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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 2: When the Kids are United [AT SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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((Monika and Setsuna))

“Oh, I thought you weren't interested since you walked away before I could say anything,” Lane said. “And sure, I'll tag along, but what do you mean about those headaches?” he tried to not give away anything and make it sound like a normal conversation, but the expression on his face told a different story. He had some experience with disturbing ones lately.

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Lane and Setsuna

Oh, I thought you weren't interested since you walked away before I could say anything”... At first, that didn't seem to make any sense for Monika. But she, in fact, walked away from Lane and moved closer to Setsuna to answer her question, after she talked with the guy. But she'd have returned in the same place, closer to Lane... if she'd had the chance. The vision began in that moment, keeping Monika in place, and also making her and Setsuna go crazy.

"Er... I was trying to talk with two people at the same time. About the rest, Let's talk about it in the garden, with Setsuna." replied Monika, before actually thinking about that "What do you mean about headaches?" question. "So Lane didn't see the vision... or, the Inazami Lore #30. I need to know if he's ever seen something like this." Monika thought. "But first of all, let's go in the garden."

She just turned around once more, seeing that Setsuna was ready to go there, and was now ready to follow her outside.

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(To Ken, including Aruthur and Arial)

"I think you might be onto something..." Rene said as he nodded his head in agreement based on what Ken said. "If Mr. Tenjo was involved in a duel where there electric shocks or anything that might cause pain, he would scream or something. It would be strange to leave out that detail if it were true...What do the rest of you think?"

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Klive plucked the wasp spray from Luna's hands from behind her, examining it. "Well, well, look who's hiding something now. It's a shame for you that nothing escapes the notice of the natives of Flargon 8" Xe said. Luna could hardly not notice this

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Luna looked over finally noticing the student she was bothering earlier. She connected the dots about the grape earlier. So that's where it came from. Hold on isn't that the one guy. "Hey! What do you think you're doing here. I thought you were busy with the whole investigation group or something. And you're still the one hiding something. I mean news is flying everywhere if you got the right resources. Maybe if you tell me what you were hiding earlier I might let you in on the situation. Unless you're not up for a three way."

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"Careful, you'll give me another nosebleed for a whole different reason to sneezing." Klive replied to Lunas' not-so-subtle innuendo "Still, I don't really have much of anything to share. that group was such a clusterfuck that I didn't really get any cohesive information from any of them. All I know is that there's an Archaeologist is lurking around and some people think that the answers to this whole shebang lie further in the past than just a few days ago." Klive grabbed a chair and sat himself down. Xe smiled and waved at Red. "Also, hello. I'm Klive Hartluck. In case you're confused, like she was" Klive nonchalantly poked a finger towards Luna " I'm not a guy or a girl.

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{Ken, Arthur and Rene}

"You all have a point. I mean, I was screaming when that weird headache just popped out of nowhere, let alone an electric shock coursing through my body." Arial shivered at that thought. "Since that's the case, that makes it more important for one of us to find Ike Johnson... You see, after the museum, Rene and I went to the beach and bumped into Lisa Arclight. She said that an archaeologist knows more about the professor than she does, and she said that he will back there today. Since Ike Johnson is a friend of Professor Tenjo's and the archaeologist that made the exhibit about Shadow Duels, like Professor Reinier said, maybe we should all go to the beach today and find out?" she suggested to the group. "As I announced earlier, I'm going back either way, so the choice is up to you."

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[Lane and Monika]

To Setsuna, the garden was one place which would always help to completely remove tension from her. After making their way into the outer garden, Setsuna took a seat at a table next to the Casablanca Lily and Stargazer Lily patches. After a minute near the flower patches, she felt a bit relaxed. It was almost as if what had happened in that past few minutes had never happened.

With a clear head, she spoke. "There are some things I want to ask you before I answer Monika's earlier question." She leaned over, placing her elbows on the table while pivoting her arms on them and resting her head in her hands. "But I will start with this first since I feel everything branches out from this one point. I feel like there is some dissonance when we both keep talking about the danger involved in this case. Are there any more details involved in what you were talking about?"

She paused for a second. "...and second, based on what Monika said and how you reacted, it seems that you were the only one in the classroom besides the teacher who did not get that weird headache and saw that weird 'Izanami Lore 30' vision…which, now that I think of it, started when a fair number of people were focused on that 'Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction' card you had dropped. Seeing as the two numbers in those are 30 and that you mentioned some stuff about transference of the card and possession...is there any connection between them?"

