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Poke'mon Battlegrounds- CHAPTER 1 [ENDED]


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"Just because I've recently took the throne does not mean I'm ignorant, I know the risks!" She yelled immediately after. "I ask this of you not of the lust to gain power or land but to protect it. Protect this land and the people who live in it." She then looked back at Vertex who was still hurt after the fight he had with Xeen. "Though in your current state, Vertex, I don't think you'll be able to fight. If you want I can send someone else in your place."

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Meanwhile, in the Water Kingdom...


Otto had just finished speaking to three of his Scouts, who had just returned from the skies above the Dratini Meadows, above the Magic Kingdom, and the skies near the mountains, when Magister came into his Throne Room. All three Duckletts were standing next to Otto when he spoke to Magister.

"Ah, Magister! Your timing is perfect, as I was just about to call for you. How have you been recently?"

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You don't understand my my lady.... Xeen.... Tell them what they are getting into.


He remains silent for a moment to recollect himself. "Ten years ago, The Kingdom of Land was in utter desolation, the citizens were under pressure of a Tyrannical Duddrigon named Thaar." he exhales. "His power was ferocious, his laws were ugly. all who did not obey him were..... put to an end". he pauses. "But one day, a Tyrunt got fed up, and challenged him for the throne..." he exhales. "Although he fought with great power... the renegade was unable to beat him.... and was banished form the kingdom."

His face turned into a more serious expression. "since then the Tyrunt traveled the world to grow stronger, fighting poke'mon even with a type advantage. but one day, he came across a fallen sky dragon who was trapped set by one of the warring kingdoms" he exhaled. "Feeling sorry for the fallen poke'mon, the tyrunt freed it using its bite attack. the sky dragon was so greatful. it was willing to grant the Tyrunt one wish." he exhaled bubbles. " 'I wish for the ultimate power of a dragon!' cried the tyrunt 'If i had such power I can save my kingdom from self-destruction' it cried out once more" he paused once more. " the sky dragon granted his wish and said to him 'Your heart is pure young dragon, go to you people, fight for them or die what you believe in' and rode up into the sky" his face lost all expression "the Tyrunt the returned to his kingdom, and Challenged Thaar once more. Only this time he was ready"

He took a deep breath and finished the story. " 'You have guts kid... pitty I have to tear them out' said the evil dragon poke'mon. ' I'm not scared of you, I've leanred some new tricks since last time' ... Thaar rushed at the boy out of frustration, but little did he know he was charging into his doom" he paused one last time and spoke with a hint of fear. "The tyrunt then let out a roar so powerful that Thaar was fossilized alive... out of graditude, the people of the Kingdom of land appointed him as their new king.... The Tyrunt's name..... was Krusher" he paused out of discomfert

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"And what would you have us do? Watch as they take over the land by force. If we can't stand up to them now, how can we when they invade the city?" She asked the two with a little anger in her voice.

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"Firgive me for my disobedience my lady" he picked him self up and left the room to prepair for the upcoming battle.


he exhales bubbles "you won't listen to reason? very well then... I won't have any part in it. A good swordsman knows not to fight a battle they know they can't handle" he puts his hood back up and walks away and out of the kingdom.

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Ignis Rader

Ignis arrived to the point the commanders were at. He roared out to signal them. Rader was the first to notice and approached the captain. "Sir, what are you doing here? Should you be back at the castle?" questioned by the young commander. Ignis responded with "I am here to support and I bought you back up in case the kingdom of magic were to come here." Turning to the Rapidash, Blaziken,Inferape, Audinos, and Weaviles. "The Audinos are your clerics." pointed out by Ignis. Position them where you like, Ursa I am giving you an option too." said by Ignis.

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He followed Xeen out of the city. Could one pokemon really do such a thing as that? Either way, he knew what his job was and it was to follow Xeen.


"Titania make sure to round up the troops, I'll leave the king to give you the specifics. As for me I must head to my room because I have forgotten something important there." With that she left the Royal chamber and headed to her room.


