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Everything posted by Cataline

  1. Oh no, beating him gets the karp >:3
  2. Magikarp is actually currently obtainable by a very long winded but funny quest as of this episode" It starts w the salesman at the grand hall!
  3. Very simple (not that simple spoiler), actually Rejuvenation related. So I got a theme team you can see in my signature. All the names are about royalty and glamour or whatever. Although I moved away from it last playthrough I did use names based off famous kings/queens. Artice>> Arthur+Ice (Now Castel), Vittoria>> Victoria and then I had my A-Sandslash whom I originally named Cataline in reference to Catherine the Great. Why not Catherine? I had an oc named that. Why not Catalina? Another oc. So I just, smushed both into Cataline. Basically when I signed up it was the first name I thought of... which in turn led me to rename my Sandslash to Knightly, because it would be really weird if I didn't. Other online aliases? I never really settle and rather not reveal it (except my tumblr side) but I don't settle w one. My real name is [redacted] and honestly I'm not the biggest fan although visually the letters are aesthetically pleasing. Funny, it came up in convo earlier and when my sister asked if I ever considered changing I'm just like ehh Idk I never felt the strong need to, I wish I did but then I'd also have to find a name that sounds well with my weird spanish last name and ahhhhhh maybe one day.
  4. Depression sucks cause you're not only feeling bad but also can negatively affect the people around you...except rn where I killed a bunch of roaches and help cleared the closet of the damp newspapers they were spawning in. My sister considers me her hero. 

  5. "Well, thanks to these kenku we are likely in much trouble, but according to them there is some woman who's the reason for this mess and-" Nadine call into the hole in the wall cut her off. Crevasse curses under her breath and looks Jeanna in the eye. "I still don't get what's going on, but it's a safe guess we might have another skirmish, now or later. Are you well enough?
  6. "If you don't mind sir, I'd prefer to look further into that-" with a bound Crevasse swiftly opens the door wide, "Once we've exterminated all the rats!" She stabs (16+4 to hit) her weapon into one of the two beings who had been behind the door, dealing 5 piercing damage before even knowing who they might have been.
  7. "<Good, and yes I do. Rather it not be a repeat of earlier if they're anything like those guys. But if it is that way,>" She gave a quick glance at the door, and back at the others "What do we do about this one?" She asked in Common, as she gestured to the kenku.
  8. "I must agree. This whole thing is really gotten quite exhausting. I'm the person who does the dirty work and not the investigation so I'd like nothing more than to take out whoever is responsible for this mess already." She gave the kenku a glare from the door she stood in front of before returning to guard it. As she places her ear back to the door to listen she tenses up as she notices (Perception: 15) that two people are standing outside the door. "<Does anyone know Undercommon here? Because there's possible trouble outside right now..>" Even if no one understood her, she hoped the change in speech would get the group's attention, whilst possibly not alerting whoever is outside as she stepped a bit away from the door and pointed her rapier at it.
  9. @Jeff I'M SORRY I CAN'T ACTUALLY POST UNLESS I'M HOME ALONE >:/ 1. Have you worked on a fangame before? No, heh, but has my skill at spriting characters amazed you to think so? :3 I currently can't at the moment, but if I could I'd lightly assist in that. I say lightly, cause I really am more into working on my own thing and don't want t feel weighted by obligations. One of these days I'll redo my Reborn sprite.... 2. If you had to choose between living under the sun forever or the moon, which would you choose? It's a biiit difficult. I don't enjoy sunlight, but I don't like artificial lighting much.. I mean it's nearing dusk so I have it on in my room and ewww. There are also certain areas that would be more favored under the sun than under the moon.. In a world like the one we live in I SUPPOSE I'd prefer all sun............ but That's also so gross!! I'd miss rides in the night as a passenger, driving myself at night is,,, Yeah probably sun. It's less scary as a cute girl anyways. At least if it were forever in the sun, stormy days would provide some solace. 3. Cats or Doggos? I'd go with cats hehe. They need less exercise and can be all cuddly, but not overwhelming. And they're soft and pretty and make cute sounds! I feel like if a cat feels comfortable it's like, extra special... And no it has nothing to do with my name. It's a completely different origin.. 4. What's your favorite Pokémon Type? Hm? I feel like I answered this, it's Dark! Evil type, best moves, best 'mons. 5. Are you fine? HAHAHA. hah haha no actually really no.
  10. Craft my dude, it will set you free, though you might want to write down all the steps on a paper..
  11. "Ughhh I really wanted to be part of the interrogation!" She whined, "Maybe I should have really stayed in my room. Anyway, I know I said "clean up crew", but meant make these corpses more presentable. Because let's face it there is no way we can avoid any involvement. So if you're done looting, let's make sure this place isn't an absolute mess and call it a night." Crevasse glances through some of the doors left open and notices a storage rooms with barrels, and looks in to check their contents.
  12. "Yes I did sure take my time." She began with a tinge of annoyance in her voice, Regardless, I am here now, whether it be to be part of the clean up crew or strike down anyone else who proves themself dangerous. Hahhh, I expect the morning to be quite, quite stressful.
  13. I love how healing from a physical injury is like:
    Am I stretching or exercising enough?

