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Posts posted by Magus543

  1. That's a problem when writing so many characters, you don't have much chances to have some of them interact that much. Lorna's big reveal of her hatred of Melia sort of falls flat a bit because they interacted just twice. NIm's really just friends with us and MAYBE Aelita considering Nim saved her at Blacksteeple. That said, Nim's current predicament is really intriguing to me, but i'm worried Melia will take the spotlight unnecessarily because again, Nim and Melia haven't really interacted much, when most of the drama is between Nim and us, Alexandra and Damien, but mostly us. 



    I attribute Nim's reaction to Venam with Crescent messing with her memories, if you look carefully, Venam seems to be confused as to what Lorna is referring to and honestly knowing Venam, i think she's mostly bluffing to knowing who Nim is, she at least recognizes her from seeing her statue. Venam is in a desperate situation, so i guess she was sort of playing along with Lorna's assertions in an attempt to pacify her.  


    13 hours ago, kithas said:

    Well, I don't exactly recall if the MC and the gang had been in GDC enough time for Cosmia & Comet to comit that type of fraud (and having no reasons to think they did it, except there was someone behind them) so I doubt they would be the culprits. Crescent is a good candidate, but she seems kind of fixated into the MC, so why would she do that to all the gang?

    Last but not least, Amanda wouldn't have looked so suspicious had she not confronted Melia before entering the party Bladestar was going to bomb. And if I remember right, she knew Melia was alive and well, as she had stolen her invitation to the party. So she might have thought of making the gang all in the Tournament just to take them out the party and lucked out with Melia losing. Erin clearly wasn't on her VIP list or maybe she has an important duty to perform inside. But of all of them, I think Amanda would be my first candidate, even when not stopping to consider some Stormchasers agent, the Puppetmaster (he did send the invitations to Erin and Melia after all) and so, an so.

    Yeah but Cosmia and Comet at the very least have been impersonating Nancy and us for quite some time, it's very possible they rigged this in advance under orders of Team Xen for whatever reason. Speaking of Team Xen, but at this point do they even want us dead? This may be off topic, but consider that Madame X has been forced to save us at least twice and that Team Xen could easily kill us in our sleep since the Cassandra knows we are there, i'm starting to wonder if Team Xen has a reason for us to keep living. 

  3. So, while waiting for V12, i was thinking we could all try to deduce who put our little group in the Tournament of dreams. Spoilers below.


    My top suspects are either Crescent or Amanda, Crescent is the manipulative sort as we all know and putting us in the tournament may be her way of guiding us in the right direction, and tampering with people is her specialty so editing some memories of the officials would be child's play


    Amanda is in a perfect position to put us in the tournament , as the Scout and co-manager of the league she has ample influence over anything that would involve the Aevium League, and this tournament's prize is an automatic 18 badge invitation to the Elite eight challenge. It stands to reason she could arrange this scenario, but on the other hand she has no motivation to do something like this and she only seems to just learn Melia was alive right before the Grand Ball blows up. 



    Cosmia and Cosmet are other likely candidates, they can impersonate people and are working for Team Xen as far as we can tell, so they have the means and the motivation. 


    Anyone else have any ideas?

  4. Spoiler

    So that Giratina in the Hospital of Hope, who here did what and why? i freed it because it was a desperate situation and might as well because it's better than leaving a LEGENDARY in the hands of Team Xen. Of course it's obvious this will backfire spectacularly, and may result in someone important dying. BUT on the other hand, i'm not losing any cash and it may result in an awesome rematch with Giratina. Speaking off, Braxien was really adamant in making sure we didn't free it. Whoops.


  5. 38 minutes ago, Cyphre said:
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    He simply took the badge out of Lavender room. And Nightmare Zetta isnt a projection of Melia thoughts, he is it's own creature with it's own mind and all his memories. 



    Clearly the Puppet Master must have an agent in the real world. Could it be Crescent? After all who else keeps tabs on us. If you don't think Crescent is the Puppet Master herself, do you think they have some sort of working relationship? Crescent can move between dimensions after all. You have to admit more plausible than her being the Puppet master. Plus Nightmare Zetta mentions he was sent there thanks to Melia's nightmare but he has all of Zetta's memories. Either it's a plot hole or something else is afoot.



    28 minutes ago, kithas said:
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    But, as he said, he (should have) started as a nightmare in Melia's head, being born in Nightmare City which is made by the subconscious nightmares of GDC's citizens. Then he would have fallen under the Puppet Master because the MC knows it, and everything. The point is, he's its own character apart from Melia's nightmare. He's got the hair and the Dark Matter, so...

    I still think the Puppet Master and Crescent's personalities are not the same (the first is benign, while the second one is neutral at best) but I like the Zetta point.



    Personally Crescent struck me as on our side but in a psychotic way about it. She is against Team Xen at the very least, but for the Puppet Master, we can't be too sure. 


  6. 17 hours ago, Cyphre said:
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    I think this is highly unlikely. The way you put things together is extremely convoluted and overcompicated, when she tried to manipulated us she just walked up to us and said her part, also she clearly wanted for us to make our own decisions, even when she knew we are gonna end up with a dumpster fire. There is just no need for her imitate Puppetmaster. 

    I think for now he cant be considered anything else but the plot convenience character, since we have barely any info at all. 



