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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Btw, do I have to hand mah shiz into Rebecca and Brendan?

You can mention it (might be a way to get some interaction with Mareek going) but at the end I'll assume everyone who made something turned it in.

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Before I get one I'm gonna have to reevaluate the team I've come up with so far... Really, I'm doing this on the fly, and again I'm not going to follow the species clauses (I guess unless it's a life or death thing for you or if it really REALLY means the whole world to you... >>).

So far I've got Litwick, Sneasel, sooner or later Deino and Skorupi. That leaves two more slots open.

The types so far: Ghost/Fire, Dark/Ice, Dark/Dragon, Poison/Bug. My major weakness at the moment'd be Rock and I guess by default Fighting since (WARNING: cheesy ahead) my heart cries out for a semi-Dark monotype team cause Dark types.

If I'm getting an Umbreon for pure darkness and to satisfy my unreasonable necessity to have an Eeveelution on my team, that leaves one slot.

I think I'll go for a Corphish to obtain Crawdaunt later on.

EDIT: Found out Deino obtains Earth Power as an egg move from the Garchomp line; could I nab a Deino with this move, Chim?

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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Well Hukuna, good to see I can finally get on the right foot with you, and soon others. Little intro: I am Antares Ryder (full UN). Love to be a thorn in everybody's side sometimes, but I'll lay off when I know the limits.

I am a king of terrible puns and memes, preferably the Rage Quit "FFFUUU" guy and the Dos Equix man.

Music lover, currently into rock and metal like Skillet and Breaking Benjamin.

Running an RP imo is like this song quotation: "it's no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise. I consider it a challenge before all human race and I never lose."

You have my automatic unwaivering respect if you know the song and the artist.

Favorite phrase: Get rekt m8

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Well Hukuna, good to see I can finally get on the right foot with you, and soon others. Little intro: I am Antares Ryder (full UN). Love to be a thorn in everybody's side sometimes, but I'll lay off when I know the limits.

I am a king of terrible puns and memes, preferably the Rage Quit "FFFUUU" guy and the Dos Equix man.

Music lover, currently into rock and metal like Skillet and Breaking Benjamin.

Running an RP imo is like this song quotation: "it's no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise. I consider it a challenge before all human race and I never lose."

You have my automatic unwaivering respect if you know the song and the artist.

Favorite phrase: Get rekt m8

Are you British or Australian? if not, GIT OUT OF MY SWAAAMP!!!

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Uh, if people don't know Queen they would have to be living under a rock, especially since that is We are the Champions, one of their most well known songs XD, along with it's sister song We will Rock You. ((which is meant to run into We are the Champions, which is why they are always next to each other on albums including greatest hits ones. [it is the guitar rift at the end, it flows directly into We are the Champions.]))

And so long as you don't be a nuisance and hold you self back when asked. ((basically if you are upsetting someone, and you stop when they ask you to and you actually do.)) YOu will have 0 problems with me.

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Before I get one I'm gonna have to reevaluate the team I've come up with so far... Really, I'm doing this on the fly, and again I'm not going to follow the species clauses (I guess unless it's a life or death thing for you or if it really REALLY means the whole world to you... >>).

So far I've got Litwick, Sneasel, sooner or later Deino and Skorupi. That leaves two more slots open.

The types so far: Ghost/Fire, Dark/Ice, Dark/Dragon, Poison/Bug. My major weakness at the moment'd be Rock and I guess by default Fighting since (WARNING: cheesy ahead) my heart cries out for a semi-Dark monotype team cause Dark types.

If I'm getting an Umbreon for pure darkness and to satisfy my unreasonable necessity to have an Eeveelution on my team, that leaves one slot.

I think I'll go for a Corphish to obtain Crawdaunt later on.

EDIT: Found out Deino obtains Earth Power as an egg move from the Garchomp line; could I nab a Deino with this move, Chim?

Have you thought Sableye or Spiritomb?

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Yeah, I was thinking about that too... If I'm still going to be dumb and go for a Dark/Ghost, like Sissy suggested, I'd be choosing between Sableye and Spiritomb, though I might go more for the latter cause I like Spiritomb more, even if Sableye gets a Mega Evolution... wait... but Sableye can defend itself against Fairies... omf *bangs head on wall*

That and I just realized that I haven't a Pokemon yet with a Mega Evo. ._.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot about the Fairy type. Oh well... *goes and equips all 'mons with Metal Claw, Steel Wing, whatever applicable move strong against Fairies* goddamnit I hate those nasty sparkly buggers, them and their ruining my heartfelt teams

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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Yeah, I was thinking about that too... If I'm still going to be dumb and go for a Dark/Ghost, like Sissy suggested, I'd be choosing between Sableye and Spiritomb, though I might go more for the latter cause I like Spiritomb more, even if Sableye gets a Mega Evolution.

That and I just realized that I haven't a Pokemon yet with a Mega Evo. ._.

why not get an Absol?

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@Zephyr: Go ahead with the Deino. And I you want a Mega Dark type how about getting a Sharpedo instead of Crawdaunt?

Or T-Tar since I don't think anyone is getting a Tyranitar soon (I know commander mentioned it but not sure if he's getting one) or a Houndoom.

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Pssh, Mega Schmega. Hukuna fights with the pureness of his soul, and he expects the same of his pokemon, there is no need for Mega Evos. We will show them our fighting spirit, without need of silly things such as Mega Evos.

At least I would be saying that if I was playing along lol.

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why not get an Absol?

I was considering replacing Umbreon with Absol and this is how you spot my evil twin: refusing an Eeveelution for the sake of practicality. Kill on sight.

@Zephyr: Go ahead with the Deino. And I you want a Mega Dark type how about getting a Sharpedo instead of Crawdaunt?

Or T-Tar since I don't think anyone is getting a Tyranitar soon (I know commander mentioned it but not sure if he's getting one) or a Houndoom.

... admittedly I want both a Sharpedo and a Houndoom, but I've got lil' Lucifer, my lil' soul-eating baby of flame... so having two fire-types would be redundant how ironic of me to say so. I didn't think of Mega Sharpedo cause it looks weird, but I'll take that into consideration.

Pssh, Mega Schmega. Hukuna fights with the pureness of his soul, and he expects the same of his pokemon, there is no need for Mega Evos. We will show them our fighting spirit, without need of silly things such as Mega Evos.

At least I would be saying that if I was playing along lol.

Pffft, who needs megas when you have Bossness?

... Let it be known that I am a person who is easily swayed, in terms of conviction. Though in the beginning I didn't really care much 'bout Mega Evos lol... but since one of my chosen Pokemon have the capability to Mega Evolve, why the heck not lol

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XD No no 'Kuna-sensei in all honesty, I think I might go for an Absol instead, as Pokemon that are potential fast crit-sweepers fit my style more than defense-oriented Pokemon ('cept for Umbreon cause Eevee love. ~). Absol can learn Psycho Cut or Play Rough, to hit two types with one stone, being Fighting and Dark, as well as Poison Jab or Iron Tail (preferably the former though) for Fairies. Night Slash is a good STAB, so that leaves a final fourth slot for offensive moves.

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Same here actually, though since for some reason my heart is set on doing a sort-of monotype, I'm trying to make a balanced team with what I've got. I think I really should get a notebook and pen to write down my planned team and their movesets lol, but you know me, I'm too lazy to so it all stays in my head...

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