    Can I do this activity and if so how long?

    Is this sensation I just felt me accidentally re-injuring myself or is it a harmless slight strain?

    Am I actually getting better or does it just normally take forever?

    Conclusion: Injuries is suffering.

    (Disclaimer: My sonogram looks fine as ever [except a slight inflammation in a spot I thought was fine but its nothing troubling] and I'm not in some terrible pain but wowiezowie I wish I could actually not be any type of anxious 24/7)

  14. (initiative 6) Crevasse having gotten distracted, finally notices the sound of fighting down the hallway. (Perception Unnat 20) The Tabaxi slips out of her hiding place and uses her feline agility to get to the scene, but it seems that it had calmed down the seconds it took her to get there. "I know following them was a bad idea! I'm sorry I'm late, is everyone all right?"
  15. Oh but of course my prince~ Please do take me away~ 1. Which pokemon is the cutest, in your opinion? That's a VERY HARD QUESTION. *throws some pokemon at you* Leafeon for the eyes, Buneary for bun ears and mouth and floof, Lileep because shy baby, Luxio because > :<, Espurr because stare, and ribombee is gentle. 2. What your favorite drink? Similarly to food, here's a few. Frozen coffee, like coffee but frozen and sweet, but not too sweet!! Perfect combo. Root Beer, a lil fizzy, very tasty, hard to describe. Tea but which oh which I don't know, I still am learning the flavors of tea myself. 3. Would you consider yourself to be a healthy eater or a junkie? It's funny, cause I always think as myself as a junkie but my sister says I'm a more balanced and healthy eater even if I don't think so. Sure I always check nutritional facts but I don't always make the best choices but considering I look the same weight as ever and barely get sick.. I suppose I'm healthy. 4. What is your best attribute? As a person, I don't really know tbh. Probably my creativity, vague I know. 5. Do you have a favorite mythical pokemon, if so which? Probably shaymin. The song that plays in the village is quite enchanting, and I feel like it's the one I'd like using most in battle, after all I'm a fan of leech seed and Seed Flare's 40% SpDef drop is delightful~ Absolute cutie in two formes.
  16. 1) Do you have simian lines? No. 2) Favourite place of your city? UH well. There's this fancy beachside area, lot of apartments by the sea, bed and breakfasts, beach houses, hotels, fancy restaurants. I like it there. It's nice to drive past and some of the restaurants there are good. It also has a lot of shade. I have little reason to walk around there though, I just like driving by. 3) Tell me about some traditional recipes I don't know any, not a big cook. 4) Do you eat pasta there? Yea? Not like, in local cuisine much if at all, but of course. I bought some just earlier for lunch tomorrow. 5) Favorite pizza? Hawaiian if good ham, otherwise pepperoni. Nothing too special.. Though good crust is an absolute must, give me nice and fluffy!! 6) Why do you distrust guys? Less likely to be liberal leaning, more likely to be sexist and make bad jokes or be creepy and, well you can fill in the blanks. I'm incredibly picky with people and don't have patience/confidence for having to explain something is wrong. Especially if I don't know if I want to pursue a friendship. Guys aren't bad inherently, but I like testing the waters. 7) How did you find Reborn (the game and the community)? There was a post on tumblr shortly after V14 was released that got to my dashboard. At the time had like 700 notes last time I checked it's at 16,000ish? Talking about how cool a game it is and how NB characters are now a thing. I was banned from video games half a year before and had finished BlazeBlack 2 and a hard Pokemon Black hack. Needed more 'mons in my life so I gave it a whirl. 8 ) I can't type 8+) Ame pls undo emojis What do you think of the site update? I'm not on the forums enough to have a big opinion, but I don't do emojis. As long as it's not annoying. 9) Favorite/Least favorite subject at school? School like school-school? I always enjoyed English 'cause I got a really really good teacher 3.5 years. Maybe Math cause it was a little stressful the last few years. 10) Where do you see yourself in: 5 / 10 / 20 years? I don't want to think of that right now. 11) Why is your pfp Munna? I wanted to make a Reborn account but I didn't have any cute images, munna was the first thing I thought of so I went with it. I would love to change sometime. 12) Describe yourself with a pokemon I am tempted to steal my oc's which is buneary, small angery and cute. Happiness? Fucking 0. 13) If you were an Unown, what type would your Hidden Power be? I don't know how I'd know that. Poison? 