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YuGiOh RP Episode 3 At School Topic [IC]


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The lesson was just ending, the bored looks on her students faces informing her that her efforts to teach were in vain. She decided now would be an opportune time to discuss some of the events that she had heard of yesterday.

"Now then, I have heard from several acquaintances of mine that some of you investigating Tenjos murder had an... altercation with the law. Whilst your candour and eagernes to investigate is commendable, I must ask you refrain from any activities that breach the code of the law. I'm sure you have been taught better. If not then I will rectify that myself, am I clear?" The last sentence had an almost threatening tone to it. She wasn't serious was she...?

In that class there were several absences that day. Monika, Luna and Lane had all been absent, they had not left a scrap of information about where they were either. Even the school gossips knew nothing...


Cyaloom Only

Sunlight struggled to shine through the small, almost opaque window that served as the only source of light in the dark, cramped basement Monika had woken up in. She hadn't seen hide nor hair of the man and could find no clues as to his identity. Only what looked suspiciously like a body bag and several bloodstains on the hard concrete floor.

For the longest time she heard and saw nothing, stuck in her prison until eventually the door to the basement, found atop a set of rickety wooden steps, bust open to show the large figure from yesterday with a plate in hand. He walked down the steps briskly, placing the plate of what looked like a ham sandwich on the floor. "Here's your lunch. Be glad you get anything."

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Setsuna got out of her chair and made her way to the teacher. Monika had been absent and she had not contacted her at all. More likely than not, she was probably sick and was just too tired to contact her. But, that meant she would call in sick to the school so she felt it would be best to ask the homeroom teacher. "Professor, did Monika call in sick today? I haven't heard anything from her since yesterday."

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Gen didn't listen to the whole class' discussion as he is worried on Monika's disappearance.

"Ugh. I hope she's alright."

Seeing the situation they are in, he is thinking that Monika might be in danger because of him taking his eyes off of her friend.

Edited by Ace_Trainer_Vince
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Red looked over at Luna's seat. She had hoped Luna would have shown up today. Convincing Klive that magic did exist was going to be harder then ever already with his personality and Red wasn't one for pushing a point. She then glanced the room to find where Klive sat and then walked over to his desk.

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Robert had his face in-hand the second she mentioned the 'altercation with the law'. It was bad enough that he had to be brought back home by the police, just BARELY avoiding parental wrath from a mix of his own regret for it and how they were in a good mood before he got back.

Once the bell rang, he picked up his bag and looked around for Dean, seeing if he could lower the stress by chatting.

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When Dean heard the phrase "altercation with the law", he immediately get a kind reminder about his parents reaction which was not pleasant that partly ruined their reputation as duelists. He thought about the crime scene "We get leaded to the beach only to find the police, from that, I think something happened to Charles. But I guess as soon I find Robert, I will tell him after school, we are hunting for the bouncer." He got up from his desk and went out to the hallway waiting for Robert.

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Roy sighed as the teacher scolded the class for what happened yesterday. 'I knew I should've just gone to the ally way to check if he was still there. Now there's even a slimmer chance of finding him there.' He sat there starring out of the window out towards the courtyard. Either way it's lunch time ans he should get started on eating so he got out his lunch box and decided just to start eating in class.

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After looking around the classroom, Robert checked out in the hall way and there he was. He quickly ran his way up to Dean, slowing down as he walk next to him. "Heya Dean. So, I think we can agree that we should do what the cops say first next time."

With the failed attempt at dark humor, he tried to get the simple question out of the way. "So, were you able to avoid grounding yesterday too after all that?"

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"Hmm, Monika you say?" Anna asked absent-mindedly before checking the school register accessible from her tablet. She quickly scanned for any elaboration on Monikas absence but the attendance office hadn't noted anything. "Unfortunately I'm afraid not." Anna said, relaying the information to Setsuna. "If you're worried I could ask the attendance office to make a house call, though that's hardly a common occurrence. I couldn't tell you how long it would take."


Klive looked at Red approaching xyr desk, expecting her to say something. When there were no words xe quirked an eyebrow. "So, uh, what's up Doc?"

