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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Cool Girl

  1. I never understood why Christmas in July is a thing. At least make it June, right?

  2. I don't get all of the complaints about Instinct's leader. Spark seems like a cool guy. I'd hang with him.

  3. I don't get all of the complaints about Instinct's leader. Spark seems like a cool guy. I'd hang with him.

  4. If I livestreamed Hardcore (it'd mostly be AI testing right now) would anyone be interested in watching.

  5. Dogs. Agree/disagree?

  6. a good moveset for a meowstic male?

  7. Might live stream some mapping tonight... whadda ya guys talking? Should I do it?

  8. Ok. It's time. Operation Start Working On Pokemon Shattered is a go!

  9. I need help choosing a psychic type, now i have Mr. Mime but i want other one any ideas? (sorry for the bad english)

  10. YES! YES! YES!
  11. It took a couple months, but I finally made a team that doesn't completely suck. It hasn't happened in a while, so I was little worried I would just suck at teambuilding for absolutely forever. Which I still might, but at least I have a decent enough one to play with now.

  12. I don't know what to watch now. House of cards does noooooot fit what I want outta a show right now, not much comedy to be found there.

  13. Since my sister is away, I kind of want to mess with her by adding random pictures to her computer. Should I do Guy Fieri or Papyrus? This is revenge by the way, she Caged my room a while back.

  14. So I can't do anything right without things breaking or falling apart.

  15. tfw overworld sprites can bite me because im almost done with them heahaeheaheaha

  16. is escavalier a good bug type?

  17. I should probably make a topic, but oh well. Some of you might know this, but I'm leaving now. This is my last day home because I'm joining the army and will be gone/unactive for a while.

  18. Off to Laos now for a week. Time to have fun!

  19. Can anyone send me a download file for Rejuvenation V8 without the music files because I only have limited space in my laptop?

  20. I hate myself so much

  21. I really hate this society, this world, that has pushed me to consider skin color as a factor in how I think when it wasn't before

  22. I am thinking just rewatching yu gi oh Zexal and 5d just because I like them.

  23. When you leave the thread, we talk about you behind your back.

  24. So the Pokemon live action movie is gonna be based on Detective Pikachu... much better than trying to cram the entirety of Kanto in a 2 hour film.

  25. The you finish your 10 km walk and it says you walked 4.3 km

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