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Posts posted by Juice

  1. It's especially frustrating because they knew how much flack they got for doing battles with only one out of the five Penta-Oppers in Insurgence. There was nearly a riot in the comments section over it. And they just went back to it. 


    I really don't think they want to do this game anymore. There, I said it. They won't "give up" on it, but they're all checked out. 

  2. He mentioned in other videos that he had some friends (assuming the Penta Op crew) coming into town.


    Plus RDR2/stream stuff. 


    BUT he also said that he had done a ton of bulk recording for everything before that, so I dunno. 


    As someone that's watched Nappy for years, I'm not surprised he's missing uploads right now. His Dark Rising series has missed uploads lately too. He tends to burn himself out and likely needs some time to just chill with his family and friends and he'll come back refreshed. This may be a "burnout" period. 

  3. The biggest thing that was done for Ep18 was pushing the X-items up the Dept Store a few floors. I'm interested in playing Ep18 through again just to see how I'd fare without them. 


    I too used Flygon very heavily on my Ep17 playthrough and would be disappointed if it was moved back. 

  4. I'm pretty sure Twit doesn't even Youtube anymore. He was a part of the UCL and these Penta-Ops but that's really it for him. 


    I don't think Jay plays much anymore either. 


    Mo definitely cares and I think likes the game, but his personality gets drowned out by everyone else. 


    Nexus can be overwhelming but I love when he gets into "cheerleader" mode. As noted, Nappy is busy sulking while Nexus is right there trying to help Jay. 

  5. For those who may not watch Nappy's other content, he went on a nice little rant at the start of his Dark Rising video today.


    (alluded to above, but here's the actual video)



    If you skip to about 7:35 though, there's some relevant Reborn talk! 


    Nappy says that one day, he'll go back himself and Nuzlocke Reborn because it's a "great game" and he "wants the challenge". 


    I really do think he loves this game, deep down. 

  6. prior to Ep18, you could cheese the game easily with X-items, but they've since been moved up the Dept Store floors to the point where you'll have to wait a good long while


    15 hours ago, LilyX said:

    I for example always thought of Scrafty as mediocre. Now I love him, because he carried me through half the game.

    I too let Moxie Scrafty carry me through multiple gym battles. 

  7. On 9/28/2018 at 7:06 PM, DreamblitzX said:

    Yea I'm watching it, it's pretty good. I'd not seen/played and yokai watch before this.


    This.... was not a good episode of the penta-op. The whispering and nasty quality loud spikes were both annoying, but more than that, it caused their communication to be worse than usual. I felt sorry for mo when he sat there waiting for a trade for 5 mins and didn't even get anything because nappy was just shutting him down

    I love Nappy, and I know these are all of his friends. But he really is kind of a dick to the rest of the crew. His personality shouts over everyone else's, except maybe Nexus. Poor Mo sits there and waits for trades or has relevant information, but Nappy's too busy yelling (or in this case whispering) to care. Then he yells at the game when something happens...and it was something he got told 10 minutes ago would happen. 


    I hated this episode from the start. Serra's voice is absolute garbage. Please don't ever do this again, Penta-Op. 

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