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Posts posted by Magus543

  1. I'm hoping we just get to hang out with the Reborn cast. Maybe not romantically, but just as friends, though i would assume that would take a lot of effort to program in events like this on top of the main event. I'm just waiting for my showdown with Lin. 

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  2. Spoiler

    Lin has some sort of connection with Arceus, as she says in the cave, it would take an act of God to create something from nothing, then she creates some sort of pillar? You know it's interesting to note, her main pokemon is a Hydreigon, a multi headed Dragon, in revelations, The Devil took the form of a 7 headed Dragon during the battle in heaven. HMMMMMMMMM. Regardless, while we didn't let her go in the underwater cave, i really get the vibe, Lin has some sort of fixation on us, like Joker with Batman, again with the attempt at convincing Titania we are working together, and not killing us repeatedly. I'm honestly curious what she thinks of us, though she really does enjoy our pain.


  3. Also, beating Solaris's Garchomp affects his view of you. 



    For example, during your first rematch with him, if you lose, he'll say something like'' seems player name has gotten stronger. If you win, he'll say something like '' as always player name is always a threat '' and in his big speech in Agate city, he'll either say he respects you as an individual if you beat the Garchomp, or an opponent if you lost the first time. 


  4. Personally i was thinking a new game + using Chrono Trigger as the base, where you can keep all your levels and items. Considering this game may have more than one ending, a second play through is encouraged. I'm thinking importing mons, would be like the Fire Emblem Fates Avatar skills system, where at the end, you select a bunch of skills and then pass it on to your Avatar in the next play though, so you would select certain mons and then they would be in your PC next time you play. 

  5. Spoiler

    There is a difference between being a leader and thinking of the big picture to causing more damage trying to save people, and making things worse. I imagine how evil Flora will be will depend if you side with her or not. Guess we better see, though if siding with Flora ends with US becoming the new leader of Team Bladestar, i may restart. maybe. Speaking of the grunts, half of them are in it for power and are as evil as the standard team though. And considering Flora can't keep her grunts under control, it calls to question how much terrorism from Bladestar was from her i admit.


  6. Yeah, i'm killing time till ep 19 arrives. pix~ 


    1 hour ago, Commander said:

    A new game plus is definitely possible to make but I feel like it should be handed off to a separate team instead of the main dev group to add in stuff to do with New Game plus instead of just OP stuff to breeze through the game which I find boring


    I think the best option to approach this is to copy the new game options and have a common event that removes any story progression items such as the keystones - There's not much else that I can really say on the matter beyond that

    Aren't you that fellow who made a hardcore mod for the main game? pixpix? That could be a new game + technically. pix~ i heard it has new events. pix~

  7. On 1/6/2019 at 9:05 AM, Cyphre said:
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    They are maybe off-screen, but Flora's good deeds are immense nonetheless. pix~ It is she who planted all those greenery on Route 4 (near Akuwa town), it is she that made the desert a place, where people can live again. pix~ Not to mention she gave a ton of people in the Underground a home, a goal and hopes, food and job. pix~ She might be a radical extremist, but she is far from a bad person, and i hope there will be a way to convince her, that she is no better than Cassandra. pix~ Both of them are bad in their own ways, but Flora got much more redeeming qualities, and is not lost as a person, just misguided. pix~ 



    Well that does have merit, but Flora just oozes condescension and is full of hatred. pix~ As much as her off screen good deeds are notable, i don't trust her at all. pix~ What separates a genuine hero and a terrorist like Flora is the ability to empathize and to recognize if you're going too far. pix~ yes Flora wants to help, and yes she has done good deeds, but ultimately looks down on people she's trying to save, her reactions to her fellow Team Bladestar members are full of it. pix~ Additionally creating corruption and blaming the government instead of what Cassandra actually does, hurts her cause, and it makes me wonder what will happen if she does succeed in overthrowing Cassandra, will she put herself in power and become a tyrant? pixpix? It's a full circle revolution if that's the case, and it's likely. pix~ And also from saved game shenanigans, I've found out, if you out her and tell Cassandra about the corruption, she frames her brother as Team Bladestar's co leader and leaves him to be executed after escaping the trial. pix~ That's cold, and i would not trust someone who's willing to do that to her own brother who is not at all complicit in Cassandra's crimes, to save GDC. pix~ If she's willing to frame her brother, who by the way kept trying to show her mercy, and condemn him to death, what else is she willing to do if she does overthrow Cassandra? pixpix? Take over GDC of it's own good? pixpix? She clearly thinks highly of herself and would see assuming leadership as a natural way to " save GDC "


