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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BrutaLotus

  1. "Discord"? Never heard of it, but maybe I'm too used to ts and skype (less skype cause of spam, like 2 days not there, bam 1000messages)^^ hmm, I'm gonna take a look at it...
  2. that list really does look like a heavyweight tournament for anime^^ about a third of them I didn't know about And, yeah, prison school season 2 could be interesting, but maybe not so much as one could think, what I would fear is that it could turn out to be just a repetitive (for most of the part). (or is that something to look forward to? I dunno^^') what about this? :-) Rage of Bahamut: Genesis 2 (no release date yet, or I just don't know if there is one yet, but probably 2016)
  3. Nope. And I got no idea what those /b/ or r/atheism or stuff like that mean^^' (I know atheism but I can't understand what those URL-parts should mean, or are those even part of an URL?)
  4. Honestly, I read this thread and it was kinda interesting to see what reactions you got for what anime, and then, bam, 60 pages already?^^' Soo, I skipped from 1 to 60. And hurray, two announcements for anime I liked (and one isn't even yet on anime-planet, thx Simon) hmm, somehow I don't care if you get my anime-planet name, so click on spoiler:
  5. Yep, that sums up most of the bad sites of the internet for me, I know they are there and some like to take a closer look of the teeth of this animal but I don't have to look at it if I don't want it. (and on the internet, meaning thread-titles, one even gets an etiquette of what kind of animal to expect^^) I read your comments (dear community posting on this thread) and mostly I agree with them. Yes, there are bad people, there are those who only do that anonymously and honestly, I'm less "scared" about those who post their weirdness online, 'cause that mostly means to me that they found a ventile for them. Let's take a look at the other side, to those who just dwell on their f*cked up lives and who they could blame or what they could do to get "revenge" at somebody random just for being better. I'd rather watch something rot, than it rots and I don't know of it until it knocks me down by surprise. Same with democracy. I know that system isn't perfect, but I think it is the most suited for people. And democratic people should be able to handle those who disagree with them. For those who are going to actually do something criminal, there is the law. (and no, I don't want to discuss now of what the border should be between a police state and a constitutional state are). & For those who don't do anything but stirr up moods of easy-to-influence people... Well, just watch out your friends / classmates / whoever close to you don't become those ill-minded people or get influenced by those. And for 4chan and reddit, I never really visited those sites, just got rumors. But like I said, I'd rather watch out for something rotten, than smell it when it is too late. For tumblr, hm, I hear even less about it than the other two sites...
  6. yay, I'm learning^^ (Hopefully these things are all true and you know what you are talking about, what I asume^^)
  7. hmm, I'll try that. Now that you mention it, kind of a lot of videos show that you have to watch out for certain animation patterns... (did a bit of a lookaround regarding playing lol)
  8. Heyo, decided to play on the server, too^^ Vanilla sounds fun. Thought it was a gargantuan project to recreate the reborn map xD If there is indeed a Whitelist I'd like to pm someone in charge of it. I already postet my ingame name somewhere and Classmates (which I got still on Facebook) were making fun of me playing it; and Google already knows that name and my rl name. I'd like to be "BrutaLotus" or "Lotus" while I play or post in the "Reborn Universe" ^^ (even if I play with my mc-name in it) P.S.: Do you got a ts-server?
  9. Yay, finally not some Bug Catcher anymore^^ At least a Hiker :)

  10. Hmm, doesn't look bad, but I've seen better, for example at the Gamescom in Cologne (Köln), there was one which looked like a far more evolved Version of the Nintendo DS lite. That thing looked so packed of functions or buttons, that I thought it looked too good, so it would be nice to see a handheld console that can do a lot and is easy to use^^ And, does it get a case for transporting it? 'cause it looks like the analog sticks are sticking out and could break. It works like this with the following:
  11. Got some good looking Salamence Fusions I can take as a profile pic? Doesn't matter (at least to me) if it is from google :-)

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    2. BrutaLotus


      xD Damn, almost going to take that... But looks so unfinished :I

      looks good, but no salamence: http://supersonicgx.deviantart.com/art/FUSE-Corp-Aereigou-458313519

      also: http://supersonicgx.deviantart.com/art/FUSE-Corp-Charagrax-504888322

      But I think I stick with this after New Year^^ :http://ragehowl.deviantart.com/art/Iron-bound-King-466608180

