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Everything posted by KojiRangeki

  1. Hmmm.... EDIT: also worth posting IkaruWolfie botlane too stronk
  2. I have added every single one of you and investimigated all of your safaris. You guys rule.
  3. This just in: someone just hooked me up with a Vulpix and a Growlithe. If anyone wants either of these, let me know and I'll breed one for you! EDIT: I also have access to Beldum, Venonat and, courtesy of Phoenix's safari, Spring Deerling.
  4. This thread is awesome and you're all awesome for opening up so many options for friend safari. Crys 1993-7060-3600
  5. 5/5/13 Digimon binge. Been feeling totally uninspired lately and one of my old childhood favorites is beginning to remedy that. Also I experimented a bit more with photoshop a while back and made some forum sigs. also sorry for the obnoxious pink and moldy quality lol. Shamelessly taken from my Facebook post.
  6. To be fair though, I had to ask Jesse to gank for me because I wasn't sure how I'd do against a mirror. (she even had Nightblade, too, go figure) So it's thanks to him I won my lane.
  7. I was herpin and derpin in Photoshop a week or five back and came up with some dumb doodles. My original intent was to come up with a swanky crossover between Ahri and Youkomon (basically Kyuubimon, for those unfamiliar with her variant(s)), but then I quickly realized how bad I am at clothing design. Ver 2.0 More herp derps Not so much doodle as it is me actually trying to work on something, but the more I look at it the less I like it. u.u (the main reason why I'll never become a successful artist) My boyfriend and I both play Guild Wars 2 a lot (probably second to League) and he made it a point early in our relationship that at some point in our time together, he wanted me to make him a fully completed piece with color and everything. So for Christmas, I wanted to draw his warrior lady with the legendary greatsword he wants so badly, called Sunrise. (it looks really cool. a video for anyone who cares)
  8. IGN is Aliette Final team in progress is hopefully going to be:
  9. Dresses, you say? Eh? Eh? (I would've used the dress from my real graduation, but I don't think I got a picture of it.)
  10. More colors for the sleek hairstyle plz. I dig it. <3 Also Sabrina hair! In ALL THE COLORS EDIT Morty's scarf too, pls? pls pls <3
  11. omgomgomg ART THREAD umumumum okay lemme go get some of my stuff (A few of you have probably already seen this stuff on fb but idgaf) Sketch time! There's a few, so I'll just post links. Wallace <3 Quickie of Nightblade Fiora. I wanted to come up with an idea for a brunette Lux skin and this is what I got. I'm still tentative on a name, but I do like Ame's suggestion Blacklight and my other friend's suggestion Nightscape. Is there a link limit? I think I reached it. I'll just leave these here for now.
  12. I always used to build hybrid support Sona with Manamune, IE and Deathcap... Then I started going tank Sona with RoA, FoN, Warmog's and Spirit Visage... I once got yelled at by my friend for building pure AP Taric back when I was still learning wtf supports build. On-hit Lulu is extremely fun. So is Fiora with 2+ Tiamats. New Kat with a chunk of AD before they put her AD ratios in the crapper was hilarious. (it was like a 3.0 scaling or something iirc [having a Doran's Blade alone would give you like 30+ bonus AD]) Um let's see... Jungle Riven and jungle Darius are a thing... I won lane vs. Darius solo top as Diana when she came out. (pretty sure she's solely mid/jungle) Jungle Irelia, however, wasn't as successful...
  13. <3 So have other people! And one of these days, I'll take someone up on it, lol. Maybe, but not when I'm carrying you botlane. (jk you're actually a p good carry)
  14. Yay <3 I would've thought Wukong was your favorite champion!
  15. Hello. <3 I hope you wonderful people enjoy this complimentary service of visiting my thread.
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