  8. Well the point of a new game plus is to be an overpowered monster. pix~ It can be fun, like on my second play through, i begged ERRR i mean asked for a Gible with outrage, a Larvitar, and other OP mons, and you would not believe how fun it is to utterly wreck the early game, frustrating gyms like AYA, SERRA, and NOEL are reduced to jokes, it's REALLY cathartic to annihilate their teams and laugh at their now useless field. pix~ Lin was right, nothing beats pure unbridled power. pix~ And i admit i'm the sort of guy who likes to have two of my favorite mons with me at any given time, like Mimikyu and Hydreigon. pix~ Plus the longer game time really gives you time to appreciate your mons y'know? pixpix? Maybe seeing Mega Charizard X rip apart early game will teach me to love it more. pix~


    Also how i start that quest with the Alola Vulpix in the Grand Hall? pixpix?

  9. Spoiler

    Yeah but in game Ame is not as competent as RL Ame. pix~  plus we've fought tons of dangerous things like Ditto Arceus, a giant Steelix, Solaris, Mewtwo, ETC, so why not even attempt to fight Lin besides the fact it's not ep 19 yet? pixpix? i was thinking, maybe it would be like Solaris at the volcano, where we get a preview of Lin's team and they are all lvl 100. pix~ but i guess Ame wanted to keep it a secret till ep 19. pix~


  10. Yeah it might be a pipe dream, and the only real new game plus is playing the game a second time with Pokemon you like transferred. pix~ But i have an idea, what if you could play through the game with mega evolution? pixpix? Would make pixing Charizard more viable. pix~  

  11. 6 hours ago, Tamurlin said:
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    About the underwater Agate scene, I don't think the player character purposely let Lin pass. To me it looked like Lin moved the PC aside, with, like, telekinesis or something, because she made a little hand gesture and the PC sprite slid to the left without changing direction. I've re-watched that scene a couple times and that's how it looks to me. 



    Hmmm, or alternatively we ducked to avoid getting hit by the pillar? If she can telekinetically move us, she could force choke us or something. i've checked that scene again, and yep it does look like we got shoved off, it's even possible we were shoved physically.  Still, i wonder why Lin went out of her way to ensure one of the keys stayed in our hands and give off the impression we were working together? It can't be just a mind game to mess with Titania, otherwise Lin would try harder. I'm guessing unwitting pawn? would really suck if we actually are besties.




    For me, it was when my Deino finally became a Hydreigon. He happened to evolve during the section with El's cultists. It felt like something out of revelation, a multi headed dragon fighting holy protectors, except with the alignments flipped. There is something about taking down self righteous cultists with a Dark Dragon that feels really badass. I'm a big fan of the Dark is not evil vs the Light is not good trope.


  13. Spoiler

    I mean during the chase, we intercept her in a cave, and she talks about how it would take an act of God to create something from nothing, and then leaves with a stone, and we let her pass. I have no idea if that's supposed to be some sort of foreshadowing or just cutscene incompetence. Also, we just beat Solaris one on one, and faced down threats that are way above our level like a Mewtwo and Arceus Ditto. So not even attempting to battle her because of her overwhelming power is kind of out of character. I'm thinking it's either she doesn't take us seriously, and making her an idiot, despite wrecking her operations repeatedly, or she wants us to suffer more, she has some bizarre fondness for us or maybe she's using us as a pawn. Or we could be playing as a manchurian agent. Who's to say PULSE Hypno didn't leave any after-effects. 


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    Lin does seem to have a strange fixation with us, like in Titania's gym, she goes out of her way to insinuate that she and the MC are working together, and not even in a sort misdirection sort of way, she barely tries to get Titania to kill us. She captured us during the gym and just left us in a tower instead of killing us. She recognized us instantly during the Abra room, and instead of taking the time to kill us, she just leaves and deals with Saphira. BUT, MOST DAMNING OF ALL, during the Agate chase scene, We let her move past us. WHAT? that moment had my brain at first go '' oh it's just a plot convenience, we let Team Meteor admins go all the time " but upon replaying the game the Admins just use some teleportation trick, but in this scenario, the MC lets her walk away. Does Lin know us? Did we know her? is it a bad time to mention Hydreigon is also my signature pokemon? 


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