"Your majesty, might I suggest a platoon of cleric Kirlias as well as some Pawniards. Maybe some Pangoros, Tyranitars, Scraftys, or even Krookodiles. We're at your command." She bowed in front of Shidew waiting for his orders.

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Back at Dratini Meadow, Krusher's forces waited eagerly for for the Magic Army to arrive but as they waited the ground began to shake beneath them. The cause was none other than Krusher himself approaching the would be battle field.


"Whats the situation Captain? did we arrive first?" he asked the noble fire type

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Rapture lands in front of his king. (Sky)

"Sire, I was scouting and it seems that the Magic Army are going to clash with the Land army at Dratini Meadow."

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Ignis responded: Sir, we seem to arrived first but from Rader's report, tread catiously in a case an ambush attack plus he sent scouts to both watch us and ahead so we should be ok."

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Ignis responded " Yes your majesty." He turned to the soldiers ready for battle and said "Your new orders, set some trap around the perimeter but be quick about it before they arrive. As for the clerics, split up into 3 groups, each covering the exits. For the scouts, continue your jobs but report to the nearest commander, me or the king if you spot any approaching kingdoms, especially the magic. Go now!"

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Ignis responded "If the magic respond first but they would have to take out the weaviles to destroy us plus their commander is a fairy type so as long Rader doesn't screw up, we should be ok but as of recent they become more passive so take catious approach. "

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They all reached the throne room and Kruga saw that even one of the commanders had come, Zephyros the Crobat. He waited till everybody had settled and then started discussing his plans with them. "You all have seen just how well trained the Draken are. They will ensure that no other Kingdom can attack us, but I feel they would serve us best as an aggressive force. Still we cannot leave our Kingdom defenceless. Swain, I need you to work out better defences for us. I suspect other kingdom's will come at us with Ice and other Dragon types. We cannot allow this. Gather as many Pokemon as you can and work on alternate defences for us. Now it comes to our plan of attack. You all know just how easy it would be for us to wreck havoc on the Land and Magic kingdom. Even the Fae would fall to Zephyros and his legion. Our main problem arises in attacking the Water kingdom." He turned to Azauqyar and said, "Direct Zephyros to the fastest of your men and tell him to go to the wild waters. There are always gyarados' tribes around. Find all of them and convince them to join us. They will be invaluable in our army if we are to take control of all the Kingdoms. You can leave now, except you Captain. We need to have a private discussion." He waited for the two others to leave and then spoke with the Captain about his mission. "We need more power on our side captain. Find out where the weather and Bird trios are. We may need them soon. Also send in Eric. I must speak with him about his sister."


"Sometimes I think this fool of a mortal listens more to other fools than he does his own Guard Captain..." Azauqyar thought, not even a hint of his musings visible as he listened to his king go on with the plans. "Already, I have tried so many times to explain to him that the Draken Guard has no weaknesses to be exploited...have shown it numerous times, and yet still..."

"As you wish, your Grace..." He said after the order to seek out both his fellow legends and the dreaded, bickering birds was made. "I know just the individual to sent as well... if she has not left yet." With that said he turned and took his leave from the chambers, stopping only briefly to order a stationed Guardsmen to seek out Lord Commander Eric and apprise him of the King's desire to speak. Without a word, the Dragonite Nodded his head and flew off to carry out the task as Azauqyar kept on about his way

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The magic Kingom's troops are now in the Meadow, leading them is Titania. The troops marched one by one in many numbers. A great assortment of Kirlias as well as some Pawniards, Pangoros, Tyranitars, Scraftys, and Krookodiles all walking in unison. Evey step left a large thump sound as they made their way to the Medow. She stopped her army a good 60 feet away from the Kingdom of Land. "The Magic Kingdom does not approve of this needless land taking from these Dratini. We don't wish for conflict, only that you leave them alone and move your troops away from their land." Titania Gracefully spoke out towards the Kingdom of Land's army.

