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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Millianne157

  1. Does breeding with a shiny pokemon increase the shiny rate?? if so, by how much? Also will the rate increase even more if you breed two shinies? And can this be stacked with the shiny charm?
  2. Hi, I'm new to a lot of this, but for E16 I started breeding and started to understand the importance of a team I really want your suggestions to the team I'm gonna build for E17. I would like suggestions to pokemon, moves and iv/ev spread and also pokemon for rotation (since reborn is really challenging )
  3. To find a Timburr just complete the agate tile puzzle you can play as many times as you want to get one with decent iv's if you don't want to breed for it
  4. No prob just tell me when you're ready, you know you can trade 6 pokemon so you dont have to exit the trade after 5
  5. ps. some of the pokemon on your list are not available but I got them all through trade, not sure how they got them, so if you are fine with that I can trade you all of them
  6. Okay just pick 6 pokes you don't need and log on to online play press waiting for trade before you do that send me your online ID so I can request you
  7. This giveaway is now closed all 8 requests have been received and almost all the pokemon has been delivered
  8. I hope this is the right place to post this :S Where can I find/play the pokemon reborn hardcore version?? Any links would be appreciated
  9. Okay I'm still really new to the breeding thing but I can get you a 5 iv female snivy hopefully with the hidden ability. will you please explain the point with the odd and even iv's?
  10. Yeah I do, sending a pm when I'm online
  11. Any poke is fine just give me your ID and I'll trade it to you right away
  12. I'll trade you a ditto with razor fang if you like just give me a min to find a razor fang
  13. 5 people have now received pokemon 3 more to give away
  14. I know this is late but I believe that with gastly and magicarp obtained from prev episodes you can obtain 641 pokemon and see 643, the two additions being mewto and arceus Happy hunting Ps. trading makes some of these pokemon so much easier to get
  15. what does the man outside the day care say?? if he says that they don't like each other you will still get eggs, it just takes longer
  16. I can trade you a rotom just give me some time to breed it I would like the the minun
  17. Okay I haven't done this before, not really sure how to do this But since I'v recently started breeding and this community has been so helpful I want to give back. So I will give a 5 perfect IV pokemon to the 8 first people to request pokes Rules: 1. when requesting a pokemon it has to be available or been available at some point (if you request a pokemon I can't breed I'll will notify you and you are allowed to request another one) 2. The request should include: *Species, *the random iv, *gender, *any egg moves (not 100% certain I can give your poke the wanted moves but I''ll do my best), * nature 3. I will try my best, but for pokemon like Flabébé, no colour guarantee. 4. I will not breed for shinies, if the pokemon happens to be shiny I will ofc give you the shiny one 5. I will not breed for abilities 6. you can request a ditto but then the iv's are random Once a request have been granted I will pm the person when the pokemon is ready. Expect answer within 24 hours
  18. Sorry for late answer, I got it through trade most of the unavailable pokemon are possible to get through the community. Like gastly and magicarp was available in prev episodes and stuff not really sure how the people I'v traded with got them tho :S
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