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  1. Thanks, and no problem I prefer the original tbh
  2. Is there any 6IV Ditto's available that I could have please? I don't really have anything good to trade for it though
  3. I found 1 oasis last week then today found 2 more (wasn't trying to do the side quest I til today) then went to the area where the tower spawns and it was there, i read somewhere on the forums here it was only 3 oasis you had to find before the tower appears. I've beaten Titania but not Amaria yet either.
  4. I think i ended up using Fire on Fire vs Charlotte because the rest of my team usually got 1 hit along with the field damage. Removing the field effect probably makes a big difference although there's only specific ways to do it for each field i think.
  5. Yea I've played through Reborn I think 3x now and every time I always experience either sheer horrible luck or the battles are configured to be less in your favour to make it seem harder. The Gym field effects play to the advantages of the leader usually yea but you can sometimes also make use of it but not that often in my case lol. I usually end up pressing F12 countless times to try and beat Gyms.
  6. I also noticed the seemingly unbalanced odds during battles such as flinching, common critical hits on me and constantly being unable to attack while paralyzed, taking ages to wake up if asleep and even getting frozen which is generally so uncommon you tend to not even consider it. You aren't alone lol
  7. They likely don't post dates for a release to end up disappointing people if the testing isn't yet completed. Better to release something that has been properly tested rather than releasing a buggy mess (Aware bugs will likely be there but the fewer the better).
  8. When I registered to the site I waited near a month for validation until I went to the Reborn Facebook to ask for it to be verified, the person I spoke too said the system sometimes doesn't work so people aren't getting their emails but at least there are ways to contact people to become verified.
  9. My first play through I used Magnezone and found it useful although it was slow and usually got 1 hit by earthquake before I could use Magnet Rise so in this play through I am using Metagross because I wanted to get it before it may be potentially removed in ep16 (seen instances of that happen before) and I also used Gardevoir in my previous play through so I wanted to change it up a bit.
  10. My opinion is that while the Stormcloaks goal of liberation from the Aldmeri Dominion is a good reason for wanting freedom, it's just not practical since a united empire lost the Great War so how would an independent Skyrim hope to do any better? Besides I believe the Imperials intend to bide their time before rebelling against the Dominion themselves since General Tullius hints slightly that is what may happen eventually anyway. It's clear how racist the Stormcloak cause is as well due to the behaviour of Windhelm's non Nord residents and how they have little regard in other races like Giants which I recall I was assigned to slay for a Jarl (Giants are a protected race within the Empire).
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