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Dean responded " Agreed, and as for the grounding, my parents are famous duelists back in my hometown and after what happened yesterday, they were pissed off to outer space. Especially my dad who took my allowance which was averaging $30 per month away. Of course, they let me off with a warning if I were to do that one more time, no more hunting. So my plan after school is continue with the list of leads. We go to the pub to talk the bouncer there because I need to question him about what happened 2 days ago with Lane."

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"Hmm, Monika you say?" Anna asked absent-mindedly before checking the school register accessible from her tablet. She quickly scanned for any elaboration on Monikas absence but the attendance office hadn't noted anything. "Unfortunately I'm afraid not." Anna said, relaying the information to Setsuna. "If you're worried I could ask the attendance office to make a house call, though that's hardly a common occurrence. I couldn't tell you how long it would take."


Klive looked at Red approaching xyr desk, expecting her to say something. When there were no words xe quirked an eyebrow. "So, uh, what's up Doc?"


Hey, you haven't seen Luna today have you? I ran into a small piece of info during "the talk" with Anna and your probably not going to believe me. Red took a deep breath. "Anna, knows magic and made one of those cars disappear. "

Edited by Red_Chaos
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Robert nodded and walked as Dean gave the explanation of what happened for him, "Hmm, well atleast it was just a warning. Same here luckily. I swear if not for how they were in a good mood before, plus how they're actually glad I'm getting out of the house because of this all, I can't see how it wouldn't have been the end of it." He chuckled to himself about how he lucked out.

"Hmm, and that does make sense for a great lead to go after. Hopefully the guy knows something good like how you're saying it."

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(Previous day's beach group)

Rene was none too happy after he got home yesterday. It wasn't because of being in trouble, but the fact that nothing went as planned. Rene's parents weren't too hard on him, but they did ask why they received a call from the authorities. After an hour long talk about what went on, why he was there, and what he wanted to accomplish, the family came to a mutual understanding of Rene's intentions. At the end of the conversation, his parents told him to be careful and not to get involved with the authorities again. Otherwise there would be even more trouble than what happened last night.

The thought of not being able to get anywhere yesterday was really on Rene's mind all day long. He barely tuned into the day's lectures and all he could think about was just getting more information on Mr. Tenjo's death. With the end results, he felt like he not only failed himself, but almost failed Jack. Rene knew that if he could not find anything or at least do something to help out, he would not feel confident to one day find out what caused Jack's death. This was something he promised to himself and would always be reminded of it every time he would look at some of Jack's cards, but Dark Rebellion most of all.

When it was lunch time, Rene let out a big sigh as he felt more depressed with yesterday's turn out. He quietly and quickly ate his lunch not wanting to notice anything else that was going on. Once finished, he took out his Duel Monsters deck and thought long and hard about his day's choices. He thought to himself, 'Perhaps I should change up a few things here and there...It might be time to use a few more Synchros than Xyz Monsters here. I wonder if anybody would be willing to have a duel to temporarily take our minds off yesterday...'

Rene looked around the room to see if anyone might have had their decks out just like him, but if not he would keep them aside. When he could get a chance however, he said to yesterday's group, "I feel really bad about yesterday...Not only with regards to not finding out anything, but getting in trouble with the police there. If we can't get anything at the beach, where else could be look for information? The pier? The Park?"

Rene hoped someone might have an answer or an idea of where to go, but only time would tell if anyone was interested in talking about it.

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The young person grimaced. More of this magic talk. Then again, this theory was becoming slowly more viable, not only Rene and Arial but now Red and Anna were agreeing on some supernatural basis for these events. "Right. And you're sure it couldn't have been some sort of sleight of hand, a trick of the eyes? Card tricks aren't hard to do..." Klive took out xyr Deck and laid it out like one woud when playing solitaire, playing a strange variation of it with xyr own Deck. It was something xe did when annoyed or perplexed. The latter was almost always accompanied by the former.