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As the Magic kingdom enters the meadow, they trigger the traps the land kingdom set earlier snaring half of their forces


"A Pyroar dose not concern it's self with the opinions of Mareep" he said full of confidence. He then turned to a horde of near by Dratini "Dratini of the Meadow! These trespassers lie about you our intent! We merely seek to construct an embessy in hopes that we the land kingdom can live in peace with your kind! who do you choose to believe? An unevolved eevee who commands a team of your greatest fears? Or Me, A Fellow Dragon type Poke'mon?" he roared out.

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The Magic Kingdom knew of said traps and walked into them to prove a point that they're not want violence. The clerics quickly use heal pulse on the victims which reduce the amount of soldiers incapacitated from the traps.


"You come with an army in hope of creating peace? With ice types no less? You're holding a blade to their necks and asking to be their friends, if this isn't an attack I don't know what is!" The Gardevior said disgusted, "Look at what you did already, set traps up around their home without even asking for their consent. If you are a friend, you're one of the worst I've seen!"

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The Emperor laughed "I could say the same about you and your fairy types could I not? At least Dragon types can fight back against ice types. I anticipated resistance and I defended them. if that's not showing kindness then I'm the mythical mewtwo"

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"Like I said before, we're here to STOP the taking of the land, not do it ourselves. If we were so power hungry we would've done this long ago but here we are, trying to protect them from being used as your puppets for war!"


Off in the distance she watches with a cloak on and a pendant with a Sun Shard on it. She then slowly walks towards them avoiding any traps with her hood covering her face and cloak blowing in the wind.

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The emperor picks up on her sent, but obviously has no clue who they are "And who is this? one of your legionnaires commander?" he said.... "No... this is some one far more higher in power. what say you? where do you lie in the chain of command?"

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Otto shook his head, and spoke to Magister.

"Actually, that can wait."

Otto then looked at one of the three Ducklett, and spoke again.

"Head to the Magic Kingdom, and inform their rulers that I am interested in an Alliance between our Kingdom and theirs."

The Samurott then turned to a second Ducklett, and spoke again.

"Head off to the Barracks and inform the Troops that I want a battallion of them to be ready to move out, on the double."

Otto turned to the third Ducklett, and spoke.

"Head out and see if there are any known Mercenaries in the Kingdom. If so, tell them that I request their presence posthaste, and bring them here. Otherwise, resume your Duties."

The three duckletts nodded in unison, and spoke.

"Yes, sir!

The three of them then sped out of the Castle,heading off to the Magic Kingdom, Sea Barracks, and the Shoreline.


Ryu was sitting on the Shoreline, staring out into the ocean, when he heard a flapping from the skies above, and a Ducklett came down from the Skies.

"Lord Otto requests your presence."

Ryu nodded, and then spoke.

"I'll be there ASAP."

The two of them then headed down to the Shoreline City, and bought a ride down to the Sea Capitol, and headed towards the Castle.


Eve was keeping watch over her Battallion, which was on Guard Duty because the other two Commanders were out at Dratini Meadows, when she spotted a small figure approaching. She was about to alert some of the other sentinels, and give them a verbal punishment, when it came close enough to be seen as a Ducklett, landed in front of her, and spoke.

"I want to have an audience with their majesties Crystal and Shidew. I bring a request from my liege, Lord Otto."

Eve nodded at this, and bade the Ducklett to follow her. The Eevee then headed down to the Throne Room, where she waited in the Doorway until she would be given permission to speak.

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"That is of no concern of yours, what you should be doing is leaving this Meadow and its pokemon alone." She said with a assertive voice


Titania was shocked to hear her queens voice though if they saw her in such a shock they would know who she was so she kept a straight face. "I though you weren't suppose to come onto the battle field yet." She said with a calm tone, though now using her telepathy she connected her mind the Crystal 'Why are you here?!?! This is an unsafe place for you miss!'

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