hm slave don't bother teaching weak hms to your mons. i m sure you can manage with a 5 mon team. plus you can always swap back to a 6 mon team for gyms and bosses. The best hm slave is a bidoof/bibarel because it can learn both water hm and non water hm. yes you can replace and swap around hm as and when you need them in reborn but you are wasting a move slot of the mon in your team, so i still would get a hm slave makes things simple. Scrafty is better than pangoro imho cause it has Dragon dance and moxie to make it hit harder. so replace pangoro with scrafty.

well yeah you could train up a darmanitan to replace heatmor. also you dont have to waste time mining for fire stone since i assume you used the free fire stone from mt pyrous.

Well you can replace graveler with barbaracle,Archeops,carracosta if you still want a rock type but yeah replacing it with roserade is a good move. as many other said roserade with technician is just awesome.

As for finding fire stone you can find it by mining but.. you will have to soft reset like hell to find it as it is based on luck. Vulpix was moved to a later part of the game. You can still get vulpix if you have a copy of episode 14 or older provided you did not save the litleo.

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Actually I think there is a man in the Apophyll Academy who tells what type your Pokémon's Hidden Power is.

Also, guys, I'm new (only started playing half a year ago and only played up to Gen III) so I don't know what exactly breeding is or how to do it, let alone how to breed for specific moves from an archive version of the game, I think I'll stick to moves that can be taught via level-up, TM or Move Tutor. I'll try to find a Scraggy if I can (though I'm afraid I might have accidentally killed it before, I'm not sure). Thanks for the replies :)

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^^That's why I mentioned that guide, even has exact chains you need to go through. But hey, you do you. Just for Egg moves (look at a Pokemon's page on Bulbapedia on something, they have a header that's just "Egg moves" and a list of which ones that Pokemon gets), event Pokemon have a random one, just soft-reset (F12) until you get something like DD on Scrafty.

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Hex is boosted by Will-O-Wisp and burn is always a nice effect to have, since it cuts Physical Attack in half. Ground is a good HP for Chandelure since it can now hit Electric, poison and other Fire types with a SE move. the only problem with will-o-wisp + hex is that Chandelure is slow-ish, so chances are that is the opponent has a SE move you won't be able to get two moves off in time. But Hex+STAB hits decently hard regardless, so I wouldn't worry too much. You do have Trick Room so that may be helpful with the issue of speed.

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will-O-wisp + hex = 130 bp hex. way better than a shadow ball but it takes 1 turn to set up. unless you are sure that you wont get 2 hit or if you using chandelure when vsing physical attackers which chandelure can resist(fighthing,fire,normal,grass,steel,bug,fairy,poison,ice). but yeah as Etesian said if you wanna run hex you will need a pokemon to set up toxic spikes. it best way cause you dont have to waste chandelure turn cause chandelure can just come in after the toxic spiker dies or if the toxic spiker have baton pass or something maybe eject button.

well you can roserade have access to toxic spike you can use roserade to set up toxic spikes. well the best toxic spikes set up would be from a Scolipede since it has the speed boost ability and baton pass. it would make your chandelure faster due to the 1 or 2 speed boost you get when setting up toxic spikes but the problem here is u will have to breed for toxic spikes.

I would put hp grass so it can deal with ground,water and rock type pokemon. but if you head over to Mr Etesian guide you can breed a chandelure with energy ball why bother wasting time trying to get the perfect iv for a hp ground/hp grass.when you can just slap on a energy ball on chandelure. unless you want perfect iv that is hard and would take time in episode 12 as episode 12 does not have the destiny knot which gives 5 iv from both parents but instead the destiny knot just gives 3.iv. i would not even bother with iv as long as they are not single digit it is ok i guess.

I would run chandelure with this move set:


Ability: Flash Fire


Energy ball


Shadow ball/hex( hex if you are running a toxic spiker)

Psychic/hp fighting

As i said energy ball hit SE on rock, ground and water type. psychic is to handle poison and fighting types. well you can go modest nature but i prefer timid nature for the out speeds. With energy ball and psychic chandelure almost have perfect coverage except against dark types. so if you wanna play the hp game i would run hp fighting instead of psychic to handle those dark types.By running hp fighting you can have full coverage as in you hit everything with either SE or NE.

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Scrafty just soloed Luna's gym with 1 DD and HJK spam (at level 57!), thanks for the recommendation!

Edit: sorry I'm kind of necroposting here, but is it worth getting the Cyndaquil from 7th Street? Flamethrower/HP Rock/[solar Beam/Focus Blast if we ever get the TMs, Extrasensory/Brick Break if we don't] is the moveset I'm thinking about.

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