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Poke'mon Battlegrounds- CHAPTER 1 [ENDED]


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Seeing Xeen enter the INN, he found the window to where his room was and layed down on the roof tiles above it. Listening in on whatever he had to say if anything at all. His first mission is a bit boring be everyone has to start somewhere.

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Xeen headed to the window and spoke, letting Zabuza know he's not fooling anyone "Quite a beautiful country wouldn't you say?" he paused and exhaled bubbles. "Shame it might not stand if this war goes on any longer"

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He peered down from the top of the roof down at Xeen. "So how long have you known I've been following you?" The frog asked embarrassed he was found out so quickly. This Xeen character, he's different somehow to find him so quickly while others can't.

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He smirked "I'm a swordsman, I'm trained to know when I'm being followed.... but if you must know... Before leaving the castle I heard Crystal give you the orders" He exhaled one more. staring up at the cavern ceiling, "But I bust say your a bold one.... not many have what it takes to follow even a normal Kabutops, much less a shiny one"

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"I'm not good, compared to everyone else in my village I'm the worst." Xeens words now finally sinking into his mind, Zabuza jumped up in surprise. "Wait, you're shiny?! Hold on, I though the only difference between shiny and regular pokemon are their color."

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He rubbed off some dried mud that he covers himself in every time he goes into town to reveal that he is indeed Shiny "I'm the first in my generation" he said as his armored shell sparkled. He then exhaled as he applied more mud. "But.... you know what most people think of shiny poke'mon now a days". He exhaled bubbles, "As for your stealth.... well, I've seen far worse."

Edited by TyranntX
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"Actually, when you live in a small village for the most of your life there're some things you don't know. Shiny pokemon are one of them." He said chuckling at the end. He kinda felt awkward after saying that but what could he do, it's not his fault he didn't know.

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The Sky Lord again chuckled, the grin on his face rather ominous as mouth filled with fangs sharper than daggers and gleaming bright as the moon itself was revealed. "Ah yes, the methods..."

Just thought this would go great right now...

"Let me tell you all about the methods..." The freezing winds suddenly stopped circulation altogether, leaving the space calm and still except for the sounds and roars of the dragons training all around them... for that was what mainly comprised the guard these days since Azauqyar had taken over command- Dragons and those with the blood of the dragon within them... there were of course, however a few exceptions. Crobats and Skarmories made up a rather considerable part of the corps' forces; Azauqyar's answer to the dreaded Fae that everyone and everyone's mother was suddenly running scared at the mere mention of...

"HALT!" The Sky Lord bellowed, voice ringing throughout the entire space, absolutely defeaning as one by one the soldiers immediately came to attention, facing their Lord Captain with eyes filled with a resolute power that only those of Draconic kind could ever truly know... The Drake turned back to Swain, a troubling glint in his eyes... "The answer is incredibly simple, you see..." the yellow pattern emblazoned upon his emerald scales began to blaze with a blinding white light as he spoke, countless specks of similiar light beginning to swirl around his body. "I train them to know no weaknesses."

The hundreds of specks of light suddenly each transmuted into slate grey, sizable chunks of stone, each and everyone of them firing off like bullets towards Guard Members all around the training grounds... and most notably, all of the targets... were charizards.

Something rather strange happened however... by all accounts the fire drakes should've each been killed on impact from the raw force of the usually super effetive attack, but the worst they received was a few visible wounds, the look in their eyes not faltering in the slightest as they cringed from the pain. "well, mostly none... Azauqyar corrected himself. "With the Pyro corps, I'm afraid I can only nullify their vulnerabilities by so much... tis the curse of nature for you, being blessed with the power of flying types yet at the same time equally damned by that of Fire..." He turned his attention next to a group of Salamences and Dragonites. They maintained their attention positions, not even bothering to attempt to shield themselves as another storm of light engulfed their lord Captain and another shower of grey stones shot forward and bombarded them.

They seemed to brush it off as they would any other attack, roaring defiantly and suppressing the pain. He hit them again. Again they simply took it and roared, having been hit by such attacks so many times during their careers under him that they were used to the damage of Rock Type attacks. It was not that he had nullified their natural weakness, per say...

He had simply taught them that it was actually all in their heads. The rock and ice and electricity only dealt more damage because they let it, that if they rejected the power of such elements, they would cease to have their deadly power over them... it was a blatant lie at the time he had said it, of course. But what mattered was that his men had believed it, and as such... well, it eventually stopped being a lie as their bodies adjusted in order to meet their minds. Of course, there had been a fair share of... unfortunate casualties from the training process to get there...but eh, The King's Guard... it wasn't the place for weaklings. It could've been justified that those men would've died as cannon fodder anyway.

"Through a doctrine of mind over matter, I have taught them to eliminate their own vulnerabilities. Anyone who would dare assualt this capital thinking Rock or Ice or even Sky Fire shall win them the day will be in for a terrible surprise... And I have trained them to know no fear through the same methodology." Azauqyar went on, finally letting the blazing glow die down around his body, turning his attention back to Swain. "Go on. Attempt your best scare, have at them."

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He looked back out to the horizon of the cave."Your part of a dojo, Meaning your taught not to to judge others based off appearance. Not to mention you were with your own evolution line most of the time.... Me however" He paused for a moment and exhaled bubbles. "well lets just say the lesson 'don't be prejudiced' Isn't universaly taught"

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"So that's why you cover yourself in mud. Don't worry though, your secret is safe with me. Though if you don't mind me asking, why are you looking for a Banette? Is there any particular reason for it?" The frog knew he might be intruding but his curiosity wanted him the ask the question.

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He exhaled bubbles and began to explain " Because it was that poke'mon who killed my sister" he paused. " I'm not sure why he did it or what his intentions were. but what ever they were he will get whats coming to him"

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"Oh, well sorry to hear that. I'm really the best for inspirational motivation and listening to your reason for traveling makes mine almost seem minor, ALMOST." He said putting emphasis on the almost. He wanted Xeen to ask him about his motivations and was waiting eagerly for him to ask.

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"Nothing much, trained in my village for most of life and I'm just now going on my first mission. I'm also the self proclaimed best Frokie in said village." Zabuza said with pride even if last part wasn't that true.

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He smirked once more "Don't lie Kid... Your not very good at it" He said. Xeen then let out a yawn "Well I'm exhausted. Stay on the roof all ya want I'm not going anywhere till morning"

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And stay on the roof he shall. He decided to get some sleep while he could and took a rest right where he was until morning. He made sure to get up early enough just to make sure Xeen didn't run off while he was napping.

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"Wah, eh never mind lets just go." He said groggily. He was not a morning person and even with him waking up early Xeen still woke up before him. This made him a little bit annoyed.

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He grind "Sorry about that, My species are predatorial so we don't sleep all that much at night... or at all for that matter", Xeen paused for a moment as they approach the castle. "You ever wonder how this war even started?". he then realized Pyreana... "I don't see anyone interested in stopping you."

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"Back where I'm from, Kabutops are nonexistent. Well, actually, only fire, some rock, and some ground types are there. And for the little Froakie, I stopped by a village of them on my travels recently."

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"So your from Mt. Cyndar then I take it. Only place on the continent like that" he paused. "We'll we are heading in... follow us if you'd like." He proceeded to the castle.

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