14) Tell us your favorite joke You mean meme? This. 15) What do you like about mafia games? You get to play with people and maybe be useful!! I definitely have not played enough nor have been useful though! 16) Have you ever had a bf/gf? Thank god I've not had an s,o, of any gender, 17) You're a beastmater, but do you have any pets? Nope, like I said-- AESTHETICS. I wouldn't mind them around but it can't be mine. I can pet set for hypothetical roommates but nope not mine 18) You've mentioned your passions: tell us more about them I just spend 80% of time thinking of ocs, developing, thinking and rethinking scenes, deciding what to make canon and so on so forth fleshing them out, as if I ever intended to do something with them. I don't right now, but I like having them and drawing them and designing them. That's literally been my life these last 7+ years. There's not much to say surface level but much more to say if I get deeper. 19) Why can't I corso you? Well now I'm a little uncomfortable so triple no 19) Do you like hugs/virtual hugs? Why/why not? It's ok. But not particularly, with friends I appreciate the sentiment though can't feel it. With people I know less (that's everyone on discord actually) it's too personal a sentiment for the level you truly know me. 20) Reborn or Rejuvenation? Why? Not something I can answer really. Each game has their stronger points and stuff. For Reborn I appreciate how fleshed and real the terrain system is, and I feel like the battles take better advantage of them, especially when it's ones like the Big Top and Fairy Tale. I think the dialog is more solid and the puzzles very interesting. In Rejuvenation I'm fond of the idea of having a role but not being the only one or even the most important. I like this ""mess"" where there are so many goals, so many people and not even we at the point we're at know what's going on. Both games though? Praise the environments, even with third gen graphics. and bless I can use my own.
  17. 1) What's your favorite food? Favorite food is relative, because what I favor fluctuates from time to time. Right now I'm a big fan of peaches, aesthetically nice, firm but big and juicy and somewhat tangy, I try to get tea flavored with some. Coffee.. Ice cream cause it's a food-- hah! I really love the taste of coffee though, as ice cream it is both bitter and sweet, bittersweet? Also a lovely light brown color. Corn muffins, tastes great with actual coffee. Fan of cornmeal foods, because it's a muffin it has a tasty crust! I like sandwiches but I'm not feeling for it right now, perhaps from oversaturation.. 2) Have you ever done any sports? If yes, which ones? Nope!! I am the opposite of sporty, but my stamina is rather average the least. I can say that when I was a kid, I went to a soccer camp during the summer. Actually a couple streets down. I had fun there but I was a kid so,, 3) In which countries have you been up to now? We don't have much money and cause I don't live in Europe or something I can't just travel through some borders. So that means.. USA, Canada for Niagra Falls when I was veeeeeeeeeeeeery little, and some lesser antilles on a cruise, Curacao, Dominica, Aruba, and St. Thomas. I did not have much fun there since I dislike being somewhere where I don't know the language. Also some of those places have a sovereign but w/e. 4) Do you like the place you live in? Or would you rather live somewhere else? GoD NO THIS PLACE SUCKS. except the food, but not worth it. I don't like speaking in Spanish, harder to socialize, terrible economy and infrastructure. US is better. So much better. 5) What were your first impressions when you met us for the first time? General intimidation cause I distrust people especially guys, but not much else. 6) Would you like to live in a pokemon world? If yes, what would you like to be (gym leader, champion, etc.) ? See this is a universe that is magical but also has technology. If I could I want to be an Elite Four member, Champion is too much, and Gym Leader sees too many people and aren't that strong. No I want to be formidable but not the strongest, I want to have an apartment in the lofty pokemon league, have imposter syndrome and be dying from low self confidence (cause that will definitely happen) but still kick ass. Less trainers worthy mean I have more time to pursue my personal passions and study on the side, also I'm sure you get good money so nice clothes eheheh. My team? Dark of course, and let's go with anime logic because heck balance: Honchkrow, Mandibuzz, Drapion, Zorork, A-Raticate and Mega Absol. Catch me with my lopunny on the side of course.
