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Des Teto

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Updates posted by Des Teto

  1. Hello Reborn! Any french speaker out there interested into translating the game? There is a project going on and a lot has been done so far but one or two extra people could help :)

    1. Metapod


      Bonjour, honnêtement ceci m'intéresse. Au départ je partais en mode traduction directement avec l'intl.txt que j'avais extrait et puis j'ai remarqué que des gens travaillaient déjà dessus et qu'un logiciel existait. Je suis donc assez ok pour vous filer un coup de main.

  2. Any advice from the Reborn community for good Switch games?


    I've already got the two Zelda games, Pokemon, Octopath, Smash and 3H.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Pokemon Sword

    3. Smooth


      Just Dance 2019 😍

    4. Des Teto

      Des Teto

      Thx. I'll buy them all.


      See u in 2021

  3. I am on a business trip and there is a Lavender Town remix playing in the restaurant.


    Pokemon fans are everywhere.

  4. Note to myself: never drink coffee after 5 PM.


    I want to sleep.

    1. 111


      Challenge accepted.

    2. Des Teto

      Des Teto

      Don't please. My next day was ruined.

  5. This is too epic. I can't handle this pokemon fight. Can you guys?





  6. Earlier today, I reached top 10 of showdown randbats ladder.


    I think I need another hobby.

    1. Schmiss


      Wow that is really good, Congrats! I tryharded it some time ago but only got just below 100 until i rage quit so i know that it is really hard and stressful. 

  7. Happy birthday mate! Let's catch up on an epic match one day ☺

    1. Lorisaur


      Thank you so much!!!!!!! We'll of course have some great matches one of these days!! Tell me when you can

  8. So, basically, everyone became a Sylveon and gained the Pixiliate ability? pixpix? Love it. pix~


    Hyper voice on everyone. pix~

  9. The Wicked musical in London is a piece of art.

  10. Majora's Mask just became one of my favorite Zelda, if not my favorite (Yes I'm late to the party).


    I had the game for two years but I never took the time to play it. Loving the dark atmosphere and all the little sad but beautiful stories.

    1. Lunala506


      What I love are the mini-quests. Just 2 more masks until I get the Fierce Deity Mask!!!

  11. As promised, fairies are back on track. And this Reborn run is kind of bullying them.

    1. seki108


      Dammit Reborn!


  12. Finally got accustomed to the new life, the new town and the new job (and got Internet too after two months).


    I'll get back to my monofairy run soon. You might expect even more Icy Wind spam during this Winter.

  13. Just finished re-reading World War Z, the book of Max Brooks about zombies. I don't remember it was THAT good.


    Instead of a generic zombie movie, one should make a TV show out of it. There is so much to tell!

  14. When you're in vacations at your family's to relax but Reborn nightmares catch up. (E18 spoiler)




    I can't even solve one face correctly ...


  15. Random music encounter #1



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