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(To Arthur, Arial, and Rene )

Ken nodded as he discarded the already cleaned lollipop stick into the trash bin behind him. Tenjo put one there earlier in the year after getting tired of Ken "discretely" discarding all of his wrappers and other candy waste in random places around the room. All this thinking made him need sugar. Remind him to thank the stars that he was fortunate enough to be born to a sweets shop owner.

"Beach sounds good to me. You seem to have a better grasp of what's going on with this since my theory got debunked, so I'll just follow the leader." Ken said to Arial, since she suggested the beach idea. Going with a group would certainly be a lot less of a hassle than another solo investigation. " I just hope you all have transportation, my scooter really only fits two people. Or at least one person and his deliveries." Ken said with a lighthearted grin.

" So it's decided? We'll be hunting for that Ike guy that apparently could give us more information on Shadow Duels. What to do till then though? Ken said, idly shuffling his deck.

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(Arial, Arthur, and Ken)

"Looks like it's decided then," Rene said as the group has a solid idea of what they want to do after school. "Perhaps we'll find out a lot at the beach if we come across Ike or even the archaeologist that Lisa mentioned... As for what to do until the end of lunch, we could always have a duel!"

Rene chuckled at the idea as he didn't what to do either. Perhaps two of the group could engage in a duel with one another.

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{Arial, Ken, and Rene}

Arthur smiled. "I'd be glad to duel someone! And I have my bicycle at school today, so someone can ride on my pegs."

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[Klive and commander]

Red stared at Klive. It happened to be the first time she had encounter someone who didn't identify with any gender. "Well hi there, Klive. Pardon for not know excatly how to address you. But Luna was just done telling me that you are in possession of a strange card? Does it happen to have any lore writing on it? Also, are you going after a archaeologist or a math professor first?"

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{Ken, Arthur and Rene}

Arial smiled happily; she was glad to know that she will have company with her this time as she goes to the beach. This would help keep her mind off of her lonely thoughts. "Ken, you don't have to worry about a thing. I always travel by motor scooter, so I can offer a lift to one extra person if necessary!" She paused as they decided on a duel to pass the time; there was still one thing that bothered her. "Hey... Sorry to be a party pooper but do you have any idea what that headache was about? The one with that blue fire and all? It didn't look natural..."

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(Ken, Arthur, and Arial)

"I'm up for the duel," Rene said to Arthur. "May as well kill some time before class picks up again."

Rene started to take out his deck and see if Arthur would do the same. Before the two would start however, Arial brought up something regarding headaches for at first Rene was confused at. He even replied to her, "Headaches?"

Rene paused for a bit as Arial described some other things about what she may have experienced. He realized that he saw something similar in his own mind and said, "So I wasn't the only one that saw that...You're right Arial, that wasn't natural. It almost reminds me of something that tragically happened before I moved to Heartland..."

Rene's smile toned down a bit, but he quickly put it back on to see if Arthur was still up for a friendly duel.

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Locker Room

Gen just recently arrived at school and heads to the classroom.

"Geez. I have to wait for that card that I ordered for half a day. Stupid deliveryman getting lost. I wonder what happened at school?

He entered the classroom and goes to his seat.

"At least I can complete my dream deck now, but I'm sure the teachers are angry at me."

Gen sighs as he looks around for familiar faces.

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((Monika and Setsuna))

“Izanami Lore 30 vision...” Lane repeated before he took a deep breath and sighed. “You mean the one where everything is destroyed in blue flames?” he stared at the flower patches and scratched his head. “I guess there is no way out of this one... I saw it yesterday when I obtained Acid Golem. That's also why I tried to stop people from trying to figure this mess out. I have no idea what's going on, and I didn't want to believe those headaches, but now that you two had the same vision, I'm more inclined to believe Zander's theory about these cards not being normal.”

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Setsuna and Lane

"Zander's theory... well, this seems an appropriate time to tell you what I've done yesterday... After going around the city with no results, I was able to find a Number Holder. And, when I talked to him, there was also Zander. This guy is the one who holds 'Number 12'; he gave us some informations before 'disappearing': the Number cards were unique and no one knows where they come from. They actually can corrupt someone's mind, or something similar, but could give extrahordinary powers to the holder. (Now I don't know if he meant 'actual superpowers' or more strenght, ability in the duels, etcetera.) And that's why I wanted to know if you feel different. That person is Ayatane Michitaka; do you know something about him? He said he purposely got Number 12 and wanted to seek revenge on Mr Tenjo's 'murderer'." Monika told Lane. So he'd already seen that vision, when he obtained Number 30. And this could mean that you see such a vision everytime you look on that card for the first time... And that it could work for all of the Number monsters.