  18. When did you start playing D&D? I forced myself into my cousin's group February, and have been the MVP (in battle) ever since. Do you have a favorite module? My cousin started with one, don't know which, but he steered away from it the session I got in. Maybe because the Paladin uh, cheated and looked at it. Yea so far I don't think we'll be using them for awhile. Did you ever host a campaign? Are you planning to?' I have yet to host one and I don't plan to at the moment. I don't have much confidence in myself to lead one. Maybe with one of the books sure but.. I'd probably need some training of sorts haha.. I also.. Like... playing. Why do you think D&D is so addicting? A few reasons. For one you get to hang out with people and order pizza, casually riff about the game and other things (we have made jokes about the Tortle Barbarian's large <redacted> dragging across the floor) and it's sort of like a video game but you do the dialog. The story is sort of yours, the characters are too, we haven't gotten emotionally invested yet but it's possible tbh. Most of good sessions we've ended talking and looking back to our choicest moments, like I misheard what my cousin said about breaking this curse on some necrotic skull the Monk had too much of a grip on, so we had this weird farce where I, the sorcerer, the barbarian and rogue kept trying to use this enchanted table to transfer the energy to something else. The barbarian dropped the unconscious Monk twice who had passed out from drinks he did not wake up. We exploded two bolts, cursed a dagger, oh and the Barbarian almost thought we should chop his arm off. So yea after we finished we couldn't stop gabbing about the stupidities we did. You know how it is, D&D always brings up tons of stories from people. Would you like to live in a world like D&D? Maybe to be an Elf who lives for way too long but.. I dislike old timey universes! There's too much good technology I'd miss!!!
  19. Leers at Lia 1. Do you like plants? Yeah why not, there's no reason to hate plants. 2. What's your favorite plant? I know oh so little about plants. Top of my head carnations and peonies, chamomile isn't pretty but it's tea is godsend. 3. If you were a plant what plant would you be? Why? I don't know enough about plants >m< 4. Why beastmaster? OC and aesthetic. Mainly aesthetic because I only used it on an OC for the aesthetic. Fur hoods, horns, warm colors. Absolutely delightful. Also in this not great Final Fantasy game (Four Heroes of Light), Beastmaster is an OP class because if you made everyone animals using a staff, as long as you had one on the team and you didn't let anyone die, all stats but HP became 1.40x stronger than normal. Seriously though, in D&D I don't like Ranger and would less play one because I'm not the naturey and animal companion type of person (Unless I get to summon shadow animals w no soul or whatever and who disappear at will), which actually reflects in my OC because he doesn't really practice controlling animals or what have you, he lives the mundane city life and wears fur and clip-on tails and horns because it's COOL AND TOUGH. 5. What are your favorite class and race in dnd? I like Tieflings because I'm lame af, edgelord. I mean Tieflings, you can have GOAT LEGS like that is the shit?? Also you have fire powers or or can use a couple other spells and sharrp teeth~. Tabaxi is a runner up though, gotta have my furries. My favorite class might just be the Warlock, because I'm big on the flavor and adding charisma mods to eldritch blast is delicious~ 1 or 2 spell slots isn't too bad when they regenerate after short rests, mainly focus on disrupting option. 6. Favorite character from Reju/Reborn? Reborn first, because it's easier-- Titania. There is so much division between Amaria/Titania after the latest episode, but here's my thing. I like her character and how it came to be a lot, she and her ex are of the grey side of things and that's cool. You learn that her attitude (And Ame confirms this I think) is built upon having to pretend to love someone over so many years, someone who is seriously unhappy and depressed which also can take a toll on you. And she continued because she blamed herself for it, because she thought she deserved it. She kills because she honestly has lost a sense of remorse and has waaay to much frustration over things, she hates Taka because it reminds her of herself and accidentally killing him once he was free was naturally a shock. What I'm saying is for me this character makes sense, and I sorta empathize with some things... I uh, also Headcanoned my MC to like her, so bias. Rejuvenation hmm that's pretty hard for me. Gotta say either Melia or Crescent. Crescent's easy, not exactly evil girl doing bad things for what? Sometimes she seems kinda nice and other times not?? What's going on, what does she want? And