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Kaito last won the day on May 7 2014

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About Kaito

  • Birthday 08/19/1993

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    Games, Tennis, Anime, Cooking & Food, Other

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  1. Hm. So I just realized that geting a new laptop means starting Reborn and Rejuv from the beginning. How funderful! Oh, and hello everyone long time no see! Blame adult life.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cobalt996


      If you had the old drive it was saved on, you could transfer them. Guessing you kinda don't, though.

      Welcome back, Kaito!

    3. dead account

      dead account

      If you have the old laptop and it still works, you can simply attach the saves to an email, send it to yourself and download the saves onto your new laptop. Or if you only have the old harddrive, there are ways to extract files from it, but you'd likely have to either take your new laptop apart and connect the harddrive to transfer the files, or buy an external USB housing for the old harddrive, so either way it's probably not worth it.

    4. Kaito


      Well no, the old one is completely bricked due to a boot component mysteriously failing and having no recovery system. I just decided to upgrade instead of spending the money to repair it. May do so later to have a spare but for now it's not an issue. I have no problem restarting besides all the hours lost. xD

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