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Everything posted by Johnny_Nevori

  1. that's waaaay out lol I'm not dying to have one, I was just trying to get a steel type from this area before Gym 2 because I try to get each type I don't have before each Gym if available. I'll try a little longer then i might give up and go for something else.
  2. Yeah I've restarted twice and I known all too well about the Woo lol but all that keeps popping up is Noibat, that's it nothing else, I have tried switching my party around but still nothing. Idk, maybe I'm just getting unlucky with the rolls of chance.
  3. Yeah kept it and now that the gym is done it has some good moves.
  4. Heres another tip, for training, Alleys and Underground Railnets are great spots
  5. Johnny_Nevori


    I just finished the first gym and I went down to the Underground Railnet in Obsidia Ward to find Klink, but I've been looking for over 2 hours and still nothing. Am I in the wrong place or did something change in the newest update? This is where I go is it the wrong spot? I haven't explored/progressed the story yet, so please no spoilers if possible. Thanks for any help/advice.
  6. Totally agree here about abilities and finding water types, but I found an ability capsule before the first gym, still haven't used it cause I've gotten lucky but yeah, not sure where i found it though so cant help you there.
  7. I like what @Jbastian1 said as for best fire type. But IMHO I think you should go with one of your faves because it will make you want to train it even if its difficult and that's the fun in every PokeAdventure, Its your bond as cliche as that sounds, but just picking the best pokemon and making sure they have this and that, kinda makes it too tedious and really limits your picks. Hope you find something that really suits you. Totodile FTW
  8. Oh, OK, that makes sense. Hopefully I learn the ropes as I go along, I have been trying to find the Howto's and Whatnot's but its been a little shaking, but its OK cause everyone has been so nice and has helped out. Thanks for the insight, Silver
  9. The site wont let me like, thank, or upvote anymore for the day and its only 8:30pm. Did I get in trouble or something?
  10. Yeah I kinda thought about the longer run that's why I tried to diversify my team but that doesn't always help in the beginning. that's at least what my basis was for with my Froakie as it can morph into 4 types. I usually stick with 9 Pokemon that have all 18 types for coverage and swap between them as needed but sometimes that can't happen.
  11. well I mean it is one of my fave bugs but i only suggested it as Kricketot is already bug and I was hoping for that versatility/variety but it makes more since to box Noibat ATM.
  12. if your Kingdra has sniper than i would say Focus Energy, Brine, Ice Beam & Yawn/Dragon Type Move that's what i ran and it was a beast
  13. Yeah I figured as much. Thanks for the advice.
  14. Wow really? I kept shrug off that Kricketot. I gonna have to check it out. Who would I replace though? probably either Joltik or Noibat right?
  15. So I have a team of 6 before the 1st Gym with only 2 types missing (Dark & Fire) from the available types to choose from. I might swap out Eko because he is wicked hard to train, BUT, Idk what I'd replace him with. Is this fine? should I swap anyone & why? Any other suggestions that can be of use? Thanks in advance.
  16. At the moment it is Igglybuff even though it's 3 lvls lower than the rest of my team. I say Igglybuff because it has taken out the most opponents and help my team status wise much more than any other Pokemon. Plus kicking butt with LSP is too funny.
  17. This is very true. I didn't look at it that way. Thanks
  18. I just started a new job and I wanted to show my support but I'm just not sure which PokeMart to sell my Big Nuggets at. Is there just one place for the entire team or is it all individual funding? Also if I fund do I get any cool stuff (like a Premier Ball for buying 10 lol), If not that's ok with me. Sorry about posting here I'm just not sure where this goes.
  19. Ok, so I retried the Voltorb battle and Edo was right on their #1 option, It was a lag in the animation. For the Igglybuff I figured out that it's IV for def is 1 and no EVs so that might be why, but I'm just not sure. It happens a lot actually in this game, I'm either getting 1-2 shot by everything that is either 1 lvl lower than me or equal, but the same is inverse as well I end up 1-2 shot everything if I'm equal or 1 lvl higher. IDK maybe I'm just crazy and not noticing the right stuff lol As for the ChargeBeam I figured out that it ups the users Sp. Attack, so that is probably why it happened. But that is a great tool for calculations, Thanks LilyX Thank you all for the help I really appreciate It.
  20. Thats actually very interesting, I'll have to check that out. Thanks.
  21. Ok, so I noticed while playing Reborn that every attack varies on the dmg amount (even set amount moves like Sonic Boom). It started when I faced a Voltorb at the same lvl as my Frogadier with 46 HP, it used sonic boom and only did 18 dmg leaving it with only 28 HP, then the second turn it did the same move and killed my Pokemon. I thought maybe i missed something and that i was wrong but it happened with 2 other Pokemon. One of them was Minun which used Chargebeam on my Joltik with 41 HP that did normal dmg of 20(no Crit or SE) and then did the same move on the second turn again normal dmg but this time it did 21 instead of 20 which KO'd my Pokemon. The 3rd one was a wild Poochyena which was 1 lvl lower than my Igglybuff and it 2 shot it with Bite which was "Not Very Effective". Maybe I'm just seeing things wrong or maybe my game is glitching but it just doesn't seem normal to me. Any advice/help? or is this normal? Also Sorry if this is the wrong location or has already been addressed before.
  22. Thanks, sorry for making you answer so many dumb questions
  23. I don't know if this helps but you can check this site out. its Gen 5 Style and non animated but I'm not sure if they are 192x192. Hope this helps.
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