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Music track that comes to mind?


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  • 4 weeks later...

I love the Kalos champion theme (or the wild pokemon theme in this case) and think of this when I hear the actual thing. I don't know why I love that remix so much, but it's just amazing to me. Same with that one trainer theme with the trumpets. God, I love that one!

One I really remember well, though, is the one titled Crystal. I think that one is a remix to the spire of Mt. Coronet, but I'm not completely sure. And I love the fact that this piece only plays in mysterious places (such as places with those weird doors and hidden places).

But yeah, it's pretty much what the others have said: All the music in this game is amazing.

Edited by Dei
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Choosing a favourite? Impossible. GlitchCity created a lot of great tracks, every single one with it's unique tone. Here are some of my favourites.

By recently starting new playthrough I got to listen that ominous masterpiece that is Beryl Ward. It's atmosphere really grew on me through time.

Dark Crystal - from the first step in Iolia Valley you can tell it's not a common place. Very fitting to a person with such unique look on the world as Luna.

Dramatic - scene with Kiki and Solaris. No need to add more.

Almost every new track from episode 13, but especially Peaks.

With the new availability of Surf we get the pleasure to hear Surfing. Too bad we can't traverse Azurine Lake. Maybe in the future.

As for a battle theme, in my opinion the biggest impact brings the Legendary one. But that may change if Glitch ever include drums of Arceus in the future.

And of course I couldn't leave the original Reborn City theme. The base of many different ward themes. It has an amazing climat that really became the core part of Pokemon Reborn.

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I love "To Lesser Depths". Is that weird? Lol. I remember the first time I heard this, I knew there was something clearly wrong. Now, all I can think of is the underworld, when I hear it. Especially after that Litwik and Ghastly scene. That was creepy. 0_o

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when i think of the forest outside spinel town i think of the legend of zelda lost woods theme aka saria's song and also the supermario rpg forest maze song. but as for songs from the game. i like the opening song.

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