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Commandant Luna

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9 Fledgling

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  1. IIRC if youve completed v12, then just download 13 and load that. Nothing too crazy
  2. Commandant Luna


    So Let Me Get This Straight. I go on vacation in TWO DAYS. In that time I have: Skyward Sword Switch, came out this morning Genshin Impact Inazuma update 2.0 on the 21st REJUV V13 EFFING T O D A Y EXCUSE ME?????? Rest in pieces my sleep schedule
  3. I feel so dumb.... I have no idea how to figure out the first keyword. the mirror cipher idea doesnt work..... hmmmmm
  4. [spoiler] okay. so I just beat this gym, after reading about the Ferrothorn idea. Thanks for that, btw. Now, I am not the best player. My teams are honestly usually like Harvy's, hit hard and fast and be done. The main issue I had with this gym, and others in the past, is the amount of RNG the Field Effects bring into battle. Normally they're not too bad once you learn how to destroy or change them up, but this one cannot be changed, and has actual damaging RNG events (hitting rocks). I wouldn't mind the rocks and sand making accuracy go to hell or boost rock/ground moves, but the extra damage you can't predict off an attack seems just a bit much. But like I said, maybe I'm just bad lol. Loved the chapter, nonetheless!! [/spoiler]
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