Melia? I just feel, I want to believe we are, just close friends by now. We have a role in this universe but Melia is clearly something else, and honestly it's nice to be not the strongest. We're also both super confused on what's going on and we're barely making it through, but we're sticking with each other to the end because we can trust one another.. She's nice, it's nice/ 7. Favorite pastry/bread? Pies! Or strudels, apple pie, blueberry pie~ Flaky and delicious. As for bread.. hmm.. fake breads like Banana and Cornbread, especially cornbread, corn meal is wonderful~~ For normal not sure, maybe Pan de Agua.. 8. Most interesting piece of kirby lore? I was going to say WHEN THE HELL DID I TALK ABOUT KIRBY LORE but then I remembered.. Uhhh hmm. Maybe that the Dimension Mirror from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror comes back years later to turn Queen Sectonia from cute baby into final boss. Also Marx caused the events of return to Dreamland by having talked to Magolor about some good shit. Also he's now a chaotic good boy in Star Allies. Heck yes. I think there are far more interesting but I blanked out.
  20. 1. Why are you always absent? It might be depression. General bad times. I also tend to put pressure on myself if I don't perform well, but I try to remind myself I'm with people who don't mind. 2. What's your favorite type of candy? other than Prince Candy I dunno! Food is hard for me to pick favorites of, so a few of my top?: cotton candy, candy corn, rock candy, licorice jelly beans (I've yet to try real licorice ;m;), root beer candies, cinnamon hard candies. Yeah, I might have the taste buds of a heathen I know. 3. Where would you like to travel and/or live? Now that possible nuclear war is defusing maybe US? I know it sucks but a lot of things happen there and talking Spanish is like, more energy for less effectiveness . There a latinx communities so I can still find places w the good food. Also I miss temperate climate though I definitely need to get acclimated. 4. What's your favorite animal? I bet it's the cat uwu I already gave the name backstory YA'LL THE ONES WHO STARTED CALLING ME CAT!! I like rabbits actually. Gentle buns. 5. What's your favorite type of weather and why? Thunder and rain. It's good to listen to and adds a chill atmosphere with the calm grey skies it brings. It's actually currently cloudy so I'm hoping it at least starts raining. 6. Do you have a collection of plushies? I'm supposed to but currently I'm afraid my mom threw them away and I haven't the bravery to ask where they are. I will get them back when I move out. And will probably increase collection then. 7. What kind of job would you like to have? I honestly don't know. I'll see where my passions take me. 8. Any good book/game/movie you'd recommend us? I'm reallyyyy bad w this, I always liked Rosaura at 10 o'clock but I wouldn't recommend it cause I don't feel like it's a thing people get into. It' a murder mystery novel where the case gets unraveled through the different views of different characters. I find myself empathizing with the paint restorer but if you read it that's not necessarily a good thing. Funnily enough my cousin hates this novel and I know it's gotten memed on by the seniors during high school (you read it in the final year) to the point where I already know the plot twist, but I didn't know how it played in until I read it. Games? Uhhh be sure to play PMD: Sky? The game means a lot to me. I also enjoy people getting into Pokemon Uranium and Rejuvenation CAUSE SOME PEOPLE HAVEN'T TRIED. Aaaand I'm not a big movie person at all. 9. Favorite type of pokémon? Dark!! Best mons, ( like Mandibuzz and Mightyena and M-Absol and Yveltal and) best moves (nasty plot, foul play, taunt, knock off), and a possible dark fairy would be so cool! Or at least I hope I like it.. 10. Ever taken the Myers-Briggs personality test? if yes, what was your result? IS something J. Eh, let's redo it. ISTP, all right all right.
  21. Hewwo~ It’s your favorite always absent (I promise there’s a good reason) mafia member~ Here to be the AMA guinea pig/lab rat!! Your girl loves OC’s, fashion and fangames and is obviously cute as heck. I am also prolly acting more girly and cutesy online than IRL. Shower me with your love
  22. Oh hey Ali hasn't announced a change yet @Lord Drakyle I'm finally here to ask about food!!! 1) Favourite nonalcoholic drink! 2) Favorite type of bread!! 3) Top three dark type pokemon because I also favor the type :3c 4) How do you feel about roadtrips? Any good memories?
  23. Finished Rejuv Intense to the Puppetmaster, and successfully compiled game screencaps. I can rest and actually do schoolwork now.

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