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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by DerxwnaKapsyla

  1. I've been very tired lately.

  2. I'm still not sure if I want my fangame to have a silent protagonist or one that talks instead... Whatever I pick, it should be mostly consistent.

    1. GenEric


      silent since mc that talks ends up being flat and uninteresting

  3. Three bugs in 1 hour, all fixed. I feel dizzy @_@

    1. SilverAngelus


      Congratulations on fixing those three bugs *thumbs up*

  4. So now that enough of the sprites are done, I'll probably start doing my Custom Reborn Run Stream soon.


    And by Soon, I mean after AGDQ ends, so in a few days.

  5. Do you like Touhoumon? What about short games? What about top-tier quality games? I can't promise that last one, but have I got the game for you! Just check out my new fangame in the Expose to waste three hours of your life on a short, but fun, little game I made!

  6. Working my Badman Green Magic on video games, wheee

  7. I think now that my Terraria session is done and my translation project is finished (for now), i'll be around a bit more again

  8. i've been really exhausted as of late, exhausted and really depressed. Mood swing threw me down in a deep pit once more

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      remain positive, hope you feel better soon


  10. Science was a success!

  11. Science is still going, but a bit slower until I figure this out

  12. Experimentation in Progress

  13. [presses the Feels Undertale button]

    1. Grizzlybrand


      Welcome to our trash can, feel free to visit it anytime

  14. I hope anyone who came to the stream enjoyed it! That'll be the last Reborn stream until Episode 16 rolls around I'm afraid. But fret not, I plan for more streams in the future!

  15. Stream starting in 10 minutes, tune infor the fun! We've reached Ametrine Mountain for the first time and are about to traverse it!

  16. Reborn stream starting around 4 pm EST (50 minutes)! Will be at the usual location, hitbox.tv/DerxwnaKapsyla . Hopefully you all can stop by!

  17. [invalid Update Detected]

  18. Stream beginning in 10 minutes @ http://www.hitbox.tv/DerxwnaKapsyla . Get in if you can, we're about to tackle the Cult of Arceus!

  19. Another Reborn stream later today! I'll start around 3:30~4 probably. Until then I suppose~

    1. Arkhi


      You'll need to specify what time zone, friend. We've got people from all sorts here.

    2. DerxwnaKapsyla


      Yeah I kinda forgot to do that on here, I meant 3:30 EST. My bad!

  20. Well I've managed to recover the lesser parts of my media library. What remains of my Winamp library (not my music collection as a whole) is my -ENTIRE- Touhou music collection, which took up about 20 gigs on its own.

  21. Sometimes I look at people who play Faith & Prayer Version and, they don't have the fonts installed. It irks me because RPG Maker's default fonts look gaudy in a Pokemon game, and I made a text file that says "INSTALL THE FONTS".

    1. Monochrome_Complex


      what is this FaP version? Is it like Christian pokemon or something?

    2. DerxwnaKapsyla


      If I had a dollar for every time someone made that joke, I could probably afford a jar to put the money in

    3. Monochrome_Complex


      Hey the title gives the impression lol

  22. Might start the reborn stream early, just to do some early prep work, but the stream proper wont start until 4 pm est. Stream link will be, as usual, http://www.hitbox.tv/DerxwnaKapsyla

  23. Stream started: 4 pm; Stream end: 1:30 am. Progress: Started at Shade, Ended at beating Serra. Fun stream, hope anyone who came enjoyed!

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