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Dark Legend

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Dark Legend last won the day on April 7 2022

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255 Altruist

About Dark Legend

  • Birthday May 7

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    Battle Frontier
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    Music, Art, Pokemon Battles, Anime,

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  1. Question: 

    What if we could join Lin? I honestly think Lin herself has done nothing wrong. Or maybe I'm just an edgy teenager...

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    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Well, I thought you're having long conversations because of me. Maybe I should be careful what I wish for.

    3. Oscarus



      There are two writers discussing. How on earth can you believe they will manage to be short and to the point?

      That's what happens when some random dude with Asperger and other user whose nickname is a complete opposite to their actual character share a topic. 

      Still, that teaches us a lot - let's just wait for Darky to see this and start regretting allying with Lin... even before doing so. 


      Still, Lin's death threat was about Amaria ("it's a nice relationship you have -- it'd be a shame if someone were to set you free...") in a particularly devious way. 

      Typical genius work right here. She knows what buttons should be pushed, and what shouldn't. 


      I think you're forgetting an important part: what kind of universe you're building. Some basic idea about "how things work".

      Well... It's complicated. 

      Most of the time, the story is like in Reborn, but more anime-like; more dynamic (especially in battles which are completely different to how they're portrayed in games). Plus the side stories with other characters, and relationship between them. And almost all of them will have expanded characters. Neither of some changes are or will be canon (like... one of the characters will turn out to have a completely different real name than we know; and that doesn't include anyone from Meteors), but that isn't canon anyways, and might add depth to the story. But overdoing it might be fatal, especially if the character created is way too complex. 


      ...but let's just say that in my setting, anyone seen feeding a Meteor grunt to a Gyarados would have very slim chances to live another day.  

      Karma functioning? Or maybe mass vendetta? If something that went down, and the mechanics of the story were more to real life... I must say this is logical. For the 99.99% of the time. 


      (especially if it weakens Madame X in your Rejuv story^^)

      Not weakens per se... I'd say "powercreeps". 

      Madame X will be equally, if not more, terryfing there, but there's always someone above the top. Be that the "Team Meteor Redux" with "Six Black Stars" as their leaders, or some completely new protagonist, who... might be in many cases the opposite to Oscar. 


      I'm not saying that is a bad thing... Or maybe yes, for that protag and their new friends especially, but at least plot will be more interesting than just steamrolling through 70% of the plot like nothing. That was a hyperbole, if anyone wonders. 

    4. Aphelli




      let's just wait for Darky to see this and start regretting allying with Lin... even before doing so. 

      Or he (?) might ally himself with Lin just to make us shut up for good. 




      Typical genius work right here. She knows what buttons should be pushed, and what shouldn't. 

      I’d hesitate to call it “genius”. Lin’s take is not that exceptional imo. Any “talking villain” with sufficient intelligence could have figured this one out. 


      Karma functioning? Or maybe mass vendetta? If something that went down, and the mechanics of the story were more to real life... I must say this is logical. For the 99.99% of the time. 

      This would be when I operate under real-world logic. And real-world mobs cannot look weak. Such a humiliation would trigger horrific retaliation. “One in ten thousand” looks like reasonable survival odds – and it would take some serious paranoia and luck. 



      What you describe about “how things work” is not what I meant. It’s not about the relationship of the story to the game, nor about depth or backstory or new names. It goes deeper than that. It’s not easy to explain, but what I had in mind was more like the difference between a DnD campaign story, a Discworld novel, Game of Thrones, and the Lord of the Rings. All of them exist in a fantasy-medieval setting – but you couldn’t mistake any of them for another, even without any of the plot details. Because the “baselines” for these universes, the expectations about what counts as normal, what doesn’t, about which actions elicit which reactions – they’re all wildly different. 

      For instance, say a city is under attack:

      in GoT, the inhabitants who couldn’t flee cower in their homes and they know it’s going to be hell for them. In DnD, the heroes are the main spotlight of the battle, everything is on them, and they find a clever way to win nearly by themselves. In LotR, the heroes fight as muchas they can and inspire the troops, but they can’t win alone: they need every man, every ally that they can get defending the city. But if it’s Pratchett’s Ankh-Morpokh, the inhabitants open their arms to the would-be invaders who wake up two months later and realize that they have become another quaint minority.  

      All of these are valid, but they need different sorts of logic operating their world, and different answers to foundational questions such as “is there a Rule of Cool? A Rule of Funny? Does Will beat Skill? What is the Sliding Scale of Idealism vs Cynicism? Of Silliness vs Seriousness? (tvtropes usual warnings)” and many others. That’s what I was trying to convey (although I’m not sure if I even made it clearer). 

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