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The law? Paul thought. The hell happened yesterday? Did those three get in trouble with the police yesterday or something? The young man was trying to wrap his head around Anna's statement. Seemed time and time again the stakes of this whole investigation kept resurfacing, reminding him just how dangerous and bizarre this whole series of events really was. People could get hurt, or worse, if they weren't too careful. Made it seem like this whole thing was just pointless. He began to think that maybe he should just let the feds do their jobs and solve this whole thing like they're supposed to. Then again, they haven't exactly had the best track record with that as of late...

One thing was for certain: he was hungry. Paul took out his lunch and proceeded to eat at his desk.

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The young person grimaced. More of this magic talk. Then again, this theory was becoming slowly more viable, not only Rene and Arial but now Red and Anna were agreeing on some supernatural basis for these events. "Right. And you're sure it couldn't have been some sort of sleight of hand, a trick of the eyes? Card tricks aren't hard to do..." Klive took out xyr Deck and laid it out like one woud when playing solitaire, playing a strange variation of it with xyr own Deck. It was something xe did when annoyed or perplexed. The latter was almost always accompanied by the former.


Red slammed her fist down on Klive's desk. "Look, I know it sounds crazy. But I'm not to sure Anna herself is human." Red then pulled a chair over and sat next to the desk after she picked up some of Klive's cards. "The whole conversation was weird. One minute I'm trying to play 20 questions with her, the next minute I felt like not asking any questions at all..." Red sighed, "All this stuff is making me pissed off, I can't understand one thing that is going on right now."

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(Beach Group From the yesterday)

Roy looked over at Rene as she asked her question, "I was going to go where I was planning to go yesterday. Before I decided to go check the beach with all of you. The ally way behind the school is where I'm going." He said with little to no enthusiasm. Honestly, with what happened yesterday he didn't want to go with anyone today. Though if someone were to follow him he wouldn't really care if they did as long as they weren't annoying to the point he'd rip his hair out.

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"No, you don't need to do that. Thanks for the information, though." Setsuna simply thanked the teacher before she was suddenly faced by one of the other students asking to meet him on the rooftop in a rather sudden manner.

Before she could reply, however, the boy was gone. Seeing as he probably needed to talk to her, she decided to head to the rooftop and opened the door as she entered.

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Klive took a deep breath, annoyed at Reds outburst and interruption of xyr little game. "Look, you can't let a mystery piss you off. You need a cool head to figure out what to do. Now why don't you list what you know for definite and go from there?"

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Red sighed and pulled at her notebook she had dedicated to the situation. As she filled through the pages, she realized she hadn't really picked up any more information. She did quickly find the page of all the school staff and wrote down he thoughts on Anne. Then, she turned to her daily logs and wrote down about he situation in the garden with Anne, the students with her, and information about Luna. As Red continued to scan through her pages, her lore section still only had one lore written down. Red really didn't know which way to turn. She looked up Klive then down at her mess. "I'm sorry Klive, I don't know why I'm getting so worked up on this. But your right, I shouldn't be throwing temper tantrums against everybody else." Red looked back at Klive. "Did xem find anything out talking with the janitor yesterday?"

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"Why do you say that?" Setsuna was suspicious. Why would he think this? Moreover, why would he come to her of all people? "I will admit that she did say she was going into some alleyway yesterday it is strange that she hasn't contacted anyone but for all we know, she could just be sick in bed and just too tired to contact anyone."

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Rooftop (to Setsuna)

"I promised to join on her search yesterday, but I took a long time to grab my things on the locker room. When I came back, she was gone. I searched the whole campus, but she wasn't there."

Gen was clenching on his fist as he rages on the inside.

"If not for my clumsiness, she will be here with us."

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Important Action

"...thanks" mumbled Monika, seeing that the man, despite having poisoned her and put her inside of a bag yesterday, gave her something. He was still there, but he didn't seem to want to treat the girl as anything more than an object. Something needed for a plan - of course, if the man didn't have to feed her he would have been happier, but that was just a small price to pay. This was also shown by his words: "Be glad you get anything".

Seeing that her stuff wasn't there, Monika looked around trying to find it, also waiting for the man to do something.

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