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63 Samaritan


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  • Birthday 03/01/1995

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  1. I really have a hard time taking the final boss of Conquest seriously. The battle is challenging, but it felt less climatic than the one to Birthright.


    (And no, I don't know what the boss to Revelations is, so please keep quiet on the off hand chance I decide to buy it one day.)

    1. YinYang9705


      the final boss of revelations is a final boss of a fire emblem game

    2. Commander


      I mean if you want to talk about anti-climatic final bosses: FE1 (Shadow Dragon not as much), FE6, and FE8 had very, very anti climatic final bosses who I could say are worse that Conquest's final boss. Though on Hard or Higher, that boss is insane and so memorable. By the time you reach him, you're half dead and praying nobody dies. Perfect running that chapter was brutal as every unit on one turn mattered to me as if one enemy didn't die, I was screwed.

    3. Combat


      I never managed to get to FE6s boss, since you need to go through that hell gauntlet in order to do so, and if you're like me and refuse to let even one unit die... I have to disagree with you on Fire Emblem Eight though. Assuming your talking about Sacred Stones, that was a satisfying boss in my opinion. While it was incredibly easy, and all you required was a strong Joshua or Myrrh, at least the boss was intimidating.


      I'm a very much casual player, so if I had to do that boss on classic mode, I could see it being insanely difficult. Really, I just wanted Corrin to get the final hit on the boss.

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