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Posts posted by Magus543

  1. Considering the Episode name, i think a lot of things are going to be cleared up, hopefully things like Crescent, what Nim actually is, and what's up with the memory loss regarding the Miera region? Also i'm looking forward to our reunion with Lorna. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Aiko said:
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    I'm semi-convinced Erin might be a lost Nora because she gets sick when we change the timeline, specifically the her across but, followed by aelita who starts feeling awful before we confront Vivian.


    Also she has no parents, no family, and yet she ends up with Souta, who helps heal the chains around Aelita's heart, who is intrinsically involved with that whole scenario. We still have no idea why she was sent back to the past with us, just that it was essential. So I feel like she's connected somehow to that and was just overwritten like many many characters to well, not be Nora anymore.


    So she'll prove to be of the four lights and survive... Somehow. My theory gets muddled after that.


    Holy crap, i did not even consider that, but then again, isn't her soul kinda gone?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Illumi said:

    I think that the Dufaux and Missing Children sidequests were 'supposed' to be continued, dunno about end of them.

    I'm actually asking if any of the sidequests we do like Lost camp and Badland Baddies, will have any impact on the plot, like how the Lunatone quest line introduced Alexandra early or taking out the Rift Gyrados gains affection with Melia.

  4. 10 hours ago, Cyphre said:

    But she didnt have any need to appear during the bad future, we kinda fix this problem on our own. I just think it's worth considering as an option at least, im really interested where Jan leads this plot and if he can make time travelling actually work. 

    Isn't one of Crescent's main goals trying to prevent some sort of disaster, presumably the one Team Xen is trying to do? Plus Madame X showed up, and she's clearly a time traveler with her own time travel macguffin, albeit unwillingly, considering Madame X was pulled into the future. So if Madame X was forced into the bad future, shouldn't Crescent at least have been pulled into the bad future assuming she's also a time traveler? i mean she should at least have a time amulet. If you recall, Crescent in the nightmare city, keeps muttering ''not much time left'' so despite her considerable power, she hasn't displayed any form of time travel aside from being a rogue member of Spacea and Tiempa's group, she does have dimensional abilities as she brings Ren to her office which is a sort of pocket dimension, and Crescent is most likely apprentice Nim's trainer who can also bring people to a pocket dimension. 




    May i plug in my theory regarding the portrait? If you recall our breakdown after being called Adrest and going to that house, it appears we used to have a large group of friends, and the one we picked, is the one who survived whatever catastrophe happened, storm 9 or otherwise, i mean we know there are multiple souls in our body. It could be Crescent was a member of our friends, the other PC's were our friends, something bad happened and then present day. Lastly i would like to add that the house were we collapsed was near a cliff overlooking the sea, the purgatory we went to was a house near a cliff overlooking the sea, and Crescent mentions we used to live there in peace.



    I do apologize for the plug as it may derail discussion, but one must play with multiple choice options in solving a mystery sometimes.

  5. 23 hours ago, Cyphre said:

    Considering multiple Crescents, they might work like with local timelines, the weaker one gets absorbed and thats it. 


    Well, we are the interceptor, and on every playthrough we kinda do different things, so she probably cant know what are WE gonna do, and the same is with the time boss. This is why she is reluctant to change much and is looking for a way to actually save us. 


    But yeah, i dont have much to go on, except the Crescent room. 

    We do different things, but the destination is still the same, i mean hypothetically speaking, Crescent should be able to at least know where we are heading and what we are going to do.  Come to think if it, if you look closely at her dialogue in purgatory, it seems that she has some shock at us constantly disobeying her which would imply that this is the first time Rejuvenation's story is happening, but then she mentions us forgetting again, which implies a cycle of sorts like what you are suggesting. It is interesting to note, is that along with the group photo, there are individual photos of each PC which would really give your theory a boost as it implies an individual universe. Though again, given under your theory Crescent has failed repeatedly and she jumps, it begs the question as to why she doesn't interfere more forcefully.



    And another thing to note, is that Crescent doesn't appear during the bad future, it appears she doesn't have any time macguffin, which is quite a problem in your theory if she can jump between timelines. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Kite Silvers said:


    I'd say this fits Crescent nicely. Given how the Prophecy of Light is worded, however, I somewhat doubt her to be the "mother" of the MC. Unless, of course, the Interceptor is not in fact one of the "four Lights not born of Man".

    Funny, i did add that to her Character page. 


    3 hours ago, Cyphre said:

    Not sure why you all just started thinking about her as motherly, i've never had this idea nor even indulged in that thought process. My post here was about her operating beyond the laws of a singular universe, going beyond timelines and being able to cross over versions of the game. What are you even talking about. 