    Highly unlikely it may be, but it is worth considering, even if you don't think Crescent and the Puppet Master are the same person, some sort of connection must exist between the two. Plus the similar speech patterns in regards to morality is an alarm bell. Besides it may be a little disappointing for Jan to introduce this strange mysterious character and never use them again outside of plot convenience. Plus i'm getting the same vibes that the Puppet Master has the same manipulative protective streak towards us. On a side note I find it very strange that the Puppet Master could somehow give us a badge, is the Puppet Master connected to the League somehow? OH MY GOD, what if he's actually JAN? Jan wasn't giving his usual broadcaster Gym advice. Okay, kidding aside, what are your thoughts on Nightmare Zetta? it doesn't act like anything you would expect from Melia's perception of Zetta and he knows things Melia couldn't have possibly known. 

    On 4/21/2019 at 11:40 PM, kithas said:
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    Well, I'm not against the idea although I think we may have fought already the Puppetmaster as two people. I also consider them more good-aligned than crescent (who to this point has only shown to be wanting the MC's favor, outright trying to kill the Xen grunt Sharon) 

    But I like the idea of that being the actual Zetta. 


    I seriously find it interesting that we don't fight the Puppet Master themself it's like they'll be used in the future so Jan doesn't want to give anything away about their team.


  7. On 4/19/2019 at 11:11 PM, Ruby Red said:
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    I agree, but i don't doubt Aurora didn't have a hand in showing his ghost, or at least that random encounter with him in cellia where he just vanishes



    I'm actually starting to wonder if it turns out that our real life is just really mundane and our dream journey is just really wish fulfillment, it's like that scene in Pokemon i choose you where Ash is in a world where Pokemon don't exist. 


  8. Spoiler

    Now the Puppet Master may just be a plot convenient character and is probably never going to have their identity revealed, BUT if i had to guess the Puppet Master is actually Crescent. Now the biggest alarm bell for me is that they both have similar lines about morality, that can't be a coincidence. Additionally they both are psychic type specialist or at least i assume so considering we never see their teams but it's highly likely they are. Additionally as of now they are both the unfought, in the Puppet Master's case we instead fight two jesters. BUT WAIT, Crescent is clearly seen outside the toy box muttering to herself so she clearly can't be the Puppet Master right? However we should never trust what Crescent says or does, it's quite possible she's just pretending to be affected by the Nightmares and considering she has psychic powers or something, it's quite likely, additionally we never see her and the Puppet Master in the same place despite her being outside so i think she just pretended to be affected and then went to the Toy Box when you came in. Let's also remember Crescent actually has a dark sense of humor so the jester motif isn't so out of place for her. Lastly both of them have authority over Zetta, personally i don't buy the idea that the Zetta we meet is just a nightmare version of him, for a Nightmare, that Zetta knows a lot of things that Melia never knew, and if it was a nightmare, it should be acting how Melia perceived him IE acting more evil.  Any thoughts?



    Edit: And if i may also add Puppet Master as a title would really fit Crescent considering how many people she played like a damn fiddle. 


  9. 8 hours ago, Ruby Red said:


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    tbh i took it as us recalling what we experienced so far to aurora, but we were playing what we were telling her etc, or she used her powers to manipulate us to tell her, as since we kinda woke up from a dream, if that makes sense



    It certainly would explain Shiv's knowledge of us before we even met. Aurora is an interesting case, because no matter what we do at the end we can't lose affection points with her, even going against her to spare Nova results in green text. Like i said, dreams rely on memories to work, so all we experianced could be just a recap, but judging from Aurora's dialogue, at least part of it is a fabrication. Also it's a cheeky way of invalidating our choices. On another note, i doubt Scarlett is truly dead, she's an excellent antagonist, and i think she'll be back in some form.


  10. Right, so i'm at the part where i'm looking for Garret for the Black dress scrap, where is he? 


    Never mind, found him.


    Okay, So i beat the current episode, and i'd like to post some thoughts.



    HOLY SHIT.  I sort of saw the dream twist coming, but waking up next to Aurora was.... unexpected.  I'm reminded of the Simpsons episode with the Lego, this completely changes the context of Nova's and Shiv's conflict. Is Nova our desire to stay in the dream while Shiv is our desire to wake up? Is Aurora our real sister? How much of the game was dreams and what actually happened? i mean our dreams do rely on our memories, we can't dream up something truly original. What exactly happened to us to cause us to dream like this? The people in the dream do seem alive and sentient so is it a regular dream or something caused by certain legendaries? whew, i enjoyed this ride, but i can wait for the next installment patiently, i just hope the creator is doing alright. Right, so in my play through, Scarlett ended up killing herself, because i forgot the bag but otherwise i had all the greens with her, damn. BUT i ended up sparing Nova. I just KNOW that is going to backfire on me, but damn it, Shiv seemed so passionate and i trusted him so far. What are the differences though? 


  11. 9 hours ago, lennieplop60 said:

    I was able to defeat Tristan by writing down all of his pokemon and the moves and counters they tend to use. I then thought of a counter for every pokemon and thought of a strategy that enabled me to use them at the right time. It didn't work initially, but after refining my strategy after each battle, I was finally able to think of the winning one and won the match. If I found my magneton with sturdy (purchased with credits) to be especially useful, because thunder wave allowed me to deal with high speed stats and it could easily KO staraptor in one hit after that. Try to experiment with different moves and pokemon, and eventually, you'll figure it out. Good luck 😉 

    I'm saving credits up for the Ralts, but overall i come so close to beating him, i've got an answer to each of his mons now. All i need to do is lvl up my Muk. 

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