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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Cyrus

  1. I only want one thing, but why can't I have it?

  2. I'm gonna make a team dedicated to freaking out Ame.

  3. Secession threats. Now that's taking whining and sore losing to an extreme. And the counter-petitions to exile people who signed the secession petitions are obviously satire you morons.

  4. So far Paper Mario Sticker Star is decent. Not as good as TTYD or 64, but still good.

  5. So far Paper Mario Sticker Star is decent. Not as good as TTYD or 64, but still good.

  6. I like cussing.

  7. fluttershy will stop being cute when spongebob gets his license

  8. I did it without breaking anything!!!

  9. I did it without breaking anything!!!

  10. Oh god you guys, I found a lost copy of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon at school...BUT IT WAS IN GERMAN ;-;

  11. Heads up "A Wild ______" was a group thing not a trend for everybody to hop on heads down

  12. Left 4 Dead 2 finished downloading. (sigh) Wish me luck.

  13. Left 4 Dead 2 finished downloading. (sigh) Wish me luck.

  14. Left 4 Dead 2 finished downloading. (sigh) Wish me luck.

  15. Mael confirmed for the greatest profile picture ever.

  16. Hey, let's ban everything that beats my team so I can --win-- enjoy laddering more! --- yeaaaaah no.

  17. ..So I'm just gonna ask.. If you wanted stuff changed, where were you during tier discussions?

  18. MvM Nightmare. Wave 666. It fucking lives up to it's name O.e

  19. Oh, right... I promised Mczipo I would do that one thing. Welllll, I guesssss.

  20. Which Zelda should I start playing first?

  21. Why have I started listening to rap music

  22. Why does my dog eat soap?

  23. Today I learned Sonic the Hedgehog's real name.

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