"Back to what I was asking you before... do these cards have any special effect?" she said, this time hoping to get a reply form the guy. She'd have also liked to hear what Setsuna discovered... but her bandages seemed to hint at something else: for her, yesterday was not a good day.

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Klive gave Red a confused look. "Uh, I'm going to answer negatory for all of those questions. Yes, even the question where my only options did not include negatory" Klive said before pausing for a moment. "When you say strange, do you mean my chronomaly cards? Because even I think they are somewhat strange."

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"Wait...what?" Luna was a bit confused by what just happened. "I thought we were talking about Lane, not...uh...this...stranger. Or should I call you a sorcerer? Seriously, how can you not be a gender? Better question, how does your species even date?" The girl still couldn't get a grasp of non-binary. To her this was some sort of magic in the making.

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[[Monika and Lane]]

After listening to the two, Setsuna lost herself in thought for a moment before speaking. "Thirty and thirty. That means that Numbers Card is likely connected to the 'Izanami Lore'. Have you found any other Numbers Cards besides Acid Golem? If so, did you see any of these other Izanami Lore visions?" She paused for a second.

"Wait, Monika...corrupt a person's mind? Lane, you said the guy you beat to get Acid Golem seemed like he was possessed. If Ayatane is holding that Numbers card Monika spoke of, isn't he likely possessed as well? I met him at the hotel yesterday and he seemed fairly normal, albeit a bit eccentric. He did not seem possessed to me. What did you think? Also, 'extraordinary powers'?" At the utterance of those words, she remembered the encounter she had with the Ice Queen. "Like...her powers?"

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(The garden group.)

Dominic walked through the halls, waiting to find a place to sit down and eat. He could barely think of anything other than that gruesome imagery, but he couldn't forget the garden, and realized that would be a place he could certainly clear these extremely disturbing images. "Just why did I see that.." Dominic questioned himself, hurrying his pace along toward the entrance.

Upon entering, the scent of the surrounding flowers cleared his thoughts down a bit, and his next task was to find a place to sit down. Only a few steps from the door, Dominic decided to throw a punch, and a wide grin played its way across his face. The stance, punch, and ending form all felt right, he seemed to have recovered from the incident from the other day, only now by visiting the garden. Looking over, he spotted Setsuna, and two other students he recognized from his class. With a wave he approached the group, never minding the serious atmosphere they seemed to have created. "Voi!" Dominic shouted, stopping short to rub the side of his head to try and clear out what he saw completely, "What's going on with you guys? Something extreme?"

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(Arial, Arthur, and Rene)

Ken smiled as he put his deck back in its box and looked over at Arial. "Okay good, so I'm not slowly going crazy and having sugar-induced hallucinations." he said with a grin after Arial explained that she seemed to have had the same headache he did. And according to their earlier reactions, so did Rene and Arthur. He was tempted to ask what Rene meant when he spoke about something tragic happening, but in the end he decided to keep quiet. Everyone had things they didn't like thinking about, after all.

Shaking his head clear before he could get lost in the past, Ken spoke up. "Well, I agree with you on one point: It definitely wasn't natural. And if we all got the same one, it's likely the entire class did. Only thing is, I have absolutely no idea what it meant in the slighest, all I know is that is was kind of disturbing. Did you guys get some sort of wierd voice in your head along with it too, or was it just me? Ken said, leaning back in his chair, propped up against the wall so he could see all three of them clearly.

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Setsuna and Lane

"Her... What? Were you just thinking aloud?" said Monika, as Setsuna just talked about those powers. Then she returned on the main topic of the discussion. " About Ayatane, he also seemed normal when I met him. I could know that because Ayatane himself told us this, in that alleyway. He actually just said that he purposely fell into darkness to avenge our teacher. And that if we try to find the culprit by ourselves, he'd treat us as obstacles. This seems a bit exaggerated to me... Maybe the card is doing what it does at a gradual and slow pace.".

"Oh hi" said then Monika, seeing the new guy introducing himself. "Dominic, right? There's not anything extreme going on here, it seems... We're here because Setsuna wanted to come here. We're just talking together in the garden "

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{Ken, Arthur and Rene}

Arial perked up when Rene and Ken acknowledged the vision's existence, although Rene seemed upset about a tragedy. She will to ask him later, seeing as he is more interested in a duel right now. Perhaps, like her, he's not ready to divulge his past yet. So, she turned to Ken to answer his question. "Do you mean that voice that said "Izanami Lore"? I could have sworn that it said something else, but I'm not sure what it is..."

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