    Well the Mother aspect of Crescent is ripe for speculation and would serve to humanize her. Anyway, back to this, in a way, this sort of ties into the trading aspect of pokemon, where your pokemon can transfer between games, though ironically Rejuv won't have trading. Though i do have a problem with this theory, assuming she really is jumping in between timelines, she would know EXACTLY what we would do such as being in Goldenwood because of Jenner, trying to save Nim ETC, so why so doesn't try to change events more because she should know what would happen. And again, i'm most curious as to who the other PCs are to us, and if those souls in our head know who they are.  Also if she does jump, that would mean there are multiple Crescents native to each dimension, wouldn't i?

  7. 4 minutes ago, kithas said:

    There's a problem with your theory in that Spacea & Tempa let us know they're receiving orders, while they're manipulating Melia. And since I don't think Griselda would be able to give them between Geara's possession and Isha's... 

    I don't feel like that's a wrench in my theory, Spacea and Tiempa. telling Melia they serve a higher power won't stop them from manipulating her. Hell assuming my theory is right, this is a stable time loop, and Spacea and Tiempa are training Melia to be Her Majesty who will eventually tell them to recruit Melia. So in a way you could consider that comment, Spacea and Tiempa giving Melia a hint.  Also Griselda can't be giving orders because she was cast out or something.

  8. Crescent really does act like a Mother, a manipulative, cold, and brutally pragmatic Mother, but a Mother nonetheless. I must wonder, why exactly if protecting us is her mission, why she doesn't just up front tell us? Or take a more forceful approach in not letting us adventure? Regarding this theory, If Crescent can jump across dimensions/timelines, then what happens to the Crescents of THAT timeline? Regarding the Portraits, here's the real eerie thing, is that a painting or is it a photograph? If it's a photograph, then we must have been in the same room as the other PC at some point, the implications are not pleasant. 

  9. 9 hours ago, ZappoNinja said:

    I mean like maybe but like that's so incredibly doubtful as why would Arceus just randomly show up to save some random nobody by sacrificing itself? It would explain why Arceus refused to do shit to stop the world from ending via Indriad if once fused with her they couldn't use their powers but again that's stretching way too far and is so incredibly unlikely. Also that wouldn't be very good storytelling in my opinion.

    Well Maria's pleas were really pitiful, so maybe Arceus picked her out of mercy and a way to interact with the material world? I was thinking more of an accidental merger but intentional could work too. Plus let's look at Spacea and Tiempa, they clearly represent Dialga and Palkia, with Griselda being Giratina, so Melia being Arceus in some form would neatly tie everything. The two also do mention they serve under Her Majesty, and seem REALLY invested in teaching Melia about the GREATER GOOD, so could this majesty be Melia of the future? GAH Time travel just invites all sorts of possibilities.



    I do note, that if my theory of Arceus and Melia somehow being connected is true, that would make her a good version of Lin from Reborn. 

  10. Here's a thought, What if Maria and Melia are different people in the same body? Remember, the prologue ends with Maria being sacrificed, what if somehow that process ended not killing her but somehow merged her spirit with Arceus? i mean it would explain her light based powers, and her affinity for Normal types.

  11. I think at this point we have to factor alternate dimensions, memory loss AND time travel, here's something i always thought was curious, Marianette after her Gym battle, regains her memory, and here's the screwy part, she remember Venam and us, so what if it's the other way around and Melia become Marianette? There is also the possibility that the Maria we meet in the past with dark Gardevoir is an alternate version and not just a past version. Let's not even go into those fan theories that state Madame X is future Melia, though Madam X's comment about her mother raises a few questions. 

  12. The plot thickens, Pokemon Rejuvenation has had a lot of mysteries, but i'm starting to feel like there are WAY too many mysteries at this point, like we still don't know what Team Xen wants, who the hell Maria is, who Crescent is, what the deal is with our mom, and the deal with the vaccines. Sure mysteries can keep the playerbase hooked, but it's starting to get stale, i'm hoping V12 will explain a lot, considering the title. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Xurai said:


    I doubt it’s a possibility Saki is next because she’s the West Gearen gym leader. So was Volta and then Erick who’s the current gym leader sooo.... Yeah not possible Saki is next. 

    This game hasn't been following the rules, like we got a gym badge from the Puppet Master despite Lavender being the real gym leader. Plus Saki is the only one of the group we haven't fought in an official capacity.

  14. So think our next Gym leader will be Saki? My team is so prepared to take her on, i feel the Devs are going to somehow give her a broken field. I have a sneaking suspicion that Factory Field won't be her field, considering it's highly likely that she also had her mind messed with like Adam and Valerie. 

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