  12. thx "prof dedpol" ^^ yep, that sounds more logical now to me. And yeah, that badass geezer with his pipe... totally forgot about him ^^' hmm, physical smoke (and with this context)... there should be a lot to do with > like forming some blades or a giant hammer (shouldn't be a problem to enforce it with some nice haki) or forming some clones or this or that... (not to mention he is only bound by his imagination and training...)
  13. hmm, first learning other basics with Thresh, difficult to land that hook... But to play him is a lil bit more flexible than with Braum (still like Braums Bulky Defense Skills^^) That lantern is funny.
  14. found two (a little) creepy pics:
  15. totally agree with the first gen mt moon. those zubats were annoying, as you probably didn't have a pokemon with an effective attack against it (yellow edition excluded) and after those pests, bam, Rival Battle... I found something related to it: Or all those regions where you have to time the bike to get through in gen3, especially in dungeons. hmm, worst city would be in first gen that town with the graveyard-tower, so depressing music, I always turned volume down for it^^' I think it's name was something like "Lavandia City".
  16. hmm, I don't play either of the two, but I know a bit about them from instalok so, if I had to compare both videos, "Frog or Fish" and "The wolf in frenzy", I'd take Tahm Kench for being a better block. No offense against kindred, can kick ass, but i didn't get that "You shall not pass"-Feeling from Kindred like I did from Tahm Kench And I do know some abilities from Fiora, but why should someone be a "dirty Fiora picker"? ^^
  17. Hmm, I guess that makes me a lvl 4, but haven't seen all of it. And is Cory in the house any good? ^^'
  18. Yay, more for euw^^ Btw, is it now called "E-U-doubleU" or "E-trippleU"? :-)
  19. Teemo, hm? Some hate him, some love him, I myself say that he's a fox, so what do you expect? Fairness from an assassin? Isn't it only that he can do his job (if played right)? ^^' (btw you forgot to write where you play, important for queueing up, I guess)
  20. hmm, still one missing for a full comp. ... What about Gragas?^^ No good drink without the Gragas. (even though I don't play him) (and not to mention "Caskbreaker Gragas" is drinking with "Lionheart Braum")
  21. hmm, well I doubt Braum can join them: Dragonslayer Braum ^^'
  22. Now that you mention it, I can't recall a good matchup for smoker, especially now after the 2Y. But in a battle in the anime, he fought against Ace (Commander of 2. Division from Whitebeard) and got a draw, and he got a lot stronger after the 2Y. But I also think we have to consider that Oda doesn't like to tell the real strength of a character^^ Except for Enies Lobby Arc where the one with the Zippper instead of lips (in german he is called "Eule" => Owl, in japanese I think he was called "Fuku") measured the strength of the CP9 members, we never get to have a real grasp of "strength" in the op-universe except battles that already have been done and only with special circumstances ^^' (or to know the strength with the arsenal of techniques / weapons of each character) And I say it again, especially now after the 2Y and with Haki it doesn't any better for that. (but I still think Fujitora is better ) But I think I, too, have read about that the writing for the battle Law against Smoker was rushed by Oda... But I also want to know what is so different about his fruit compared to Ceasars^^ What is his smoke made of? Co2? And if that is the case, does he have the potential to pull it of the air like Ceasar did it? Or can he combine different kinds of smoke? I read the opwiki as a source, but they aren't very detailed about that.
  23. Forgot to mention, I play on the West Europe Server.
  24. I got no ubuntu, but I like that hat... Well, it is pre-christmas-time :-) (I think I try "painting" that to my profile pic^^)
  25. Well, Buggy got an other Bonus for him, he's the authors favourite That and he got the talent to command all those impel down thugs^^' Well, good, the real deal got Blackbeard for himself but Buggy got the bigger (not better) slice of the cake. I'm curious how Coby will turn out after he trains a while, didn't thought he would gain that much strength even before the 2Y. (I just don't understand how much "time" passed since he and ruffy parted after the captain morgan arc). And he was sort of "awakened" to his Observation-Haki.
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