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Everything posted by Ninpen

  1. Fool! I shall conquer the wor- What? The penguin got to my keyboard. Anyhow. N8 I think she means that: For the first) She stopped so that people would pay more attention to highlights when they came out. For the second) Ever noticed that Will takes a long time to draw things? OR SOMETHING ELSE...I can't see into the mind of a Gardevoir. Now maybe if I had a mind-reading/controlling device. Penguin, I need your assistance. (MUAHAHAHAHA)
  2. Couple comic anthologies, Stephen Hawking's new book, M&Ms, Sonic Colors, a LA Dodgers mug, and a pair of headphones. And about 50 purple shirts. Best. Christmas. Ever.
  3. ZO. MAI. GAWD. 1000 POSTS. Oh, and I guess the map is good. Edit: Damn you Ika.
  4. I don't even know what's happening in Reborn...ever! See ya later, Mash
  5. lizardwinsallthetime Just gonna say.
  6. Just use whatever the hell Mash was using.
  7. I'm going to admit that I'm biased against it because I still haven't made a 5th gen team. I need to fix that. Don't you think?
  8. Is I the only one who thinks that mysidia would rape us?
  9. Ninpen


    Kajj, I hereby am extremely impressed.
  10. I don't care if I'm annoying you GG, I'm going to wait. SPECIFICALLY TO ANNOY YOU. How does that makes you feel? Bad? Yes.
  11. + Reviving this topic - This week right before the break has 5 quizzes in 4 days +++++ But then, you know, it's the break ------------------------------------------ And then I get my wisdom teeth pulled. Yeah. That sucks.
  12. Herpaderpderp, my story isn't much of one. While back I was, dare I say, a Smogoner, and a not-entirely-terrible one, if I do say so myself. However, in the midst of arguably my worst slump ever, 2 weeks removed from making the quarterfinals of a tourney, I fell into losing 8 straight tourney matches (including a heartbreaker to Panamaxis). But anyway: Pokemon Online came out, and I was a Beta Server lurker, and such. And I'm thinking "hey, stuff!" And I left the Beta server, and splashed around Mysidia and Dream League a bit. But then I didn't. Something like August 8th, I went on Reborn for the first time. We had about...7?...people on the server that day and I'm like "hey, they could use company and stuff". So I waddled on in, and Ame was definitely there, and I think N8 and Mash *might* have been too. Kinda vague on it. Anyway, I distinctly remember telling everyone that I sucked. And then proceeding to win a tournament, beating Ame and a goddamn Rotom-W and his goddamn rain dance team in the tournament finals. And I'm like "hey, these people are worse than me! And, ya know, they're nice...and stuff" So I hung around, and I met the other peoples, and then stuff and then yeah. Oh, and I met Kitty. And she was like "hai" and I'm like "hai" and yeah. Oh, and I met Bullet. And I was like "random bullet pun" and he's like "not funny" and yeah. Oh, and I met Ikaru. And I'm like "what the hell kind of name is that" and he's like "Ikaru" and yeah but that never happened. Anyway, all in all, I couldn't really ask for more with everyone here. You've been very nice and welcoming and stuff and yeah. AWKWARD STORY IS OVER! almost NOW IT IS! not really SHUT UP SMALL TEXT! no u Mkay, one more thing/I started writing haikus/Here. I think I'm good. In conclusion, stuff.
  13. Ninpen


    Since when are llamas parading in the disguise of Will?
  14. Moving past that. It's pretty damn unbelievable in retrospect that I've been here for what, four months now? The days roll by, and we've gone through highs and lows as a community. Thanks to everyone for putting up for my quirkiness. To Will for constantly amazing us with +Infinitas; you keep wowing me. If only I had your drawing skills... To Ame for keeping things together... holy crap, man, you have managed the server as well as anyone could have. To Kitty for being a kitty :3 To Nyu for enabling us to do all of this: we owe you big time. To the mods of Reborn for keeping their cool through thick and thin, and being cool on a daily basis. To GG for cracking me up every day with the highlights To the leaders, who don't really get as much thanks as they should for dedicating the time to give us these challenges. To everyone else I've forgotten to mention, the true heart and soul of the server... And, I guess I have to thank myself too for being awesome. ? Happy holidays To all of Reborn Server Thanks to all of you!
  15. I for one welcome our new youtube overlords.
  16. /me sez Umbreon. It's so awesomely awesome.
  17. /me couldn't find replacements for the people who ditched...tourney imploded. On a positive note, in.
  18. /me suggests Infernape, the now overshadowed Fire starter. Damn you Blaziken!
  19. Do we have a plan C if Reborn and Mysidia fail?
  20. [quote name='mashew' post='7255' date='Nov 30 2010, 06:39 PM']Yay welcome back Gardevoir!~ can't wait for the rest of the highlights<3 lol I love tlaking to you[/quote] How do you tlak to someone? That's not a thing...I think. Good to have you back, Gardevoir
  21. By staff he means me. In all my awesome. Ness.
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