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Everything posted by Combat

  1. I just realized, I'm literally working on a report for a Communications class on Monsters Inc...

  2. That's my main reason I shy away from doing this. It just doesn't have the same "Wow" factor as getting you own.
  3. Well, if your looking for a cheap weak point against her, use an Air Balloon on a Pokémon that's weak to ground. The AI is currently a little wonky, so it will still try to use ground type moves against you. I'm pretty sure the Speal evolutions might be useful against her too.
  4. Trust me, if your having problems with Mega Tangrowth, your in for a wild ride. As for advice, I found inflicting status ailments like burns to be extremely helpful for it. You could also use Pokemon with aftermath, lover it's defensive stats, or use the overpowered Espurr. Aside from that, making sure you entire team is decently powerful is the basic way to succeeded in Reborn.
  5. For some reason, I love Voltord. Probably because it's the height of Game Freak Pokemon creativity. It looks just like a Pokeball, and you'll think it's a Pokeball, and... Boom!
  6. Got a B on my Communications midterm. Today was a good day.

  7. As I recall, you also need to find the dead police man for the event to be completed. Have you done that? The pictures aren't working on my computer, so I can't tell. You might also need to trigger a certain point in the story too.
  8. Steam Profile Page (I'd Put My Name Down, But I Change It A Lot): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042512462/ Team Fortress 2 (Usually on the server I work for) Don't Starve Together Left 4 Dead 2 Terraria Viscera Cleanup Detail (I have several other games, but I suck at most of them) 3DS 4656-7816-7111 Bravely Default Tomodachi Life
  9. Much like Diamond and Pearl, you can mine up an infinite amount of any given item, although you are limited on the amount of rocks you can find. The best thing to do is save and soft reset until you get some rare items.
  10. STAB stands for Same Type Advantage Bonus I think.
  11. Huh, interesting. I might look into it once it gets out of limbo early access. I'm all for some Smash like games.
  12. Welcome! Reborn is a great place to hang out, and even has some pages devoted to fan art, if you want to use your skills there! Have a fun time!
  13. Now, I hate to be that guy, but I probably should point this out. Having the Scythe blades being upside down might render them as poking weapons, as slashing with them would hit an opponent with the green part of the scythe, I believe. That's the general vibe I'm getting anyways. Perhaps adding gyroscopic shoulders to allow him to move his arms in different ways would alleviate this issue. Of course, realism is probably a lack luster concern in a Pokemon game.
  14. This. Perhaps give him a machete/sword/scythe that looks like something a Scyther would have? Or give him claws like Wolverine?
  15. Holy mother... This looks freaking awesome...
  16. Welcome to Reborn, I hope you have fun!
  17. When I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time, I was left speechless. I guess that's not really an event though... Does seeing your family drunk for the first time count?
  18. No theories for the moment, but I will say that I've beat Undertale twice so far, both of which were True Pacifist. Undertale is my game of the year, any game that can make me cry manly tears of manliness is a true piece of art.
  19. It's 4:00 PM here, and I'm getting dinner ready for my roommates. I'm cooking the only thing I know how to... Spaghetti! Nyeh he he he!
  20. Welcome to Reborn! [insert Something Witty Here] The fun never ends!
  21. Welcome to Reborn. Stay on the right path or else You're going to have a bad time... Wait, wrong game, my bad. Anyways, enjoy your time here!
  22. Combat


    For a while I couldn't find my Ditto, but the reason was I was it's PC Box sprite makes it look purple instead of pink. Is it possible you just didn't see it?
  23. Welcome to Reborn! I can't think of any thing clever to say!
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