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Status Updates posted by Yahen

  1. Yahy is not feeling good

    unfortunATely ze will hafta take a depression nap 

    nighty nighty see y'all later

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yahen


      Yahy is feeling way better indeed! Thats why i love napz cause i just sleep and everything is ok when i'm waky waky 

      Thanks Candy!

    3. Candy


      you know what else can make you feel better?


    4. Yahen


      I'm gonna watch a movie w/mamma today, so lots of candy to Yahy! Maybe i can share some (i wont)

  2. Okay this is a weird topic but i'll try my best

    Well, there is this ENORMOUS hole in a street here, i think i could fit inside it. It is there for like... 10 years?

    Sooo some weird fellow put some sort of small palm tree inside of it (taller than Yahy), and added some balloons there LOL

    Good thing they fixed this hole today

    1. Wolfox


      ... Huh? 

    2. Yahen


      It was so random. Even Yahy was confused

  3. I need to talk to some people during nights

    When Yahen sleeps, i feel alone.

    1. SilverAngelus


      By any chance, is this "Yahy" talking? pixpix?

    2. Yahen
  4. I have nothing to do, so i guess i'll start trying to sprite something(?) I'm new to this thing.


    1. Candy


      ooo henlo fellow spriting newbie~ I find that recoloring sprites was a good way to learn how pokemon shading is done, and also splicing existing sprites together to form a new sprite is da wae 😛 I don't have suggestions, though cause I also struggle thinking of what to sprite haha

  5. Im hungry someone feed me lol

    1. seki108


      We sent our best agents to deliver you a pizza


  6. So i wuz studying limits and then i got like yaawwnnn zz zz z z

    1. SilverAngelus


      That was me last semester 😅

  7. Yahy is not feeling so well, better go sleep earlier i guess?

    Nighty night everyone!

    1. Wolfox


      Get well soon 

  8. Yahy doesn't like rain

    1. Wolfox


      Neither does Wolfy 

  9. So today my mom said "hey ill teach ya how to drive"

    Bad idea mamma, bad idea.

  10. Ok Yahy is *REALLY* mad cause of some stupid systematic mistake that happened in my schedule grid at college (aaAAAAaaaa)

    But tbh, i've always been afraid of complaining and will probably just accept it lol

    R.I.P semester

  11. Booooooring day

    2 days

    0 classes 

  12. Ok i guess i stopped skipping classes 

    Python is cool.

  13. Gooooooood nighty i'm so tired classes all day and no sleep and im tired and izzzzzzzzzz

  14. yahy made a facebook or something oO


    here it its! i guess? 

    ill put it on my profile or something

  15. Hihi Yahy's home and ready to some pokémon FINALLY


    Time to breed/level up some fellow friends-with-typings!

  16. Sort of a bad day, i'm sooooo tired. At least i laughted a lot today

  17. Yahy lieks pizza YUmmy not hungry anymore 

    ouch my head stop doing that


  18. pix~ pix~ pix~

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